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Hi ladies.  Very new to this great forum.  I'm just experiencing the dreaded hot flushes and general feeling of being 'not myself'.  I've started to take sage tablets have have had some relief from the nightime sweats but I really don't want to go down the route of HRT, but I've looked at acupuncture. Has anyone tried it and got any kind of let up. 

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Aaaw. Welcome to the wold of menopause. It's awful I know but there is a lot of support on here from woman who have experienced all the symptons. It seems like one day is good and then the other. Bad. Hang tight
  • Posted

    I go to acupuncture and think it is helpful, especially combined with chineese herbs.  Try to go to someone who is a Traditional Chineese Medical practioner (TCM). In the meantime, you may want to try Black Cohosh which I found to be effective for hot flashes and the mood swings.  
  • Posted

    Welcome to the ever changing world of menopause. The ladies on here are great we share all sorts of remedies as we are all different you might have to try a few. Sage is meant to be great also red clover and not to get stressed. Try wearing natural fibres and layers great to take off when the flash hits. Boots have a great spray which cools you down quick in the night keep by the bed. Above all talk and keep smiling after all we women can cope with anything 😊
  • Posted

    Oh, I forgot on what NOT to include in your diet in menopause, especially to control hot flashes and night sweats: alcohol , chocolate and high sugar foods.  I know, what else is left!  LOL!
  • Posted

    Hiya swifts,

    yes I have weekly accupuncure and find it really soothing, only last week I felt that I had been feeling flat for too long about six weeks and I was having these silly thoughts that something was wrong with me.i get help for my digestive problems and also for my sinus. This particular day we just focused on my heart and kidney (in Chinese medicine terms) which was lifting my spirits up, this was Thursday evening and since then have felt really happy and feel more like myself. 

    I also take busy b vits which include Vit c and 100 mg of B6 and folic acid along with menopol tablets, omega 3,6,6 tablets, evening primrose, Vit D spray and to be honest I am feeling loads better. I also spray magnesium morning and evening as well.

    i hope you give the accupuncure a go as I am sure you won't be disappointed.

    good luck and remember we are all here for you and seemed to be experiencing the same types of things! Massive hugs, Joy xx

    • Posted

      Hi Joy 

      oh so glad ypur feeling better again... nice one...

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Thanks Jay, on Thursday I was still feeling flat with those silly thoughts and Laura just said to me let's just focus on lifting your spirits which she did! I also went to the chiropractor on Friday and I think this can also helped! This had been too long for me in this place and I needed to feel like the old Joy again! I also realised I needed to also think about booking a holiday so I guess this has helped to lift the spirit! Even though my hubby is wonderful he is always so stressed (not with me but with running our business and can't seem to switch off) and I am guessing this hasn't helped me either, along with that other member of staff I was telling you about! 

      How are you feeling Hun, good I hope and long may it continue and after the 14th your be a grown women!! Ha!ha!xxx thanks for your message Hun, massive hugs to you xxxx

    • Posted

      Hi Joy

      yes book a holiday you deserve one ... that will lift up the old spirits and recharge the batteries of both of you.. 😃

      hope you have a lovely week... i am watching BBC2 at the mo, a spooky thing hehehehehe cushion will be out in a min ... 

      get all the UK channels in Spain so lucky there ... 😃

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Thanks for the recommendation. I'm going to give it a go for sure. Like most ladies here are experiencing, I've had myself dead and buried on 1-2 occasions not knowing what these strange symptoms are, brain tumours with the headaches (which I have never had) stomach upsets along with the weight gain.  Who needs to buy a book with all this great support x 

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