Achilles rupture - some pain during healing
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I had a complete ruptured Achilles during a game of football. Hospital put me in a cast for 4 weeks then a boot. After 1 week in boot, hospital removed a wedge. They did this without examining he Achilles at all. I am meant to remove a second wedge myself tomorrow. However, I have been having some pain in the area where the rupture happened and a little concerned. Is this normal? Should I still be feeling some pain there 6 weeks into the healing process? If anybody can help that would be great as struggling to get an appointment at the hospital
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So, just been to physio and they are now concerned that it is re ruptured. Said there is a massive indent and it doesn't feel very strong.
Department not open till Monday to ring for an appointment. Feel absolutely sick to the pit of my stomach. That will be all of my summer plans ruined and right back to square one again!!!
JW11 jonathan28999
Oh bloody hell, Jonathan, I'm so sorry to hear that. Surely they must have an orthopaedic consultant on duty over the weekend? Is it worth a phone call? If not, hopefully you can get an urgent appointment on Monday and fingers crossed it's not re-ruptured.
neil64709 jonathan28999
Hi Jonathan,
Sorry to hear such crappy news. Hopefully it will settle down, but it does'nt sound good. How many weeks has it been since rupture ?
All the best,
jonathan28999 neil64709
Thanks. Just feel at rock bottom at present. The thought of that whole process again is horrendous.
I'm hoping and praying that it hasn't, but he seemed very certain that it wasn't right.
Who would I ring do you think? Can't just ring A and E can I?
neil64709 jonathan28999
I would'nt know what to do, but i would be freaked out.
I am in South Africa.
My treatment was private healthcare.
They paid for the operation but I had to pay for initial
consultation , boot and physiotherapy. My costs are prob
3500 boot ,1000 consultation and
2500 physio plus 800 drugs after op
(all in rands or about 500 pounds).
I really found a huge difference in mental state,
after getting into the boot (2 weeks). I could go partial weight,
And drive. Mentally it was a massive lift.
Also , you can start your limited physio early, Rom exercises etc
and do muscle massage.
If it is reruptured, I think u should seriously consider the surgery option.
They recovery seems miles quicker. I'm in week 3 and I walk around
without crutches in the boot. At least you can carry a plate or a drink.
Wishing you luck and all the best
jonathan28999 neil64709
I think I need to ask serious questions about the surgical route this time if it has gone again.
Does anybody know if time in cast/boot etc is different in U.K. With surgical or conservative method??
neil64709 jonathan28999
Don't normally hit the internet at 4.30 in the morning.
Was out partying, just got in.....😊😀😁
Seriously, could'nt sleep 😝
It probably depends on a few factors.
Where the achilles is torn ?
was it a complete snap?
can it be easily stitched and repaired?
Your age and general health?
How big a gap between the tendon ends ?
It is a relatively quick operation, prob 45 minutes.
I was in at 7am and home by 1pm.
I read in your first post that you experienced pain after 6 weeks.
To me that's weird, because it should have settled totally at that stage.
I am 3 weeks and a few days post op, and zero pain, or swelling.
I don't think my recovery is any faster than the expected norm here.
When I go for physio, I see other patients there that are a week or 2 ahead
of me in the recovery process. They are also recovering and progressing well.
I'm in pretty good shape, but these people are carrying some extra weight,
and they are doing ok as well.
From what I have read, when you go non surgical,the achilles is lengthened by scar tissue that forms in the gap
between the tendon ends. This scar tissue is not as strong as a tendon
that has been rejoined by stitching.
Do you only have the one option regarding
which hospital / clinic you can go to ? Hard to keep the faith after
The experiences you have had.
Just hang in there, things will get better.
're the summer plans, they seem insignificant when
compared to your health and mental well-being.
Your #1 priority is to get on the pathway to 100% recovery !
I wish you every success and speedy recovery.
jonathan28999 neil64709
How long were you in a cast boot etc with surgical route if you don't mind me asking?
