Achy Breast
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Anyone has achy breast? I've been having achiness in my right deep inside the tissue. I haven't had a mammogram since 2017 because im so freaked out to go. My GYN gave me the referral months ago. Ive always been very good about keeping up with my mammograms but now since peri I have very bad health anxiety. I've never had this symptom before only during the beginning of peri around a period time. But my periods are no longer regular. I will make my appt today.
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shannonmairs7 mary27278
I have had normal mammograms and have had this issue, also with the right breast. In fact, this was how I finally figured out my issue was menopause, as this pain kept coming back regularly and disappearing. Go get your mammo!! Hang in there!!
Keljo48 mary27278
First yes, I have had achy breast issues but I have had the problem mainly since I have been post menopause. (It was one of my premiere issues of 2019.) Which is fun because there are all kinds of issues that are "normal" when you are going through the "change" but when you get to the "other side" of it things aren't so "normal". I have been post for two years, I am 51. My Nurse Practitioner tells me when I go in for chronic sore armpit, achy or pain in my breast, leg pain, that I am so young, just a baby. WHAT??? I feel 85 years old. Either she hides her age well or she isn't that darn much older than me.
I digress. I have severe health anxiety. I had a terrible ride through peri and post isn't much fun. But I get a mammogram every year. I had a 3D mammo in Feb because of mainly right (and left) breast pain that lasted for nearly two months. mammo was clear. I even saw a breast surgeon a few months ago for breast ache/pain left breast. She didn't do an ultrasound but a sitting breast exam. Said (after viewing my mammogram too) she felt it was nothing pathological. Hormones most likely, take vitamin e she said but be careful it is one of the supplements you can't pee out. I said evening primrose was recommended to me on here and she thumbed up it. I started taking evening primrose (and still take it) it stopped my breast pain ( I get a twinge now and then) it helped with my anxiety and vag dryness.
It isn't a cure all, and I STRONGLY encourage you to get a mammogram every year regardless of breast pain. From what I have read in the past and the literature on the wall at the hospital where I had my 3D mammogram done, breast pain isn't a normal sign of breast cancer.
Estrogen effects breasts. My mammogram helped ease my health anxiety (with breast issues).
I had my hormones tested around the same time as my mammo this year I requested it from NP.
mary27278 Keljo48
Im so confused about vitamin why isn't it good to take? I've always taken it and just last week my Dr told me to take it. If you can't pee it out what does it usually do? Does it increases the estrogen?
Keljo48 mary27278
I never said it wasn't good to take. I said the breast surgeon I saw for breast pain recommended vitamin E and also added a caution to just be aware that Vitamin E is one of those vitamins that your body does not get rid of when you pee They are fat soluble vitamins.
Fat-soluble vitamins are dissolved in fats. They are absorbed by fat globules that travel through the small intestines and distributed through the body in the bloodstream. ... Because fat-soluble vitamins are not readily excreted (meaning not in pee) , they can accumulate to toxic levels if taken in excess.
There are four fat soluble vitamins A, D, K, E.
Your body needs these vitamins, but not in excess. Follow your doctors orders. You can also ask to have blood work done to see if you are low in any of these vitamins or others. Be aware too that if you are eating well you will get many of these vitamins in your diet. But you still may or may not be deficient. Follow your doctors advice.
knowledge is power.
I hope this helps clarify.
tracyjgordon mary27278
My friend didn't want a mammogram so she asked to have a scan like when you have a baby and they scanned her breast instead much less painful, it's best to check!
2chr2015 mary27278
mine is the left breast. all started at the beginning of peri 4 years ago. i take vitamin E and it keeps it pretty well under control. It is starting to act up again so i am thinking about trying the evening primrose as well. i just had my 3d mammo done a couple of weeks ago. i have dense breast tissue. And i totally get not wanting to get it done. I have awful health anxiety. I mean paralyzing. and i know from reading on here i am not alone, Thank God. Stress really makes mine worse.
gilly_64426 2chr2015
same issue left breast and left arm. always feel soar. started 4 years ago too
2chr2015 gilly_64426
gilly. do you take anything for it?
gilly_64426 2chr2015
no. i think i should lay off the coffee
2chr2015 gilly_64426
i hear ya. me too