Achalasia/ Barrats

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Hi everybody. I hope you are all better than I am at this present time. Unfortunately following my appointment with Mr Goldsmith on Monday another problem has arisen and, my oesopegetomy is on hold for the time being. My abdomen is so distended that it is pushing up my other organs, lungs which is causing the breathing difficulties. I have no voice due to the acid reflux and, I have been unable to pass water for 4 days 😢 I have a CT scan with contrast booked in for Monday. But, I’ve had a home visit from my GP earlier this morning and, I will be admitted into hospital later this afternoon. So upset that I have to go in but, I’m in terrible pain and, the acid is through the roof. And, as an inpatient I will hopefully get things done a little quicker. I’ll keep in touch with anything that is relevant but, it is almost impossible to get a signal anywhere in the hospital. Sending you all my best wishes and, thank you for all your advice and, support over the past few weeks. It’s been a great comfort and, hopefully I will have some good news to pass on.  Jan x

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Wow, arghhh. But at least you are being focussed on now. The start of a recovery plan I am sure... Will be buzzing positive waves over from this end.

    Good Luck!!! Nx  

  • Posted

    Take care.  Not nice to be hospitalized but hopefully will get quicker diagnosis.  Plus reassurance that if you run into problems you have access to immediate help or relief.  Don’t rush going home..
    • Posted

      Thank you, I’m still waiting for a call to see if there is a bed available if there isn’t the GP is sending a District Nurse to catheterise me 😢 such a mess. Thank you so much for your kind wishes and, you take care yourself. Jan x

  • Posted

    You are sure having a tough go of this.  It is good that you will go into hospital, and as someone else said, perhaps things will move quicker once you are a patient in the hospital.  Not knowing if you are a religious person, but I will stick my neck out, and say God be with you and the medical staff who will be providing care and treatment for you. 

    I have my second manometry test this afternoon; not sure where I will be going from there.

    • Posted

      Hi Donna, I hope your manametry test went well and, things are moving forward for you. 
    • Posted

      Thank you for asking me.  The test in itself was fine; have been through the Manometry test once before, when I got my diagnosis.  The specialist who reads the reports is away, and so it will be a number of weeks before my surgeon gets the results.  The technician, took the time to show me a few things and explain some stuff.  She put my original Manometry test on the screen, and then the new one.  Things are worse, which I had a hunch they were.  So, I await the call from the surgeon's administrator, for an appointment to discuss the test and what will be next.  Again, thank you for your concern, and your asking.

  • Posted

    Hope you get the help you need. Upset with how long its taken for them to act. Anyway, I'm sure they will figure out the best course of action and you'll be back home very soon. Good luck

    • Posted

      Thank you Robert, unfortunately I’m still no further ahead and, I’m awaiting a follow up from the CT scan for results and, where I go from here. Hoping you are as well as you possibly can be. Take care

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