Achilles Tendon Full Rupture with Surgery
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I am 37 yrs old and rupture my Achilles Tendon on 6/23. I had surgery on 7/7 and just completed my 2-week post op appointment on yesterday where I got my stitches out. I was told that a can do partial weight bearing with my boot and crutches. When I go back in two weeks, he said it will be FWB and start Physio. I been working from home since this happened as it was done to my right leg. Can anyone share their progress, best practices learned, and where you are in your recovery. I plan to keep this blog for a full year and document my recovery.
I was very active before the AT injury. I would go to the gym at least 6 days a week and did weight lifting. My surgery went fairly well although I had to stay overnight as I couldn't breathe due to be under. I got two numbing shots that kept my lower leg number for 2 full days. I was off my medication by the third day and was wiggling my toes in a splint on the third day. I went to church on the 4th day and did fine.
After surgery, when I stood the blood would rush to the surgery site and throb, but I haven't had any swelling yet.
My kids been taking me around and it's been great. However, they start school in 1 more week. Then I have my 4 week appointment that Friday. Hoping, I can start driving and go back to work then.
Please share your experience
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sunflower35 shunie17254
Hi all,
Well my hospital appt was brought forward to Thursday just gone which would be 8 weeks post injury and op. Seen consultant that done the OP she tested my tendon and said everything is perfect sent me to physio for heel rise for my shoe, was shocked that it was there I got my first physio session. I'm now in two shoes full weight barely with two crutches. Feels so strange and foot and ankle are very stuff. Doing excerises physio gave twice a day and feel very weak after them and exhausted all part of it I'd say. The pain isn't sharp or anything more pressure. Physio said if my leg is swelling then I'm not doing excerises right. Back on Monday for another physio session. I've decided to sleep in the boot as I'm not confident enough yet.
If my leg isn't swelling I mean
Rob9700 shunie17254
To the forum: I ruptured my achilles on 29 July, 2016, was referred to an orthopedic surgeon and had achilles repair surgery using a minimally invasive percutaneious achilles repair tool and protocol. I am a very active 67 year old maie who enjoys downhill skiing, mountain biking, and hiking in Colorado.
I tolerated the anesthesia well and also had the popliteal block. I am told the surgery lasted about 45 minutes and I went home that same evening. My experience was similar: numbness and no feeling for about 36 hours after surgery. I took prescribed narcotic pain meds for another day, then went to tylenol. By the fifth day after surgery I was off meds completely.
For the week after surgery I was in a "splint," a stiff wrap--not quite a plaster cast--that went up to my knee. I was on conventional crutches until a work colleague lent me his advanced crutches which were much easier to use and more ergonomic. Exactly one week after the surgery, which was on 2 August. The surgeon removed the splint and I had a walking boot that had several lifts in it to keep my toes down and the repaired achilles in a relaxed position. The surgeon also recommended compression socks, regular icing, and physical therapy. I have complied with all recommendations to the best of my ability.
It is now 26 September. I am out of the boot, but still have swelling and discomfort. The walking is helping with range of motion and building strength in my calf and the smaller muscles of my foot which have been immobilized for about 7 weeks. With the swelling, most of my shoes don't fit my right (injury side) foot. I did buy a couple pair that are a size larger than what I usually wear.
I am back at the gym regularly and use a staionary bike for aerobics, and have resumed most of my resistance training. There are not many exercises that I can't do, although I have avoided things that risk further injury such as running, box jumps, and other things that will stress or put sudden forces on the achilles.
I am walking with a slight limp, mostly because i don't have full flexibility and range of motion in my ankle. By the end of the day I would say my ankle area is sore and stiff--ice is a welcome relief.
For any of you who have just started down this journey, I would say I have learned the following lessons:
the popliteal block is worth it if offered by your doc
Spring for ergonomic crutches
Get some good compression socks
Follow doc's and PT's advice and counsel as closely as you can
Take it one day at a time
Terralily shunie17254
I've felt like I'm way behind in my recovery, 5 weeks out, still NWB and in a moderate amount of pain, enough to prevent me from going back to work or even to a restaurant. When they took my cast off yesterday, it turns out a couple of stitches had been left in and my skin was bleeding, swollen, and red because it was fighting off the "foreign objects". The doctor seemed pretty nonchalant about it, even though it was his mistake. I was in too much pain to say very much since he had to pull the stitches out of my painful, irritated heel. I'm not allowed to begin PT yet and go back to see him in a week. I'm in an air cast, have antibiotics to prevent and infection and have to change the dressing every day. When I'm resting, I take the boot off and try movingy foot and toes. I have very little movement and it's painful. I also have no feeling in the bottom of my foot. I actually thought there was padding stuck to the bottom of my foot, only to find out there's nothing there. Is that normal? I though I'd be inPT this week, getting back to normal and I'm still NWB, sitting in a chair most of my day because it hurts to even put the boot on. I'm so confused about this and discouraged at this point. Thanks for listening.
