Acid reflux
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hello everyone . Do any of you ladies have issues with acid reflux and indigestion ? Mine is really playing up at the moment . I finished my period last week after being nearly three months late . I am 51 and have had peri issues for nearly three and a half years and I am so over it now . I just get so worried as to what all these stomach issues are and headaches and migraines . The list goes on and on
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zoe52486 jane63977
Hi Jane
I haven't had it confirmed that I'm in perimenopause but my periods have been all over the place for about 3 years now.
I have been having acid reflux irregularly for about a year. I was told by a nursing friend recently that it's one of the risk factors for oesophageal cancer so I've been working harder to avoid it. For me, I think it happens when I eat and drink together, especially if I'm eating quickly. My headaches, with nausea, have also increased but eating healthily and drinking lots of water help these - and drinking ginger tea instead of taking painkillers.
Good luck Jane. Getting older isn't fun! x
Guest jane63977
Hi Jane,
I definitely do...unfortunately. I never did before peri/meno and now is a regular thing I battle and try to stave off.
I can go weeks with it being good and then out of the blue it is awful for several days. I gave up coffee (decaf and regular) because it was causing terrible acid reflux. On a whim, I had a decaf small coffee this week and within an hour had awful acid reflux which proceeded to last for 2 days on and disheartening.
I used dried aloe vera with slippery elm and marshmallow in a capsule every day between meals. It helps the stomach lining. I also will chew DGL tabs occasionally when I can feel it rising up.
When I need real intervention, I will take a Zantac and that definitely helps.
Having to 'fear' food and be restricted has really bummed me out. I gave up alcohol as well when this started because my stomach just could not handle it at all.
And to add to this, I also get migraines - usually one every 7-12 days. Ugh.
sabab172 jane63977
Hi - Im 48 and been in perimenopause for about 3/4 years. This year my symptoms have got so much worse and this has been stomach issues. I've had heartburn and now have IBS which my doctor feels could be menopause related. I have tried and bought so many tablets I could open a shop. I have found drinking live Kefir has helped which has helped with these issues. I have also become very sensitive to foods now where I have always been able to eat what I liked. Thanks to the meno, this has changed. So look at your diet and also not eating after 5/6pm has really helped me with reflux. This has made me lose a bit of weight too which again has helped with reflux and all the stomach issues. My list of meno moans has been super long this year and Im so fed up with it. I have forgotten what it is like to be super healthy and well every day...
Thats one of the things that worries me and I start thinking about cancer from the reflux and sends my anxiety into overdrive . Yet another thing to worry about on top of all the symptoms . I wonder if my feeling off again now is because I have recently finished a period causing my hormones to be all over the place . Any input would be greatly appreciated . I know around the time that I started my periods and just after I suffered from lots of funny things . Maybe it just works in reverse as you get older .