Acupuncture and perimenopause

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Is acupuncture good for menopause symptoms? Anyone tried it? I have an appointment tomorrow for my first acupuncture session. I have developed migraine, high blood pressure, anxiety. I'm sure it's menopause relating as I get loads of other symptoms too.


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4 Replies

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    OMG I love accupuncture.  I go every week.  I cant even begin to tell you how much it has helped.  It has helped with my anxiety,sadness, digestive issues the list goes on.  Now it doesnt make it go away forever ( oh how I wish) but it def takes the edge off of alot of my issues, the one thing I will say is it has stopped my hot flashes.  I havent had any in months.    Def give it a try & go for a few times, need more than one "treatment"   Good Luck  Hope you love it as much as I

  • Posted


    Yes, I get acupuncture once to twice a week for menopause/perimenopausal symptoms and other health issues.

    The acupuncture helps with anxiety, depression, crying jags, anger, agitation, sleep problems, nightmares and bad weird dreams, night sweats, hot and cold flashes, headaches, adrenal and thyroid issues and many other menopausal symptoms.

    Acupuncture does not "cure" these symptoms but makes them much less debilitating and easier to tolerate.

    Many of my symptoms are SO much better. The crying jags are gone and the anxiety is mostly gone. Once in a while I will feel anxiety but it is mild and passes quickly.

    Acupuncture is not a quick fix. You have to give it time to work. By the third treatment I was noticing a definite difference.

    After my first treatment on the way home I had an "outburst". Anger, crying, hopelessness, anxiety. I was banging on the steering wheel of the car crying and venting. I just went with it and felt better afterward. The second treatment during the treatment I cried the whole time I was being treated. The acupuncturist says "this is a normal reaction for some people. That it is a good thing. That pent up emotions are being released. That those pent up emotions cause problems. " So don't freak out if you have an increase in emotion, just go with it and let it out. As long as you don't hurt someone or yourself! The increase in emotions pass the night of treatment.

    When i first started going the day of treatment I felt a little worse but by the next day I felt better. Now when I go I am fine the day of treatment. I have only been going since the last week of June this year.

    Give it time. It is helping me. Everyone is different and will respond differently.

    I hope you find relief too.

  • Posted

    I go here and there but should go more!!   It very relaxing to me and sometimes I fall into a deep sleep which she said is a good thing!  I find talking to her helps too so it's therapy and treatment in one visit!!

    • Posted

      You are so right it is so realxing, I have fallen asleep a few times and other times Im just so relaxed...  I love taking to my acu guy, just like you it helps to talk about it and becomes a therapy treatment also.  smile

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