Aches and pains

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Does anyone else get groin ache/ lower pelvic ache, if it's not that its backache or headache! So sick of being a woman!

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Ruth, I am the poster girl for aches and pains, I developed thembasically at the same time that peri started tremendous aches in my arms, I have shoulder nodules that are cyst like and they hurt, I have joint pain, I showed them to the dr and he said that he could not see anything serious but the peri can lead to aches mainly due to hormonal changes, honestly, I had NO idea that menopause led to these myriad symptoms, I always thought heat flashes was it, I had no idea that there are about 40 symptoms associated with this, and now the research shows it can last 14 years!
  • Posted

    Hi Ruth. I have these aches and pains. It feels like one problem after another. I also get pains in my hands. Yr right it's no fun been a woman!! 😤😤
  • Posted

    Hi Ruth - yes I do, lower groin horrible heavy ache that lasts for hours and hours, bloating, nausea etc uuuuggghh the list goes on x
    • Posted

      hi Lou. What causes the nausea and bloating? Some days I feel like I did when I was pregnant .xx
    • Posted

      Hi gill - i think the nausea is to do with hormones especially in the mornings, and yes it does feel like pregnancy - although after I had my surgery I felt very sick for weeks and weeks and the nurse dressing my wound told me that anything gyne can cause nausea,  have you had hysterectomy ? x
    • Posted

      Oh and the bloating - tell me about it, can eat hardly anything without blowing up, horrible seems like whole digestive system is in a mess, how about you ? things are just awful at the moment and quite depressing as every day there is something new, another ache or pain to deal with and sometimes I wake up after my usual 3 hours sleep and just thing oh no here we b....y go again ! x
    • Posted

      No I haven't . The nausea was one of my 1st symptoms with really bad gas. My periods are all over the place. The gas and nausea seem to be worse before my period comes.xx
    • Posted

      Poor you, it,s horrible all of this and all our symptoms seem very common - us women have a lot to put up with eh ! if it,s not one thing it,s another, uugghh ! nightmare x
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      Hi Lou, I get nausea in the morning too, it's not nice, at least if you are pregnant you get a baby at the end of it! What do we get?
    • Posted

      Hi ruth, poor you I sympathise - it really is horrible, it,s almost like mother nature is saying " heres a reminder of your youth and it,s not coming back !" - I get really upset and feel like it,s all over and downhill now, sometimes it lasts for hours and then other symptoms come along like grinding pelvic ache like burning inside, giddiness, severe fatigue and anxiety particularly health anxiety, googling everything I might have uuuuggghhh it,s neverending, are you on HRT ? i dont want it but am trying to think of other ways to get through all this nightmare x
  • Posted

    hi ruth yea aches and pains daily problem cant remember a day i havent had a pain since this all started but it is getting easier ether that or ive just got used to being in pain sometimes it gets you really down but can only try and pick ourselves up.  hope you feel better soon x
  • Posted

    Poor you, Ruth

    I also suffer from the bloating and nausea plus period aches and pains but no period for two months! Easing the wind with fennel tea which helps. It's all a bit miserable!

  • Posted

    I also get breast tenderness and swelling too. Yes, this period totally totally sucks, I try not to get depressed but sometimes its very overwhelming and I get angry and depressed.
  • Posted

    hi Ruth i have the headaches they are bad like stabbing pains in my templ/eye and my eye lid droops,very scary. i spoke to Dr today and its very rare,i am on very strong antiinflamitries.Does anyone else have this ?

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