I know what you mean about summer plans and health etc, just my mental well being is rock bottom at moment now. I made plans as a way of aiding my recovery last time as I felt so low. Kind of targets/things to look forward to etc. But now...
neil64709 jonathan28999
I had surgery on May 14th, and was in a backslab cast for 2 weeks. It was a hard (light) cast at back of leg and supporting the ankle at an angle, but then wrapped in soft bandage around the leg.
On 31st May they cut that soft cast off, got my aircast boot, stitches stayed in for another week. I was moving around on boot quite easily, weight bearing, and driving a manual car, after three days of wearing boot (my rupture is left leg). Also had physio on that day. On 7th June another trip to clinic, stitches out and another physio visit.
Am allowed to do as much minimal resistance cycling at gym, with boot off, and heel in a neutral position on peddle. Did 40 minutes yesterday, with zero pain, and had it up to level 4 on bike. I think its more for mobility of the knee because it did zip for my calf.
So next week wed will be 4 weeks post op for me. 2 in cast and two in moon boot. I had 3 wedges in my boot, 2 large ones and one 1/2 wedge. They took half wedge out last week, but I could not feel the difference
I really found an amazing uplift in mental state, once I got into the boot. You feel more positive and definitely more proactive in your recovery. You can actvely do things (massage, stretching, drive a car, easily shower, walk without crutches, carry things), rather than lie there with 5 pounds of plaster stuck to your foot.
jonathan28999 neil64709
Thanks Neil. What area of U.K. Was your treatment if you don't mind me asking. Just wondering if this is a similar option to me if I have ruptured again. Can't bear the thought of a month in cast and 5 weeks in boot again!!
neil64709 jonathan28999
Hi Jonathan,
Sorry but I am in South Africa.
Re' the swimming this morning. Walking was pretty tough. Achilles and calf area quite stiff. Not even close to 'walking properly'. Did a lot of leg curles and kicking, and had no pain at all.
neil64709 jonathan28999
sandy29182 jonathan28999
Davie_c jonathan28999
Hey Jonathan really sorry to hear your news. Hope it isn't as bad as it sounds.
I'm pretty certain if 're rupture occurs they have to do surgery second time. Hopefully you get some answers soon.
Try and stay strong mate you will get it sorted. All the best.
jonathan28999 Davie_c
Thanks Everyone for kind words. D day today so let's hope they can see me and I can get some answers
JW11 jonathan28999
jonathan28999 JW11
So been - Achilles has gone again. Basically torn two thirds of the way across so got to go under the knife. 😞
neil64709 jonathan28999
When are you going for the op ?
JW11 jonathan28999
jonathan28999 JW11
Op possibly tomorrow. They are worried as don't know when it's gone so want to act quickly.
neil64709 jonathan28999
Is your tear in the middle of the achilles, similar to mine ?
Have they told you the procedure and what to expect post operation ?
Is your expected recovery path similar to mine ?
jonathan28999 neil64709
It's to the right hand side of the Achilles. Last time it snapped completely, this time it's the left hand side that is holding it together.
Not really given much info about follow up. They said I wouldn't be in cast and boot quite as long as last time, but didn't give me a timescale.
How is the scar on yours?
neil64709 jonathan28999
You are probably post op now. Hope it went well.
We'll touch base when you are up and going again .
For me its 4 weeks post op tommorow. Have physio at 10am. My scar is almost gone.
Been using iodine cream after swimming , and today used bio oil for light massage.
Been in the pool three days in a row, prob 50 minutes a day.
Joburg having a ridiculously mild Winter, so you don't come out of the gym and hit a cold blast.
It's balmy here.
Leg feels fine, and the pool definitely helping a lot. Stretching,
kicking, toe raises, walking getting easier every day. Def something I would highly recommend.
I'm doing whatever but staying well within stretching and pain limits.
All the best,
jonathan28999 neil64709
Thanks Neil. I'm on ward in hospital and feeling a lot better than I thought I would to be fair. Don't feel too bad, despite being under for 3 and a half hours.
No one has told me
Anything about how the operation has gone though, which could be a good/bad thing.
