ACTH test

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hi can anyone tell me how they got on with acht test SSTest side effects if any as due one this wk thank you

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16 Replies

  • Posted


    I generally felt fine

    My thyroid has a bit worse for ware

    But sometimes the acth test

    Can be helpful

  • Posted

    I have had two ACTH stim tests and I did not have side effects. But some times there can be side effects...
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      thank you i have allergies and a heart issue so not having kne before was worried i only have 1 adrenal gland tha k you for reply x
  • Posted

    A Synacthen test [synthetic ACT Hormone] is nothing to be worried about.

    In a normal day but especially if you are ill or have an inflammation, your pituitary should put some of ACT hormone (a signal hormone) into your blood for your Adrenal glands to notice and start pumping out cortisol. When there is enough cortisol, ACTH production stops, So if there is no reason for it, there will be very little ACTH in your blood and little cortisol. The synachthen test adds some ACTH and a little later a blood test will show if your adrenals produced the goods.

    So you have been getting ACT every day of the week since before you were born, with no side effects. The synthetic stuff is a perfect copy.   Relax, the only side effect you will have is embarrassment for thinking it was going to be a big deal.

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      As you seem to know so well, I'd like to ask you a question: If there is no danger of any side effects, why the ACTH Stim test had to be given to me twice in  hospital and not in the pathology lab rooms?

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      thank you a great reply i have heart issue and allergies and 1 adrenal so worried about side effects i saw when googling thank you
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      thank you great reply i have 1 adrenal heart and allergy issues so abit worried about side effects i read
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      I'd be more worried about getting it in a path lab!

      To be serious for a moment though, look at it this way: we know that the patient has an undiagnosed condition, we don't know what it is yet so we can't predict every possible outcome, not matter how unlikely. Given a million cases, at least one will do something unexpected. Some people faint at the mere sight of a canula, let alone having it it put in a vein. Maybe they will be fine with the synacthen but react to the solvent. So the precautionary principle says "expect the best but prepare for the worst". 

      You have had two, I have three. I had no side effects, I assume neither have you or you would have said. Maybe Pamela will be the one in a million [I made that up, I don't know the true figure but it is very large] but the probability of it being her is tiny and the safety net is in place. Given her other medical history [Pamela, make sure you ask whoever is doing it to confirm that they know about that], belt, braces and string is just being sensible.

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    Had a Syn short test if this is the same one? about a week ago had it
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      yes dean that's it sime say short syn test or acth were you ok with it?

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      Hi Pamela, the actual test was ok (after multiple attempts to get a needle in me sad)  and I felt really good for the rest of the day. Woke up at 5am feeling rough, felt like feeling I had before sort of flu like. Felt awfully tired for the day and improved as the days went on.

      Unsure if that indicates anything as no results back yet, may get a letter this week for results from an MRI too. I was told I have a proclactinoma (been on Test RT 4 weeks, Cabergoline 6 weeks) 

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      thanks dean may be the e tra cortisol made you feel better for a while hope you get letter soon x
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      yes, not sure if taht suggest i need it but will see soon i guess. I will make a point to mention it to the endo if nothing gets said x
  • Posted

    What the test does is that it boosts your cortisol

    So it sort of just feels like a boost of energy

    For a couple of hours

    • Posted

      thanks courney i have a heart issue and allergies so abit worried and seen someonde had a bad reaction fiitted for 20 hrs x

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