Acid reflux getting worse
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Hi everyone
Last year I was diagnosed with disfunctional dyspepsia and the year before that I was told I had IBS although tablets I was given for the IBS didn't really improve much so I stopped taking them. The problem is this, my acid reflux and gut problems are getting worse and are affecting my psychologically.
Originally for the acid I was prescribed 30mg of Lansoprozole once a day and although it did improve my symptoms I didn't feel 100%. I had an endoscopy and the doctor said everything looked normal (his suggestion was to ignore the symptoms!?!?) and so I remained on the Lansoprozole and after a few months they lowered my dosage to 15mg a day, to take another if I felt I needed to. So I try to keep to 15mg a day but this doesn't really work.
Today I didn't take one first thing like I usually do as I stayed away last night and this afternoon I've felt terrible. My insides from the stomach down just burn its like they're on fire!
I'm stuck as to what to do now. I'm only 22 and feel like my life is just being ruined by this stupid 'disease'. I can't eat the foods I like, drinking alcohol is a no go and now even non-suspect foods set me off. I'm fed up of feeling ill constantly and now get in such a flap about it all. Sometimes I panic and my throat just seems to close up.
Is it worth going back to the doctor? I just get the impression they'd rather just throw some drugs in your face rather than get to the bottom of things. But feeling ill is getting me down and I'm turning into a hypochondriac!
Does anyone know what to suggest or also have these symptoms? Sorry for the essay! Thanks for any help
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I've all but given up trying to work out what flares it up. Hot drinks definitely don't help though or chocolate. Or basically anything I really enjoy! Chorizo and similar oily things are a big no. And tomatoes. I am currently trying to cut dairy and seems to made a marginal difference to the reflux but has improved the nausea tenfold - hardly had any to the point am not taking the domperidone some days.
Really sympathise as it makes you feel like a complete hypochondriac and like the doctors are not listening. My new dr is only giving me short supplies of my meds and have to go back every few weeks for check-ups. Had 2 ogd's and a flexi sig, plus ct scans to rule out anything else. Sometimes I think its all in my head!
As for your diet, it sounds pretty good, keep on the plain home cooking, if anything drop the red meat completely, try and reduce the fat as well
Reflux can be Bile rather than Acid and fat can give you terrible reflux with choking and coughing (at night) if you have just a little too much
Buy yourself some A-Z Vitamins and Minerals to keep yourself topped up 
Lamb is my worst nightmare, something about it's fat, dunno, it's vile
nikkih123: that sounds like a good idea and I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm off the the docs today so will see what he has to say and I may consider cutting things out of my diet. It's strange for me as bouts of feeling ill are so unpredictable. Also nothing showed up in my endoscopy according to the doc that did it so I think sometimes they just think I'm making it up.