Aches and pains
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Dose anyone else have constant on and off pains in the chest , neck , back , arms etc ..its like a constant niggly aching pain like you have cold in your bones , twinges etc xx
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Zola34 jilld27
Yes, this happens to me quite a lot, even on a low dose HRT. It's worse in the mornings, like a horrible soreness in my joints and under my skin. I find exercise and Paracetomol help. I also take fish oil. I find the more the day goes on, the better it is. I hope you are reassured by this xxx.
klm1213 jilld27
jamie37119 jilld27
Yes especially during my period, and also when I have my "so called" hot flashes (I never sweat, just every other symptoms under the sun) .... my legs, arms, bones, skin everything seems to hurt regularly. I feel so old.
christina81747 jamie37119
thats how infeel right now im a few days late and my whole lower body feels weak and i have aches in my pelvis little anxious ighh hate it my while bidy feels like iver sensative too and the littlest things make me sweat
Pra_Adoni jilld27
Yes, unfortunately all the time. It is a constant, ongoing pain in one body part or the other - some bearable, others (especially in the hands) it is really unbearable sometimes.
lisa95354 jilld27
Hey Jill, I was just discussing this with Michelle, I’m not diagnosing anybody, but I swear a lot of the women on this forum sound like they have fibromyalgia. It’s in the way people describe the way they feel on here... I have fibromyalgia and to me there are certain descriptions of fibromyalgia, a red flag just goes up. Do you ever feel flu like also, have you been tested for fibromyalgia ? there are triggerpoints, Google it and see what you think. from what you’re describing to me sounds like how I feel with fibromyalgia and next with menopause it’s even worse, Meno makes Phibro worsen Phibro makes men are worse so you don’t know day-to-day which it is. for some reason everyone I’ve talked to’s been a bad winter for symptoms. soft hugs your way !
lisa95354 jilld27
also Jill and Michelle ....something that makes you feel much better is a massage therapist Heating Pad, it’s a full length body heating pad. I put it under my fitted sheet on my bed... it really helps with aches and pains tremendously !
claire71812 jilld27
yes, and more. My body feels like its aged more than 20 years in one. Everything aches and is stiff, the slightest thing can cause a strain, bruising etc. Which takes ages to heal.
Also emotionally, one slight little thing can happen and I am in floods of tears. Like this morning at work! Not even started yet and had to go off somewhere to hide and cry!
thank you ladies for your comments , it some how puts your mind at rest when you know others are having the same synptoms .
Happy new year to you all xx
shylee jilld27
Absolutely and drs don't listen or put it down to mental health. yup been there done that and still in agony though now it doesnt just come and go it stays. medication has helped till now. either its no longer working or its getting worse i dont know but im in agony. I've been told my liver is now not functioning well because of the medications. I'm a mess. i cant stop taking it cos i won't survive without it. 3am and cant sleep for pain.... sorry i just went into my own rant, I apologise