Achalasia and understanding

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I was diagnosed with this 14 years ago. Based on what I know i should either be dead or really skinny. I am neither. They say diet changes and life style changes dont help. I do not believe this. I have gained alot of weight. Like to 50 pounds since first diagnosis.I was diagnosed with anxiety and other issues. I have found over the years eating right and keep stress levels down does help alot. I am fine of the time. As soon as i start to indulge alot is when in suffer. Happens when i eat food like greasy, spicy or acidic. I usually throw up oncw and fine. I myself feel i do not have this. I think my problem os acis reflux. People that have this disorder have food get stuck every time eat. I do not. I was to have the surgery 14 years and told the dr to get lost. I nefedine once in a while. Does anyone share this?

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10 Replies

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    Who ever suggested that you would be dead because of Achalasia? That is obviously completely wrong and ridiculous. You definitely do not have a credible source there.   
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    Then only way you would know is if you have a high resolution manometry this will show the doctor if you have it or not and which type. Other than that it’s a guessing game 
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    Hi Gordon,

    I also was diagnosed about 14 years ago, and have had no treatment. Just found ways to cope..I know others that are untreated too. I guess the main symptom driving ones decision not to , or to have treatment is our ability to swallow; if food wasn't going down somehow, I am sure those of us untreated would have had treatment by now! .. Personally, I feel my main concern is lack of drainage. I know for sure food is always there. I try to mitigate risks of irritation by trying to keep to ph7 ish foods, and keep plenty of fresh water going through..I also chew Gaviscon tabs, as they apparently neutralise chemicals that may form in there...I am sure others will advise re tests for A etc. Seems the key test for A is a manometry (googlesmile. Whether GERD can cause symptoms that might mimic A on a manometry, I have no idea, but I expect a DR would say not...

    Wishing good luck and healthy karma!smile


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      Hi Neil, you are absolutely right. Achalasia can not be cured and, managing the symptoms does become part of everyday life. I have used little technics to get food past that danger zone for many, many years but, have reached the point where I am completely unable to get even water down without a fight. I have had no function in my oesophagus at all since 2014 but, it has deteriorated severely and, I am now awaiting to have an orsphegetomy as Barrats syndrome was diagnosed just before Christmas. My oesophagus is like a carrier bag blowing in the wind, not even positioned where it should be. The Manometry swallow test is the key to diagnosis and, of course shows exactly how your oesophagus is or, not working. I had two open surgeries 89 & 91 and, the second has served me well up until 2014 when I began to have difficulties in swallowing again. I have had no treatment in between. When I joined this forum I had never spoken or, knew of anybody else that had Achalasia and, I’m amazed and, a little saddened by what procedures can be done today without major surgery and, I wish that mine had come later as I feel that had I not had such aggressive surgery all those years ago I may not have had to face an orsophagetomy, I wonder. I do feel that whilst it’s great if you can manage it as I have for many years but, the way I am now I also wonder if I’ve managed it for too long without treatment. I really don’t know but, my symptoms have hit me fast and, hard with a whole array of different problems to manage as it has travelled to my bowel now and, the sphincter does not relax which is a huge problem in itself. I can’t honestly say, if it’s not broke then don’t fix it but, all the acid over the years has caused the Barrats and, of course that can potentially cause pre cancerous cells in the oesophagus and, I have no idea when or, how long ago that occurred. All I know is that I didn’t have it in 2014 so I have no idea how badly damaged my oesophagus is until I have the final test, an endoscopy on Thursday and, I meet with the consultant on the 5th March and, he has all the results in front of him. All I can say is that it wasn’t in good shape in 2014 and, it was a case of having to manage it until this time came when it isn’t manageable that radical surgery is the only way forward for me. Take care x

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      Hi Nettie Noo Noo, 

      I have followed several of your accounts on this forum. They are always beautifully written, and full of food for thought...I often wish some good luck your way over the air waves when contemplating fellow sufferers. So good luck again! smile 

      I hope the Tests pan out well for you!


