Acid/anxiety is ruining everything about me.

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Hi guys, I'm a 27 year old male. Let me start off by saying that 2 and a half years ago I could proudly say that I had never ever experienced acid reflux/heartburn before.

Somehow a switch flipped and what seems overnight, I now suffer from acid reflux every single day. I use to be so full of energy and the life of the party. Everything about me has changed.

I get acid reflux every single day. When I eat food it never feels like it really makes it down to the stomach. It chest sits in my upper chest area. Also my heart burn is only in my lower throat and center of back. It burns so badly in my back that sometimes I'm convinced it's going to burn a hole right out the other side. When I get this burning feeling I also get a full feeling in my sternum that makes me feel like I'm out of breathe. Occasionally I get pains in my jaw and left arm too. Now I also have anxiety because both my father and grandfather had heart attacks. I've been to the ER so many times for them to say that I'm fine. They prescribe me pantprazoale 40 mg which does stop the acid but leaves me very short of breathe. These last 2 years my eye sight has gone blurry, I'm always tired, and I'm always worried about the burning. I'm scheduled for an endoscopy but I have to wait two months because our healthcare system is stupid.

I also want to mention that the acid rises up so much and so often that now if I just like tighten my chest I can throw up without using fingers. I experience he's pressure and dizziness from the constant anxiety and stress of it all and have severe depression. I do t go out anymore because of how bad symptoms get.

Any ways if anyone else can relate, some words to make me feel not so alone and dying would be nice.


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Indigestion can give you chest pain.  I have frequent bouts of heartburn which makes me cough when it is silent heartburn. Ask your doctor for omeprazole to reduce the acid but only for a short period of time because it can give side effects and reduce good bacteria in your stomach.  Anxiety will make the heartburn worse.
  • Posted

    Poor you, I take the anti acids and gaviscon, but you do need an endoscopy, and that waiting time for someone whom is suffering as bad as you obviously are, I would try and see if doctor can get it done any quicker. Good luck
  • Posted

    Hi my 27 year old son takes nexium 40 mg twice a day and ranitidine at night for reflux. Still has pain and burping even with those. He also tries to vomit but cannot after having a fundoolication in 2002 for bad reflux. He tahes maxalon for this. It is hard for him as he is special needs and does not understand. He also suffers with bad stomach pains radiating into his back this is all day everyday. Good luck with your endoscopy. My son had one a week ago. Waiting for biopsy results butblood tests did show an infection somewhere in his body that he is taking antibiotics for at the moment.
    • Posted

      Hi Karen,I feel for you! My poor Hubby,had an Endescope & Colonoscop y about a month a go.still we are waiting for his results to come through after they took 4 biopsy,& as my Husband s carer I am scared.They said Colonoscopy & Endescope was clear apart from the 4 biopsy results!! Hubby is severely signed & deaf.Also has Osteo Arthritis!! sorry to moan! Regards h
    • Posted

      Hi Amanda your not moaning. It is really hard. I hope you get some answers from your biopsies. It seems to be never ending. Best of luck. Karen.

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