acne vulgaris since 2005..have taken different doesnot go away...can anyone help??

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I am 24 now...Well It started in 2005 ...from then till now..i have been suffering from acne vulgaris from mild to severe...i went to many qualified doctors for treatment...all of them have been giving different medicines...with same formulas...ii have taken different courses with dfrnt mdicnz including vibramycin..contamycin...isotritinoin...and many more...also applied different creams including fucadin..clinagel....brevoxyl...kenadex... etc etc...but it didnot go only gets better when i m taking any course...and then after that again it gets worse gradually...for 10 years i have been taking different medicines for my acne...if anyone of u have suffered from this...that person would really know how irritating and depressing it is...most areas of my body have been effected severely including head...neck....shoulders...back and chest...there is so much to tell more about the conditions and all my treatment since can anyone give me a kind suggestion from his or her experience or observation...???i have had enough of it...i really want to get rid of it...cant bear it anymore....thanx REGARDS....TABISH KHAN...FROM PAKISTAN..

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I do emphasise with you as I had severe acne from the age of 11 but mine did mainly stop in my 20's.  You have got adult acne which unfortunately is quite common.  I have 3 pieces of advice.

    1.  Don't whatever you do pop them or you will cause scarring and pits in your skin.

    2.  Have you tried rouccatine?   It is quite strong with some side effects but it does seem to work well in most people.

    3.  Can you go on a maintainance does of ab's?  This is long term and should be able to hold the worst of it at bay.  x

    • Posted

      Thanx for the cocern hypercat..

      1..its almost 10 years since i got this disease..u know how difficult it is to avaoid what u said..but i tried my best to avoid all that..but unfortunately all that did happen anyhow...

      2..i have almost tried every medicine...recently i had a course of PLAZO 500 MG... and now again another course of azithromycin..well doctor told me yesterday...that there are some treatments which are only recomended when all other treatments fail...well maybe rouccatine is included in that one...

      3...i dint get ur last point...whats that about...??

      Well this disease is so disturbing and depressing...and u said its common but i dint see anyperson in my life here in pakistan who had have same disease like me...mostly do have acne but thats cured somehow...

    • Posted

      Hi tabish I know how difficult it is to avoid popping spots.   I am 61 now and no one ever told me not to pop mine so I did,  but have ended up with scars and pits in my skin as a result.   You are luckier than me in that there are far more treatments and understanding now than in my time. 

      It sounds to me like all the other treatments haven't worked and it is time to try rouccatine.   It's not that strong in the sense of it should be the last option but it should be used with care as there can be some nasty side effects like depression etc.   My nephew had acne and it cleared his up well.  

      As nothing else has worked for you then you need to ask your doctor (or preferably dermatologist) if you can be put on long term ab's.   You take one or two a day for a long period say 6 months and see if that helps.   That's what I mean by a maintainance dose.  

      Adult acne can stop of it's own accord or you just get flare ups every now and then,  but not always.  You sound like one of the unlucky ones unfortunately.  

      Let me know how you get on please.  Take care.  x

    • Posted

      Well i have tried each and everything...but as long as i take medicine its soon as i cmplete my coursr in a weak...starts appearing again...and right now i m taking azithromycin 500 mg two times a day..morning and night...but not working so well ...only a minor effect...dont know what to do...
    • Posted

      Hi I am sorry nothing seems to have worked.   Have you tried the rouccatine?   I think the way to go is maintainance ab's but it sounds like the ones you are taking are not working too well.  There are lots of others ones though and I can only advise you to visit the doctor again and perhaps try some stronger ones.  They will start with weaker ones first but should be able to try others as you can't carry on like this.  

      Doctors don't like prescribing stronger ones because of the overusage of them but needs must and I think you have to insist on something better.  Let us know how you get on.  x

  • Posted

    hi, im 31 yo male. had a moderate acne with puss since i was 21 yo.

    i've been taking 10 mg of roaccutane ( isotretinoid ) for 2 months now and my face is clear from acne now. i have been doing a low carbs diet since im taking the drugs.

    roaccutane have a high successful rates on most patient with moderate to severe acne. 


    • Posted

      Well bro as far as diet is has not that much effect on acne...just rate slows down but pimples..and coneheads and puss keeps on appearing gradually..and 2 3 and 4 years before respectvely i have been taking isotretinoin in different effects immediately but whenever medication is cmpleted...again acne starts appearing...and also my whole body including face neck head back chest is effected badly...
    • Posted

      Just had another thought.  Have you ever thought of using wipes on the affected areas?   I use 'Pure' on my face and although I don't often get spots now, have had none at all since then.   They clean the pores and helps them to stay unblocked.  It might help you.  I get mine from the £1 shop and get 2 lots for the money.   x


    • Posted

      Yes i am using one like this at this time..but no prominant progress...
    • Posted

      How long have u been taking the drugs ? Normally it takes about 4-6 months for moderate acne, but my cousin took it for a year because he had a very severe acne. Please try to avoid oily food and some fruit that contain a lot of sugar like mango / grapes. More over, excessive gastric acid and stressed can cause pimples as well.

      For the pass 2 months i've been doing a lot of treatment like pimple injections ( for each pimple), chemical peeling (once a month ), IPL lazer (once every 2 weeks) and some topical cream for (day and night), and roaccutane (10mg every night ). All that treatment were done by a derma doctor. Each treatments have diff effect on each patient. But, luckily it worked on me even though i have to spent quite a lot of money for it. Seems like u have tried everything that available put there and doesn't show any progress. I suggest u see another doctor for different opinion.

    • Posted

      Actually what u mentioned is also alot...i havent tried these many things but i have been taking medicines for 10 years and also changing doctors...atleast i changed 4-5 doctors...avoiding these many things might not be possible for me bkz i live in hostel and i have to eat what is cooked in the mess...i think so my body has become used to moderate time for any heavy last treatment...

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