Acid Reflux/GERD Help! Can't live with it much longer.

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Hiya, a few months ago I started getting mild heartburn which gaviscon sorted, about a month ago I woke up with terrible pains in my stomach like I had a stomach bug, after a trip to A&E was told... Gastroenteritis. (Although I didn't have any sick or diarrhoea) I needed antibiotics which sorted the problem, and it vanished for 2 weeks.


2 weeks ago the cramps were back, not the save as before as they was low down in my pelvis, this time it's high up, kind of under my chest, on the middle and left side. It starts as a burn, and goes to an intense cramp! To the point I feel breathless and my chest burns too and it feels like my foods stuck. I also am experiencing the dry lips/extra saliva (lovely!) It's a horrible feeling after numerous doctors appointments, tears and tablets. Iv been referred to gastroenterology as an emergency patient to find out what's actually going on, although my doctors almost sure it's acid reflux, or gastrisis where it's looking like I'll need an Upper GI Camera (which isn't doing my anxiety any good with worrying about having that done because I've read stories of people saying they would rather be dead!) it has eased off at the moment and only seems to "flare up" soon after eating for about 2-3 hours (which has stopped me even wanting to eat, I've lost 2 stone). I'm taking 40mg omeprazole, Audmonal (not even sure why my doctor give me these I think it was for the cramps) and he occasional gulp of gaviscon. I'm meant to be going on holiday in 11 days (for 4 nights) and im out my mind with worry about being ill abroad and finding food I'm actually going to be able to eat. I'm not sure how much longer I can cope with this it's horrendous.

If anyone has any positive stories and has seen improvements please tell me how, Or even some advice, I just can't see a light at the end of the tunnel anymore with it.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Ive had an endoscopy done and I felt nothing. Woke up 20 minutes later and dont remember a thing. I wouldnt worry but it sounds you have a bad case of reflux.
    • Posted

      Will it ever go? Or at least ease? I think that's what's mainly bothering me because I just can't see a day without pain anytime in the future. The camera is Just the tip of the iceberg, although I hate hospitals and anything to do with them I'm at the point now where I'm looking forward to getting it done so whatever's wrong can be sorted. So fed up of it now.
    • Posted

      Thanks for this, surprising how much it's helped me x
  • Posted

    Hi laura.

    I was the same as you where I was in a state thinking about an

    endoscopy. I was on this site asking lots of questions, but then last week it was my turn to have the camera done. I went in shaking but determined to have sedation as didn't want to know anything, but when I got there the nurse spoke to me about my options and I spoke to another patient about the procedure. She told me this was her 6th time and that the secret was keeping as calm as possible (chance would be a fine thing)! And to listen to the nurses instructions and breathe and swallow when asked. He told me it was over and done in around 5 minutes and that she had sedation the first time but after that just the throat spray. I decided there and then that I was changing my mind and not having sedation. My doctor shouted hooray to me and said well done ! They sprayed my throat and the numbness was instant but the fear of not being able to breathe was unfounded. You breathe normally with no problem. After 5 minutes they lay me on my left side and bent my knees up and closed my eyes. The guard went in my mouth and then the doctor fed the tube through but told me what he was doing every step of the way. I felt the tube go down but no pain or discomfort. 2 swallows and it was down. You feel a little strange like butterflies in your tummy but no pain. I gagged once and that was when the tube came out and he said he timed it to 4 minutes 6 seconds which was great. I sat up, they told me I had mild antral gastritis and then the throat stuff wears off after about another 20 minutes. Then went straight home. They told me that even though it's mild it could still cause pain as it is still tummy inflammation. My pain is all around my stomach but is worse on the left side and into my back. They have said this is normal so back onto meds till it goes completely. Hpylori was negative too. This is just my experience and I was petrified and ready to run out of the hospital but each to their own. You have to do what suits you. Good luck and let us know how you get on. X

    • Posted

      Thanks so much Carole, I'm thinking of opting for throat spray so I don't have to stay in longer than necessary. I'll let you know how I get on xx
  • Posted

    Sorry you are suffering so much laura, do you think it could be stress related, my son gets his cramps when hes very stressed, he takes Buscopan which helps, are you in England? if so you can buy them at the chemist,and if they are any good and help your Dr can give them to you on prescription, they will be cheaper to buy actually unless your Dr gives you a lot
    • Posted

      I've tried buscopan to no avail, it was one of the first things my doctor gave me. I may give them another go though instead of the Audmonal as it might help, it's worth a try X

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