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      Thank you Neil that is so kind of you. I have found this forum to be a great support over the last few weeks as I have never spoken to anybody else who suffers with Achalasia. I’ve certainly learnt a great deal from other people’s experiences and, I’ve been amazed at the less invasive treatments that are available to patients now. It’s interesting to me as I had very aggressive surgery in 91 and, I feel almost Jurassic now ha ha. I have noticed that a large number of people that have had the Hellers procedure done laparoscopically seem to be returning in as little as a year later and, having to have further dilatations and, I wonder whether I’ve been lucky that my procedure lasted me for all those years but, on the other hand after learning so much more I feel that had I have not had such an aggressive procedure it may have left the surgeons with a lot more wriggle room so to speak 😊 than they have now. It has as I said been a great support and, like everything else I wish I’d of found the forum sooner as it can be an isolating condition when it’s at its worst. Thank you and, I will be sharing my news with you all. Take care x

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    Hi Gordon, from my own personal experience I always have had an issue with swallowing whether it be slight or, worse. After my last surgery in 1991 I still had to take it easy, I’ve always been a very slow eater but, even after the surgery which helped 100% I still struggle a little with the first meal of the day, it would be a little struggle first mouthful but, as I got things moving I would be ok for the rest of the day until 2014 when it started to decline again. Now everything even, water just sits in my gullet and, takes it’s merry time to go. I’m mainly in supplementary shakes at the moment as it is not just the choking or, regurg it is quite painful when I eat or, drink. This may sound crazy but, for some strange reason I always knew when I was due for a bad attack of the acid as I would literally not stop eating a day or so before. Almost as if my body was storing up ready for it, I know that sounds really strange. I eat little and, often always, I’m a grazer normally but, about 3 months ago I was constantly hungry, nothing was satisfying me whatsoever. I was getting up out of bed at 11pm and, making porridge or, toast. I mean really pigging out. And, this lasted for about 3 weeks and, then it just seemed to hit me from nowhere. I’d gone from struggling but, managing to choking, regurging and, having no appetite whatsoever. The real decline seems to have come all at once unless I’ve just become so used to it over the years that i didn’t see the earlier signs but, full on now. I have been troubled with acid since the surgery, so bad at first I thought why did I have the surgery but, again over the years it becomes second nature. When I had the manametry test just before Christmas I felt no symptoms of reflux and, they told me I’m what they describe as a silent refluxer although I did have occasions where I did feel it and, as you know there is nothing that will put that fire out. I am now suffering the intense discomfort of the acid and, it is there everyday to the point I am waking up and, there is spots of saliva and, blood on my pillow when I wake. I can’t remember the last full nights sleep I had where I could lie down. I am now obviously loosing a little weight but, I’m only small so 4 or 5lb can make all the difference with me. I would seriously see a gastroenterologist that is familiar with Achalasia as you may have something else that’s causing the acid. One of the main ingredients for this crazy desease is difficultly in swallowing and, that is usually when the drs start to sit up and, listen. For me personally the swallowing was the main symptom and, the majority of the reflux came after the second surgery when they had destroyed the sphincter in order to stop my oesophagus from narrowing again which of course leaves you wide open to it. I would not consider any surgery until you are 100% satisfied with the diagnosis. I do believe that I maintain my weight very well considering I was under 6 st when I was diagnosed in 1989 and, I definitely think it depends on how you manage it. As I said weight is beginning to come off me now but, I’m not able to manage it at all at the moment. I wish you all the very best Gordon take care x
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    Dr Ian Buckingham - Queens Medical Centre is your man for Achalasia- he’s excellent! We travel to see him over anyone else in the country 
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      Hello, I am presently under the care of Professor Goldstein and, Mr Goldsmith at the Manchester Royal Infirmary. My symptoms are at best complicated at the moment and, have been told I will need an oesophegetomy at this stage. I must admit to feeling a little apprehensive as I have only seen them once before Christmas and, I have no idea yet whether they are treating many patients like myself. I had the barium and, manametry swallow prior to Christmas and, was scheduled to have another endoscopy on the 3rd January but, infuriatingly it has been cancelled every week and, rescheduled. So I have therefore not been seen my the consultant since. I have another arranged for this Thursday and, an appointment to see a Dr Li on the 5th March if it dosnt change between now and, then. It has been appalling really as I attended one appointment, was booked in asked to take a seat. I sat there for over 2 hrs before I went across to the same lady that booked me in, drew a highlighted line through my name and, told her that I needed the bathroom and, that is where I would be if they called me through. She asked me my name and, said Oooh your appointment was cancelled!!! I was furious, the same lady who had booked me in had let me sit there for over 2 hours before realising. I had the first two tests very quickly after the initial consultation but, this last hurdle has been a complete nightmare. It doesn’t fill me with confidence as I am neither familiar with these surgical consultants. Are you aware or, has anybody else been under their care 😊

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