Aches in legs

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Hi all.

Just wondering, do any of you get thigh aches in the muscles. Aches mainly when I get up or go upstairs. This peri keeps revealing new symptoms.



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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Yup! Thighs top/front, calves, hips...all ache legs also feel very weak & tired. . I’ve been told Magnesium, Vitamin D will help. Just checking into best brands that aren’t full of other garbage ingredients! Anyone have suggestions, I’m in USA. 

    • Posted

      Thanks for reply. Yes my legs feel weak too. When I'm walking around I can feel fine. I then sit down for a bit, get up and then am really stuff and achy. Does it ache when you lift your legs too?


    • Posted

      Yes, lifting, arranging in bed for sleep and simply walking! Legs feel achy, tired, and twinges like nerves or restless legs. Neurologist & Endocrinologist advised common in Peri & Menopause, lack of estrogen & magnesium, Vit D, potassium typical causes. I’m on the hunt for high level supplements w/o a ton of crappy filler ingredients!!

      Any suggestions....anyone?

    • Posted

      Thank you for your time and comments. I think I will have to look for supplements to help. I'm hoping to go back on HRT too, if I can convince the doctor that I'm in perimenopause!!

  • Posted

    yes.. throbbing pains in thighs  happens about once a month   drives you crazy because you never know what new symptoms to react to and seek medical advice for when they strike  always feels serious but of course go to doctor and he looks at you like you're making it up or are a nervous wreck because there are no explanations for it on examination.   you'd be sick of it all.

    • Posted

      Yes I'm constantly thinking each symptom is something serious but really know that it is peri. Thanks for replying.

  • Posted

    Hi Helen, I've told my story many times before, but thought it might help you. The beginning of my perimemopause was pretty earth shattering.  Drenching night sweats, hot spots, dramatic hair loss, moody, changes in period cycle etc.  Over time I did adjust.  As I got closer and closer to menopause things again changed.  It started with frozen shoulder (boy not fun) and then went into lower back pain, muscle and ligament pain. The pain was so excruciating I couldn't spoon in the bed with my husband to watch a movie for even 10 minutes.  No one ever correlated my muscle pain to menopause.  (It's not the standard meno symptom)  They looked for every possible reason for the pain, ruling out all the standard problems including Fibromyalgia.   Four years after my final period, I then developed vaginal atrophy and dryness.  I was given vaginal Estrace for that standard menopause symptom.  After regular use, like magic, all the muscle pain went away!  It was nothing short of heaven.  

    I', not one of those women who can tell you the HRT has been an easy road (I wish it was) but I truly believe that estrogen was a part of my problem that was creating my muscle and ligament pain.  

    Good luck on all this. I just wanted you to know that many women do have muscle pain associated with menopause.     

    • Posted

      Thanks for this. I too have the shoulder pain. I hope to go back on HRT soon. So fed up of feeling fed up! The hard thing is not knowing when it will end.
    • Posted

      Hi Gail

      I am experiencing shoulder pain that can feel like cramping right in my joint and into the arm pit then it goes away but doesn't stay away to long. Also shoulder blade pain comes and goes. I am on hrt and hoped it would help but not for this 1.

      Sweats flushes and anxiety have eased

  • Posted

    I have hip pain on both and ankle pain. I have knee pain as well !!!! Crazy 

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