aching/tight calf muscle

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I was wondering if anyone elses calf muscle tends to get a bit painful and tight after exercising, also think i over did things yesterday as my knee feels really swollen today.Finally when do you guys start venturing out to shops ect after your tkr,im now 18 post op..x

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lou. I'm 9 week post op and my calf muscles still get tight and also area above my knee when I overdo it a bit which I am doing at moment as I'm trying to walk without crutches and increasing my distance every couple of days I'm almost at three quarters of a mile now but I do need to elevate and ice soon as I get in. My first short journey to supermarket was day 14 after I had been for stitches out and I went every day on two crutches just to get out and for exercise I started going short walk in street at about four weeks and I gave up crutches in house and used one outside at six weeks I am now aiming to give that up for good soon but it's a slow process. I get a bit fed up sometimes as I am not a sitting down person but there's defo a light at the end of the tunnel. Chin up and best foot forward so to speak !!
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      Thanks linda, im the same as you never really been one to sit down for long,but i know i have to elevate and ice,i have done so well these past almost 3 weeks and i think today is the first time i feel as though i have gone back 2 steps,im on one stick at the moment and will be for a few more weeks yet,just feel as though i need to venture out a little now,as 4 walls do get you down after a while...xx
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      Absolutely. I soon start to feel trapped if I can't get out. I like the supermarket for little walks as I always bump into someone I know to chat to , they have disabled loo which is easier than struggling on low loo I cubicle and most have a cafe so you can always have a little sit down and rest if needed I went to pub for first time Friday and managed ok I only had a few though !! And me snd hubby have had few rides to southport ( our local seaside) just for little walk snd fish and chips just to keep spirits up really. I'm going back to gym this week but can only go I bike. Cross trainrer and leg lift without weights. At least it's a start and another step forward. I'm still off work for six week as I work in primary school so summer hols have just started so I'm aiming to get as fit as poss before then. Also I need to lose a bit of weight so I may as well kill two birds with one stone xx. I still take tramadol too if I feel I need it some days x.
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      Im on Tramadol too linda and will be for a while yet i think,haha,i know Southport we live in Ellesmere port..small world,x
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      we live in Leigh   where did you have your op done, I went to Wrightington. I'm keeping a little stock of tramadol for when I go back to work in case i need them. They have been a god send for me these last few month. 
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    i supose it depends on where you live im living in a village and can walk to shopping centre i  knew where evey seat was .  i tried to go abit futher every time but took plenty rests on the way id say thats the trick pace yourself and sit when you can standing talking to people was almost impossible so dont worry if you feel tired calf muscles tight because your not walking properly yet and its getting tired i used to find that my op leg well the toe of my op leg used to hit pavement abit when leg got tired  i find that using a foam gym roll under calf on the bed or on the floor if you can get down there and roll it up and down to releese the tension on the calf helps
  • Posted

    Hi Lou,

    I'm suffering with a tight, painful calf and swollen knee today. I met friends for lunch yesterday and wandered round a few shops. I'm 21 weeks post and absolutely loved it. I even treated myself to a watch I've wanted and saved for. I was so happy last night but am I paying for it today (as well as my bank account).

    I know mine has a lot to do with my leg still being bent so it does pull. I have surgery in just over a week to straighten it so I'm probably a little behind everyone else. I have been venturing out further each time since about 12 weeks.

    Today I've just done gentle exercises and iced my leg. It hasn't really improved but I'm hoping it will tomorrow. I was expecting to suffer so I'm not too downhearted. It was sooooo worth it 😜

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      I know what you mean kathryn,we went to a birthday dinner last night only for 2 hours,but like you say today i am paying for it,as my leg was down most of the time there..but i did enjoy getting out and seeing people ...tomorrow is another day x
  • Posted

    Hi Lou

    My calf is very tight down the outside. And tightens up as I attempt to I cannot straighten my knee.

    I'm 10 months know and will be having my knee opened up again in Sept.

    With both of my knees, I started driving (and therefore shopping) on my own at 6 weeks.  I was still using a crutch then though.  I would find that once I got back in the car I would have a problem bending my knee (and a lot of pain).  Initially, I was making good progress with my last knee (left), but at 5 weeks I started to go backwards.  Now I struggle to walk at all.

    New knees always swell and ache after exercise, so keep on icing.


  • Posted

    19 post op, my pt showed me how to massage into the calf and thigh and this has helped an awful lot.  do this every morning before exercising.  Dont need any meds now so I'm thankful about that.  If raining my hubby takes me to the local B&Q and we walk about the isles, we do garden centres and supermarkets as well.  Had my shopping done on line before the op but not done it since...BTW..I am near Warrington..had op done at Warrington, got a cancellation as was booked into  Halton.
    • Posted

      Hi hazel,

      yeah im not taking my meds very often now,but if i need them i use them..just feel its time to go the extra few yards now and my physio said it was ok to do so as ive progressed really well,just get fed up of 4 walls at times lol.x

  • Posted

    Yeah been there done that!!

    I overdid it once and had calf muscle ache. Dr said it would settle down which it did.

    I presume you mean 18 days post op?

    Really depends on how far shops are, are you walking?

    Basically a volunteer from Red Cross did all my shopping for me for 6 weeks. (I think it was 6 weeks anyway)

    After that I was on my own.

    Remember though it is not just getting to the shops it is also walking round the shop.

    Take care and keep in touch

    Sarah xxx

    • Posted

      Thanks sarah yes 20 days post op now,i will take it easy if i decided to venture out,have been walking outside up and down the street where i live now for a while and feel ok with that x
  • Posted

    wow lou i thought you were 18wks  your doing fine walking up and down where you live is just what you should do  i know a guy that had tkr and after 3 wks he called to see me with his wife and he told me that his surgeon told him not to walk more than a few feet what a load of rubish i think he forgot ive been through this as well he had his wife jumping through hoops for him doing everything but p**ing for him i hope your doing good today

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