Aches and pains
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I ve been on here Several times asking about various things! Does anyone else get random pains in their shoulders, legs and arms etc.?
Plus sudden bouts of dizziness? Not a good day for me today!!!
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Sassyr12a paulahove24
Hi Paula
Sorry you're having a bad day, I know the feeling. The answer is yes to both aches and pains plus the dizziness. Some days are worse than others but they were both a regular symptom for me before I started taking bhrt which seems to have aleviated some of the symptoms. Are you taking anything? Sara xx
may69987 Sassyr12a
I just want know does anyone have heels pain it is being few months my heels killing me and sometimes calf’s I’m not sure it is due to hormone or something else please let me know if anyone have this problem 😤
teri76755 Sassyr12a
jacqueline59683 paulahove24
I do. Just yesterday I had shoulder pain that radiated to elbow, deep in bone, not muscular. It's gone today. I also have hip pain that comes and goes, went to orthopedic, X-ray's, no visible arthritis. I'm 15 days late with my period so I think it's all related. The dizziness comes and goes, but since I've had vertigo in the past I can deal with it.
Hope my body catches a break soon from this constant change, I'm exhausted.
teri76755 paulahove24
Muscle aches & pains have become my new normal. Back, hips and sciatic pain mostly. Daily stretching and walks are helpful. I have dizziness too. If I stand up too fast or change my vision - like looking from something close to across the room or turning my head too quickly. Sometimes I feel like my ears are clogged. I have a popping sensation and can feel fluid. I’ll go to have them checked and they’re clear. The dizziness feels like it’s sinus related, but who knows. It’s very troublesome though. Makes me very uncomfortable, especially when I’m anywhere other than home.
angieB48 paulahove24
thehotgirl angieB48
Angie, I have the shoulder thing, too. It makes it very hard to sleep. For awhile, it was both shoulders, but now I have one shoulder that I can sleep on so that's something to be grateful for. I think a lot of mine is coming from a stiff neck I've had for weeks. The past couple of nights I've been watching TV with a hot rice bag on my neck. It helps and it feels nice, which, these days, having something feel good is like Christmas. I just take an old tube sock, fill it 2/3 full of rice, tie it off, then heat it in the microwave for a minute or two. Stays warm for ages. I also have the dizziness, but I'm almost positive that's coming from my neck. It started a couple weeks ago when I had a massage therapist working on loosening up my neck. I'm prone to dizziness so this one I'm just kinda used to. Still annoying, though.
donna01539 paulahove24
Hi Paula I've been having shoulder and arm for the last week but this morning the pain is excruciating. I'm in full menopause and thought these symptoms would decrease but no mine have changed. I've had almost every symptom. Time for some acupuncture!! Hang in there at least we have each other to lean on!!!
Nettie261962 paulahove24
All the time. My day was like that yesterday. Muscles throbbed in my legs especially on and off all day. And then, of course, the lovely unannounced dizzy spells! You’re not alone... it’s so frightening at times.
katyD211 paulahove24
Hi Paula...sounds like we're having the same day. It seems like lately I get rid of one pain or weird sensation and another one takes its place!
I had a stabbing pain in my temple 2 days went away. Yesterday it was my foot and ankle. Today I was fine while teaching summer school, but noticed a twinge in my shoulder as SOON as I tried to relax. it's now a nagging pain that I'm not sure is muscle spasm or gas....???? Intermittent tummy rumbles is another conversation altogether.
So I certainly can attest that you are not alone!!
gilly_64426 paulahove24
Yes, at least once a week, I get this feeling.
I learned to sit down when I get this feeling or have a protein bar with me, to give me a quick energy lift, it's the most awful feeling, you are not alone, just another perimenapause symptom 🤗
grace50455 paulahove24
I worked for over 20 years as a CNA so I think the lifting and pulling has finally caught up to me .