Aches and pains , feeling low
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hello everyone again . I have been on this forum numerous times unfortunately , as my journey has been taking its toll on me both physically and emotionally . I am 51 and have symptoms for over 3 years . It isnt getting any easier Im afraid . I have not had a period for nearly 3 months and the cycle before that there was 2 months between . Part of me hopes my period doesnt come , but my symptoms seem to be getting worse , so I think maybe I would feel better if I came on. My right arm aches so much into my elbow and sometimes my muscle . I think a lot of this is work related ,as I work in a hairdressers and spend a lot of time shampooing . The thing is my body aches a lot of the time , I suffer from indigestion and reflux a lot and last night my chest and shoulder pain was back again . I was checked out for this 3 months ago as I convinced that I had heart problems , but was given the all clear . That was just before I had my last period . I am so fed up with feeling ill and worrying that Im basically going to drop down dead or die in my sleep . I dont ever seem to be symptom free . Last week it was a bad migraine now aches and pains , anxiety , feeling depressed and lethargic , and so the list goes on . Are all these pains normal . The paramedic and doctor
werent concerned previously and yet still I worry .
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2chr2015 jane63977
hi jane. im so sorry you are feeling so bad right now. From everything i have read here and experienced myself, it all sounds about right. i have recently just missed my first whole period and i can say that the symptoms did get better when i did start. Have you had your vitamin D checked? Mine was low and i was reading last night about how low D can cause muscle aches and pains. i sure hope you start feeling better soon ((hugs))
lucy48229 jane63977
Hi Jane,
Sorry to know your feeling. I have the the exact the same things. Did you check your Vitamin D , B12 and thyroid? When my body ache, I found my Vitamin D is low and I have thyroid issue. After I fixed these two problem, my pain reduce a lot.
Guest jane63977
Hi Jane,
I can empathize. I am menopausal (no period for 2 years now). I wish I could tell you that things have improved for me but they haven't. I know for some women it does get better once they are out of perimenopause and fully into menopause but that hasn't been the case for me.
I am extremely achy and sore on a regular basis (lower back, upper back shoulders and especially neck). I did have my D checked and it was very low (15). I started taking 2,000 mg. a day and had it re-checked. It went to up to 52 but my aches and soreness did not improve unfortunately. I am going to continue with supplementing though because I do have osteoporosis in my spine...another menopause driven condition unfortunately.
I also did a 911 to the ER when I was in peri due to rapid heartbeat for days on end coupled with my left arm feeling 'heavy'. I was convinced I was having a heart attack. All checked out fine. The ER doctor was a woman in her mid 50's and she asked if I was in menopause or early meno (meaning peri). I told her yes and she said it is not uncommon for the hormones to wreak havoc during this time. Her exact words I remember were "Hormones are powerful and when they are not balanced can really affect a person." So I try to remember that when I feel like I am dying from all of the crap that I am experiencing.
I wish you well and hope that knowing you are in good company brings you some comfort.
CarolKelso Guest
Hi Kim...great reply and so true. a gp once told me that when our hormones change...everything. changes. true..never known a time like it.....bless you through this...CK
CarolKelso jane63977
ah hi jane.
you are not alone in any of this. ive had all your symptoms and still get can be overwhelming on our bodies and especially on our minds as we try to cope with the changes...
at one point in early jan this year i thought my body was dying i felt so internal ache or flu like symptom that i cannot explain...its been a very rough three years for me but i am getting stronger physically and mentally as symptoms are getting fewer and im not worrying as much as i now say ah here we go again so hang tight are not alone in this and check in here for support. hig hug. CK
kelly55079 jane63977
Yes.. I hear you.. All this does make one feel low. I have had aches and pains, feeling tired, anxiety, heavy periods and the list goes on and on. It does not make me feel like a women should-- ugh.. But lately I developed yet another thing-- my right ankle aches and can't figure out what it is.. I rotate shoes, keep feet up, etc... just real frustrating cuz I'm too young for this!! I'm taking magnesium at night which helps BUT it's gotta be from these hormones!!Gotta keep our chin up, keep moving forward while taking care of ourselves!!