Acne and hormones

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Hi all

If I have acne caused by what I think is hormones, will epiduo work?

I have been using epiduo for 7 weeks now and my acne is worse than ever. It is very itchy as well. When I don't pick or pop, the spots stay and just sit under the skin, if I do pop I am getting bright red marks on the skin. I can't go on any hormonal pills because I suffer with depression.

I am also taking erythromycin but not sure if it's really doing anything!!

Thanks smile

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I probably should mention this is adult acne as I am 25! And doctors are on the fence about whether I have PCOS or not as my ovaries show signs but apparently blood tests came back ok!


  • Posted

    As you say - acne is caused from within.   Epiduo is - I think - a cream or gel designed to treat the surface of the skin. The erythmomycin is an "antibiotic" treating from within as it were.

    My dealings with acne are long long ago when there really was little effective treatment. Long term low dose antibiotics were used but were not really thought to be effective.  For women the old-style contraceptive pill helped somewhat. 

    The medical advice was "leave them alone" but a lone doctor advised to take control and to deal with any visible spots at the appropriate time.

    If you are in UK [and this is a UK website] there is a drug "Rocuaccutane" which can only be prescribed by a specialist.  It is for severe acne and does have side effects including psycological so may not be for you.

    A recent revision to a suggested treatment is that it be taken in a lower dose for longer [5 months] so that might be worth considering.

    It does ususally resolve after a long time and telling you to be patient will not help.

    It may also be related to PCOS and that perhaps also needs sorting out

    • Posted

      Yes being told to be patient is all I keep hearing but it is quite difficult! I wouldn't class my acne as severe, but moderate, and I won't consider roaccutane at the moment because of the side effects.

      How can PCOS be sorted out? I thought it was just something I would have to put up with! I have also reconsidered going on another form of contraceptive pill but that will just mask the problem and probably give me more problems in terms of mental health!

      Thank you for your reply smile

    • Posted

      Hi again - what I meant about the PCOS is to get a definite diagnosis ...

      You might want to go back to the dermatologist about roaccutane at lower longer dose which it is suggested largely does away with side effects.  As with all side effects it is a balalnce - which you have to decide - between the problem and the side effects.

      The acne that I was involved with could only be described as terrible.  Spots and pustules, thousands of blackheads and cysts in the ear lobes.  In the end they did clear

  • Posted

    i was prescribed epiduo by my doctors, it made my skin red angry and very sensitive and normally sting a fair amount, it would stain towels when i wash my face too! i found it made my acne worse if anything, i have tried all the antiobiotics with the epiduo cream and none of them worked, i would re-visit your doctors if i was you! 

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