achy feet?

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Just wondering if others have this problem??   I'm 48 but feel 70.  I don't understand why my feet hurt.  I'm not on my feet a lot and I try to buy good shoes with support so why are the bottoms of my feet hurting?   I guess I could try a foot doctor.  Could it be arthritis?  I take cod liver oil and gelatin which is supossed to help with joints.

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20 Replies

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    Kelly, I've had this problem for about a year. Mornings are worse as I hobble out of bed. I'm 53 and have been post-menopausal for a year and a half. I also take fish oil and also magnesium. I had a CRP test done which checks the inflammation in my body, and it was way under 1 which is good so I can't figure it out. I do believe it's hormonally related. I talked to a doctor whose expertise is menopause. She said that it's probably caused by the drop in estrogen. I'm not taking any estrogen, but I'm using natural progesterone cream to see if that might balance out the estrogen. I've talked to other women who started experiencing this also. It's definitely related to a hormonal imbalance.

  • Posted

    Hi Kelly, I never realised till after I'd been through the problem with my feet that it was due to menopause. No- one had ever suggested it, but after being sent to podiatrists and having special insoles made etc it went. Haven't got it at all now. That must have been early peri menopause. That was about 6/7 years ago, I'm still going through it ! I literally could hardly walk. I feel sad that I never knew what was causing it because it would have explained so much. Also had bad hip pain. Since going on HRT all the pains in fingers etc have vanished ! Good luck Kelly at least you've got us all to help you through x

    • Posted

      Yes, that's what it feels like!!!   And I also thought it was due to my hardwood floors!!  But others have the same thing so it must be the hormones..  I take many supplements and rotate the shoes I have and rub my feet often..  Guess that's all I can do.

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