Achelles tendon confusion and pain
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I just finished reading a post on this forum written by a fellow Achilles tendon tear sufferer.
I identify with her frustration due to mixed information from healthcare providers and treatment of tendon.
My oddessy began in March 2019. My diagnosis started with bursitis to tendonitis and in mid July to a tear seen on ultrasound.
I have done therapy to stretch the tendon and in July immobilization and gentle range of motion. Now my MD wants to try PRP, an unproven uninsured injection of my own platelets and plasma. In studies by Mayo clinic, saline.injections have same outcome=0.
I am going to another health system for a second opinion and use the rehab therapy they offer. I did read PRP is a treatment used there. You can purchase the equipment on Amazon!!! Sounds like "snake oil" as the concentration of the good stuff is low and no growth factors in this injection.
I wonder if PRP has worked for anyone. Why is it pushed for hair regrowth and cosmetic surgery???
I am frustrated because of my limitations and pain. My stomach and kidneys are going to go from all the ibuprofen I take. I rest,ice,compress and elevate daily. Yet, there has been no instruction to do so.
"You don't want surgery" my Sports Medicine M.D. told me. Well, 6wks nonweight bearing and 6wks in boot after casting done is the option he threatens. week 15 in boot has arrived. PT since April. Proper PT since July.
Yes, I can walk because I have partial tear
But, what is happening in my tendon. Need more and honest answers. Tendons are made up of layers. Got a life to live.
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sanjeewa97871 susan44774
Hi Susan
Can understand and relate to your sense of frustration. I am 17 months post surgery. I suffered for over 5 years due to insertional achilles tendinitis. Basically calcification near the point of insertion of the achilles to the heel bone. Ultimately surgery was resorted to remove the calcification and repair the tendon which was frayed and damaged near the point of insertion. Was on a boot for 8 weeks of which 4 was non weight bearing.
The pain behind my heel is back with a vengeance!. It is brought on whenever i walk for exercise for about 30 minutes at a leisurely pace as i am unable to walk fast. BTW i am 60 years old. I was told that i could play soccer after 9 months!. So you can imagine my frustration!.
It has now been recommended that i too go through PRP ( 3 injections over 3 weeks). I am told that there is a possibility that the tendon may not have healed as well as expected at the insertion point and that there is very little blood circulation to that area. Hence the possibility that PRP to the site near the insertion point would help the healing process. I understand the PRP process which involves taking your own blood and using a high speed centrifuge to separate the plasma from the water and injecting the plasma to help the healing process. I am yet to decide on it!.
It was also suggested that i keep my foot in a bucket of hot / warm water for about 15 minutes twice a day to increase the blood circulation going and then do a self massage for an other 10 minutes. I feel that has benefited me as the pain has eased significantly although yet to start walking for exercise. That will be the real test. I have been doing this now for 2 weeks. However, i still walk about 8,000 steps a day whilst attending to routine matters.
My wife underwent 2 courses of PRP for her knee. Despite the PRP she still underwent a full replacement of her knee about 5 months ago. We were advised that her osteoarthritis was severe hence PRP might not work. However, it was done.
Given the struggles that i have had with my heel for over 5 years i would try out anything to be pain free. We live in Sri Lanka where PRP treatment was not too expensive hence that is not a major constraint.
I am not sure whether i have been of much help to you. Hope you get better ASAP.
susan44774 sanjeewa97871
Thank you for your response.
You have had a difficult time. I miss being able to walk and enjoy the life. I can walk in a boot for short period. PRP is promoted here for arthritis of knee. I believe it is a falsehood. Also, PRP is used for Hair Restoration! I hope you and your wife enjoy your lives together. My husband is of great support. We have been married for 44 years. Best wishes.
andrew48722 susan44774
Hi Susan,
I can understand your frustrations. My problem occurred the same time as yours but it was a complete rupture. My consultant said that it could be immobilised for 6-12 weeks and would heal itself to a degree but if I wanted to do any sport then an operation would be the better option. I plumped for the operation. I'm just over 7 months in and whilst I'm not sprinting I can certainly get around OK and hoping to get a round of golf in soon. There remain aches but they seem to be improving.
Because the area is not brilliant for blood flow the healing process is protracted and I was told 9-12 months post op before I could expect to be back to fitness AND that is with a rehab regime..
The thing that has helped me most is a with massage sometimes using a CBD based salve. This helps to stretch the tendon without putting it under strain, getting it supple and some flexibility into it. A wobble board has also been great to help improve the calf muscle which supports the tendon
I would try to find out how had this partial tear is and try to get an opinion on how it might heal without surgical intervention. I've not heard of PRP but from what I've read I struggle to see the efficacy of the science behind it.
I'm 58 btw
Hope things improve for you soon?