I was swimming a bit last time and you are right, it did help a lot. Will hopefully so the same again this time. What is iodine cream?
neil64709 jonathan28999
Morning, that's a long op. Well you are on the road to mending perfectly !
You probably have to keep the leg elevated above the heart for 2 weeks.
When I did this it was fine, but when on my crutches I would feel the blood flowing to my foot and toes. Like your foot is a lollipop. Don't panic, it will go away after about 10 days.
After my op they gave me a lot of painkillers (maybe 30) and 10 anti inflammatory pills, as well as 14 blood thinners. I hardly used the pain killers.
To keep the wound sterile, I had some kind of iodine bandage (say 3 inches square) placed over the cut. It is dark purple color. You can buy similar in a 25g tube, probably at boots. Look up dermodine on the internet. I found that really good after 3 weeks (stitches out).
I am sure you are looking forward to getting home. Hang in there it will get better.
jonathan28999 neil64709
Will definitely try the stuff you suggested once stitches are out etc.
Just want to get home to get clean, feel grotty here.
JW11 jonathan28999
Glad to hear you're on the other side of the op. Hopefully someone will come and talk to you this morning, then you can get home. Thinking about you and wishing you all the best.
neil64709 jonathan28999
Was at physio for 1/2 hour today. The guy has hands like pliers
and found some dormant muscles in my foot. I walked in without my crutches and he was not happy. He says I need to use at least 1 crutch. They are emptying my wallet at 35 pounds a visit
I explained my pool therapy everyday, and he also suggested I give the injury a day of rest to mend and recover. So sometimes less is more !
Had me stand on injury and do some gentle swaying side to side exercises. Again no pain. Also rubber band stretch forward and backward on leg. Took out another wedge in boot, which feels no different.
jonathan28999 neil64709
Oh god that doesn't sound good. Hope that doesn't cause you too many problems. Why does he think you still need crutch?
neil64709 jonathan28999
I have no swelling, pain, discomfort or anything.
Definitely more a precaution than anything else.
Got bored at home so did 1/2 hr light cycling at gym.
All fine but bored out of my mind.
Work is slow, once in whole they flip me a biscuit, from their loaded banquet.
Stops me from starvingn
jonathan28999 JW11
Many thanks. Had a terrible night sleep last night, a lot of pain and discomfort. Presume this is to be expected for a little while. Think I need to take a bit of time off work this time, atleast till I'm in the boot again.
JW11 jonathan28999
Morning Jonathan, sorry you had a bad night. Keep taking the painkillers as often as advised so that your system is topped up steadily. I think it's imperative you take some time off work! Your body needs to heal and, as much as it's REALLY tough sitting around at home 24/7, you've got to give yourself time to get over this. I've found that having something to occupy my mind and stop me clock-watching has helped (for me it's been learning to cross-stitch - something I never thought I'd do, as it's rather 'twee' - but it's saved my sanity and I've lost hours in it.
I'm still off work now after 12+ weeks, although I'm very lucky that I'm self-employed and my husband is looking after our business.
neil64709 jonathan28999
Just take the pain killers and keep the leg elevated. I know it's not easy but the more you rest and relax it the better it will feel.
Are you in a soft cast for 2 weeks ?
jonathan28999 neil64709
Did you have discomfort in the leg at this point. Got it elevated, but finding it hard to get comfortable.
2JW11 - luckily it is assessment week in school, so I have asked for all of the assessments/data for my
Class to be sent to me. This has meant I can sit and focus on getting this done, which will occupy my mind atleast for the time being.
neil64709 jonathan28999
The higher I could elevate the leg the better it felt.
I think for 3 or 4 days I took 1 painkiller or an anti inflammatory
in the middle of the night when I found it uncomfortable.
After a couple of days it settled down totally
neil64709 jonathan28999
Feel somewhat prune like, but every day it feels easier and easier.
Zero pain, swelling, bruising. Physio said I can sleep without boot.
Have some minor standing stretches,
but I feel more comfortable doing them in water