Aching toes and fingers

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Hello ladies,

I have been having pain in my toes in my left foot and in my fingers in the left hand. Everything is always on the left side with menopause. Anyone else get pains in your toes and fingers during menopause?

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10 Replies

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    hello sharcerv . i actually dont suffer with problems below my thigh every where else yes. hope you get some answers on here the ladies are so helpful.

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    Hello...I would not doubt it isn't related to menopause..I go through so much..pain everywhere, anxiety through the roof☹..I can remember my feet just being real sore and tender and then it went what you are having definitely would not shock me as being related to menopause..I wish you the best and 🙏🙏.

  • Posted

    Hi Sharcerv,

    Yes, whenever my hormones are crashing, I do get pains in the knuckles and joints of both hands and feet.

    Trying to keep up on my antinflammatory vitamins... fish oil, coq10, magnesium.

    Dr didn't detect arthritis and it just comes and goes.

    Are you trying anything to relieve it?

    Take care,


    • Posted

      Thanks for sharing. It's good to know that I'm not alone. Yes I rub pain relieving cream on it sometimes. It helps every now and then.

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    i wish someone can explain why the left side has all the issues?

    since i started peri i had issue with my left side. it started with frozen shoulder, then just issues with upper arm soft area pain, now i feel like i got extra back fat and my upper inner arm rubbs my left breast 😣

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      Hi I cant explain why it is all on the left side but all I know is that I have experienced the same I have had frozen shoulder (both sides) left sided rib pain and breast pain. dont get me wrong I have had pain on the right too but predominantly on the left.

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      rigjt now my left upper arm hurts, the fleshy area close to breast. i wear a light support bar at night because my left breast is swollen . this hormone thing is driving me nuts. plus i work full time 😑

    • Edited

      Hi Gilly.

      I do not remember getting any swelling but the pain was extreme around left breast area/ribs . I got a mammogram of breast and Xray of ribs as I was convinced I had broken one. but all come back fine. the only explanation is the HORMONES!! I was also working full time at the time and the daily struggle I remember well bless ya.

      in answer to the original post, yes I have also had finger and toe pain. in fact over the last 10 years I have almost total body ache in one form or another. x

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