Aching in the pelvic area
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Hi lovely ladies x I’ve been experiencing an aching in my pelvic area x it’s like period pain but it’s intermittent x I’ve started running over the past few weeks in an attempt to be fit, really struggling after though ( and during to be fair 😆 anyone else experiencing this, my mind is racing with horrible thoughts x
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Sassyr12a Stevo100
Hi stevo
I'm exactly the same. I get an ache low down in my pelvis, every few days. I've also started running (yay us!) and I have put a lot down to the shock to my body lol! I'm also on bhrt and getting irregular bleeding so I'm trying to get to the bottom of that too. It's hard to say what it could be really, I've narrowed it to : cystitis, aching through exercise, period pain but get it checked out anyway. I'm getting a scan and an apt with gyn next week just to see what's going on. Good luck with the running, I find it really helps xx
Sochima822 Stevo100
Yes, I recall this pain, yhe first time i got it it was my fibroids causing the pain, the best remedy for it was going pn bcp's. Then later i got it again, more like an achy feeling so my doctor ordered a ct scan, turned out to that one of my fallopian tubes was swollen. I was given a sheet that show of exercises I had to do. Lastly, it could be a drop in estrogen.
Btw, are you running on a treadmill or open air? When I started working out again at the gym it was horrible. I don't know how I made it out without passing out. But when my friend and I got a trainer, we'd get up at super early, to be at the track by 7am. We'd stretch before hand, then jog, walk up and down the stairs all in less than 45 minutes before we were done, and I swear the difference between working out in a gym vs being out on the field was huge and I never felt awful, or as if I were going to pass out like I did at the gym. The biggest and most important part to running or working out is the warm up. We'd do at least 10 minutes of warm-up before doing anything on the track or stairs.
If it's cramps it could be your cysts or fibroids or a decrease in estrogen if it's achy it could be your fallopian tubes. Take an ibuprofen, Motrin or Aleve to help ease the pain or else take tylenol.
katyD211 Stevo100
yep..this happens to me too, just like you described it.
I'm not quite yet classified memo, still waiting to get there. But for last 3 days I've head the feeling you describe. Doc says everything is healthy so...I'm still waiting and trying to stay positive.