Achilles Pain
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I have been experiencing a lot of pain in my left achilles for a few months. Been to a physio and he diagnosed it as Achilles Tendonitis but after a number of treatments nothing has really changed.
If I wear heels or keep my toe ponted the pain reduces but it is then much worse when I walk again. Sometimes it is like a burning sensation as it stretches.
I am so sick of limping everywhere but I don;t know what else to do.
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LellyM lellyz
He basically said there is bugger all they can do so has sent me awy to try a herbal remedy (Bryonia?) and acupuncture!
So I have the bryonia and I had my 1st acupuncture treatment this week. Not sure how soon i should feel anything tho. So far it is the same but will prob have another treatment next week.
Interestingly, the acupuncturist was also trained in sports injury treatment and said I had not inflamed the tendon sheath but he believed I may have micro tears in the tendon body quite low down to my foot!
The acupuncture felt quite ok. Didn't feel most of the needles (apart from just knowing they were there) except for one point which throbbed like hell.
I just want it to work.
I have also put gel heel pads into my trainers and my work boots to see if that helps.
Otherwise, I will give it 3 - 4 weks and if there is no change I am back to the docs to push for a consultant appt.
tim50stroud LellyM
Peppe lellyz
nmarman lellyz
Eccentric loading for Achilles tendinitis is good (statistically).
Raise both heals (1sec) then shift weight onto bad heal and drop heal back down to ground.
Results depend on level of damage.
Foam rolling the calf is also helpful.
Rest is so important I see so many patients that get the pain then go hiking. Yikes!
Some people can't rest -
work obligations ect... In this case kenesio taping or a specific Achilles strap works well.
Someone mentioned magnesium to relax muscle which is a great call. Some of my patients also respond well to Vit D3.
After doing this process of rest and support the inflammation needs to be modulated ice works well.
Having tried these you should go to a foot clinic. They can then diagnose the cause. For instance is it insertional or non insertional tendinitis and is there a heel spur or tendon tear. They can also refer for private MRI and ultrasound so no time is wasted.
Having the info along with right diagnosis you will then be given a prognosis and treatment choices.
Ultrasound therapy works well in pain that has been going for less than a month otherwise shockwave therapy works best.
Lastly prolotherapy is a option or even PRP injections.
Word to the wise: don't leave it to long. Everyday over 6 weeks of pain and your condition is less and less likely to fully recover.
Good luck
sarasee0219 nmarman
I had Achilles tendinitis for my left leg for 2 month. Having full rest now and seek accupunture and massage. Previous two month I was working in pain. My work requires me to stand and walk a lot. So my right leg was having Achilles tendinitis as well for a month. I felt that something is not right for my left leg as I had Achilles before. Somehow it turn to become nerve pain or whatsoever discomfort resting pain. I don't feel pain when I walk with crutches but when I rest or sleep I do feel the pain. And I know that if I walk normally like going shopping I'll be in pain. Is been a week since I start resting and healing. Is it normal? Because my pain right now is more on like nerve discomfort pain on my left leg.
LellyM lellyz
After a load of ice and stretching my ankle eventually stopped being too bad. It now only aches if I wear flat shoes for more than a few hours. |So as long as I alternate them with a slight heel then I am fine.