Aching joints and sleep deprivation
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Morning Ladies,
I joined this forum a week ago today. It has been so helpful and lovely to find fellow followers with similar ailments.
Saturday night I enjoyed a very good nights sleep 😴. It made such a difference to my day yesterday. Had so much energy and actually achieved so much. It lulled me into a false sense of security and I actually believed that I would again sleep well last night............Oh NO, not at all, back to constantly waking up numerous times. Joints aching, legs restless, got up to use the loo twice, just could not setttle and get comfortable. Just as I thought I was drifting off, my OCD kicked in and I had to get up to check that the tumble drier was turned off! From then on my mind started going through all the things that had happened during the day and thoughts of planning a weekend that we had discussed before I came to bed. Why can't I switch off and just sleep all night? Sleep deprivation makes it tough to get through the day!!
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debra16694 SJane129
Hi SJJane129 - Boy you sound like me only when I wake up I generally look at my phone or computer & start taking on the worries of the world. So I recently went to a naturopath and she told me that I have to stop the habit of looking at my computer at night (obviously) but what she did tell me that I found interesting was that I should NOT turn on the light to go to the loo or have any light source in my bedroom. The reason behind this, is the minute your eyes see light it shuts down melatonin in your body & hence the reason we have a hard time falling back to sleep. Obviously, we turn on the lights because we don't want to trip, but perhaps a dim nightlite will do the trick. I have taken her advice & have not turned on lights while getting up, or looking at my computer & purchased a sleeping mask with lavender & I must say I am falling back to sleep faster & my sleep has improved - also, try magnesium supplements at night for your aching helps calm you without the druggie feeling of sleep aids.
SJane129 debra16694
Oh thank you so much for sharing your findings with me. I have never heard of a Naturopath. Are you living in somewhere other than the UK?
I had heard that we should not use tablet up to an hour before we go to bed, to help our brains and eyes shut down.
we recently had to purchase a new radio alarm clock after having had our original one for over 30 years. Our new clock has no dimmer on its LED light, and I do find that our bedrooom is illuminated far too brightly. I never turn the light on to make my way to the bathroom. I did use a sleep mask. The idea of lavender sounds a good one.
I will give magnesium a try, thank you, as the constant aching legs is rather tiresome, just wish it had that effect on my body, because it does feel so tired. I came home from work at 2pm and feels like I have spent at least 2 hours fighting sleep, so gave in and have been to sleep on the sofa........I suppose that's good for me, but, it's not how I want to spend my afternoons off!! If I felt better when I woke up I wouldn't mind so, but, I ache all over now and do not want to get up and make dinner!! Please bring back the old me, I dislike the new one!!!
Thank you you for your lovely reply 😊
debra16694 SJane129
Hi SJane129 - Yes, I am on the coast in Southern California and there are Naturopaths here, maybe they refer to them as Functional Medicine Practicioners elsewhere. I had recently weaned myself off of a really nasty blood pressure RX and am still dealing with the "fallout" from that. Oddly enough, my symptoms from the bad drug and menopause seem really similar, so I wanted a second opinion from a dr that treats the cause not the symptoms. We will see what plan of action she will come up with after my tests.
I just read this crazy solution to restless leg syndrome. Apparently, you are supposed to put a small bar of soap down by your feet (in a pillowcase) or chips of soap in your socks for travel to keep them from being restless. I know it sounds whacky, but google it & give it a shot...what do you have to lose? Also, calcium plus the magnesium should help & a few drops of Kava or Rescue Remedy to get you back to sleep - hope that helps!
Take care,
Suki_girl SJane129
I understand from my GP that lack of sleep, which makes anyone feel awful at anytime, for women who are already coping with menopause is the thing that makes them turn to HRT. My friends who were suffering from lack of sleep as well as other menopause symptoms said it was the lack of sleep that did it fir them. When they started using HRT they said it gave them their life back, gave them themselves back and saved their marriages. I'm lucky that my sleep has been unaffected (probably because I was on amitriptyline for chronic neuropathic pain which makes me sleep very deeply, and my GP said to stay on it because it helps with sleeping through the night sweats, which it does. I only know I have night sweats because they wake up my hubby!). Is there any reason you won't try HRT?
SJane129 Suki_girl
I have a sister who had breast cancer. I have also researched HRT and read that it can be the cause of some cancers. Also, that the effects of the menopause come back should you ever stop HRT medication. So, with all of that information, I decided that I would try to cope with out taking HRT or any other medication. I dis-like medication, have always suffered side efffects from some meds through my life, oh which I hated the feeling.
You probably think I am batty! 🙄
Suki_girl SJane129
No, it at all. If your sister had breast cancer they probably wouldn't let you go on HRT anyway. They certainly don't if your mother had it.
SJane129 Suki_girl
My Mum is 97 and has had no illness what so ever, she is marvellous. Other than not being able to walk so well, she is otherwise brilliant 😊
I am am currently attending GP visits, due to an ache I have in my lower right side back. (Thought it was kidneys...urine infection) but no. Under investigation, had ultrasound of abdomen and pelvis.....but womb was sulking so have to have repeat scan in 6 weeks!!
As for HRT, GP and I have not discussed it yet?
Sat here dreading going to bed. Should get off iPad and let an hour go by without scrolling. Nite nite xx