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Hello everyone. 

I have been suffering with an awful form of “acne” if that’s what you want to call it. I get recurring boils and carbuncles on my bum consistently. I will share with you everything I have tried to stop these from recurring. I have a dermatologist appointment in September, until then.. I am willing to try anything!! 

I have done round after round of antibiotics to no avail. 

I have tried salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, baking soda, coconut oil, tea tree oil, almond oil. 

I even bought chlorhexidine which is a surgical grade antibacterial wash that surgeons use to wash their hands before surgery. Still I get them. 

I have cut everything out of my diet. Gluten, dairy, eggs, fish, nightshades.. nothing helped. 

I wear loose fitting clothing, I try not to sit for too long. 

I wash my bum with chlorhexidine 2x a day. I wash after a workout and after intercourse. 

The breakouts happen sporadically. I can not put two and two together to know what is causing this!! 

Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Anything else I can try? I have two on my bum right now, they are “dormant” but bound to flare up any moment! 

Please help 😭 


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    wow jane its sounds like your baking a cake , first stop getting stressed that can make things worse I know its hard to do ..drink plenty of water cut down on your sugar in take ,have you changed your washing products as sometimes they can cause problems change your under garment to cotton its more natural don't over wash the troubles area as sometimes this can cause it to spread and don't go squeezing them maybe try witch hazel or rosehip oil there is a gel you can get from the doctor for acne called Epiduo , ive used it on my son and it works pretty good even on the cysts it may help you

    • Posted

      Thanks Annmarie. Majority things I have been following. Gel & Oil will have to check with doctor once to get release from cysts pain. 

      Thanks again for the advice!!!



  • Posted

    Hi, Jane. Actually, I am suffering from acne since 2012.

    It was worse, like, I didn't want to go out, take pictures, even going to school was a big problem since I though that people are counting my pimples not looking it my eyes.

    But then I understand that it is all about food! No pills needed!!!

    If you want to know more and help yourself, I can share with you the diet, it will sound crazy but there aren't many options what to do if you have acne and you want to heal it.


    • Posted

      Hey Caroline...Thanks!!! It would be great to get the diet plan, not sure its crazy..I also checked few sites with articles in different US healthcare websites like Mayo, Northwestern Medicine, Everydayhealth, Baylor Scott etc...not got required info.

      All about food. I am now completely into Veg Diet. I hope it works!!!



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