Rob9700 Terralily
I am not a physician, and only have my experience upon which to draw. It does sound as though you are struggling to heal the surgical wounds. I also have that strange feeling as though there is extra padding, sometimes on the sole of my foot; more often around the ankle. I believe this is related to swelling in the region. I also have some altered feeling, and it varies from day to day and throughout a single day. I am now 8 weeks out and see the doc in 2 weeks. Physical therapist and colleagues who have had Achilles and other foot surgeries tell me that the swelling can persist for quite a while.
To to relieve the swelling (briefly) I use ice packs around my ankle. I have several in the freezer at home, and several in the freezer t the office. I was fortunate that I felt well enough to return to work about a week after the surgery. People have gotten used to seeing me in my compression socks with an ice pack around my ankle. But it does seem to help for a while.
I hope one your healing accelerates and you get some relief so you can return to your activities. I really didn't grasp how debilitating an injury this is and how slow the recovery.
Terralily Rob9700
Thanks for the response Rob9700. I feel much better knowing others have felt numbness. I'll try icing the bottom of my foot and see if that helps. I also had no idea how debilitating this would be. Did you have a partial or full rupture? My doctor said my tendon was completely ruptured and just hanging there when he went in.
Rob9700 Terralily
It was a full rupture. The surgeon performed a minimally invasive procedure which minimized post op risk of infection. If you are concerned about symptoms don't hesitate to see your surgeon. I believe that any issues that arise are easier dealt with sooner rather than later.
It seems that my path foward is regaining the strength, flexibility, and range of motion that I lost in the milliseconds that my Achilles ruptured.
Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery!
jodytoffee shunie17254
Hi there. You mention about the throbbing pain where the blood rushes to the surgery area, can you remember how long this lasted? I'm 6 days post op and can't have my leg down due to this pain and I'm concerned it's nerve damage.
Rob9700 jodytoffee
Hello, jodytoffee.
First I need to say I am not a doctor, surgeon or physical therapist. So anything I say is strictly about my experience.
I am now 10 weeks post op and back in shoes. I still have some swelling, and some discomfort related to the swelling. Early in the process--first couple of weeks-- I did have that feeling of throbbing as well as some tingling and numbness in the foot. That has not disappeared completely, but it is much less frequent, does not last as long, and is much less intense as well. I find that elevation and ice really help settle it down. It seems a little worse toward the end of the day if I am pretty active; and it is less common for me in the morning after a night of rest. Along with ice, wearing good compression socks 24/7 seems to help.
The surgery I had was called "minimally invasive" and left a very small (1" incision scar just above where the achilles ruptured. It uses a repair "tool" (you can look it up if you google arthrex PARS). Differnt achilles injuries, different patients, and different surgeons seem to have different experiences as you can see from the posts.
My physical therapist told me that the swelling can press on the nerves and cause some unsual and sometimes painful sensations. I have had what I call "shooters" that is intense, buring pain that is very short (a couple of seconds) in duration.
If you are concerned about any symptoms, I recommend you contact your surgeon's office and get an appointment to discuss the symptom. She ought to be able to explain whether it is a normal part of the healing process, or something that might warrant further attention.
In any event, hang in there. Progress the first few weeks for me seemed frustratingly slow. I believe the healing process for this injury is slow. But ti also seems that people I know who have had this injury do eventually heal fully or nearly so, and return to their favorite activities--well, maybe not box jumps! I wish you all the best for a speedy and complete recovery.
larrysd5150 shunie17254
I had a full rupture on the 27th July and had the mini surgery done on the 2nd Aug. After 3 and a half months. Im now playing full rounds of golf and hitting tennis balls back again. I'm doing a different protocol .
Let me know if you want to hear the process
Rob9700 larrysd5150
lois814 shunie17254
Has anyone ever retorn their Achilles' tendon within a month of the original surgery? I have and the doctor I saw today said no surgery, it will heal on its own. I have been in a cast for almost three months and am beyond frustrated.
DoubleA lois814
I had the "luxury" of falling while reaching for my walker 3 days after surgery late at night and came down with my full weight on my foot in the surgical wrap; worst pain I have felt. Saw the Dr in the morning and they verified I had a full rupture away from the bone and partial pulled the screws/bolts from the heel. Luckily I did not tear open the stitches somehow. I was back in for my second surgery within the week.
I had a partial tear before the first surgery. My Dr. told me that the partial tear rarely heals correctly if you plan to be active in sports, etc. and it takes a long time because there is not a lot of blood flow in the area.
All the best...