Addison's and pain management

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I am learning how to live with Addison's Disease but I am struggling on getting my doctor's to answer questions or provide any help. I am not one to complain but I feel I am going crazy every day. Every morning I wake up to tremendous pain in my back and left hip, barely able to walk better to slide my feet. When I go to bed there is pain mid back on right side of spine to the point it paralyze me for a few minutes. I have been dealing with a horrific headache for 3 weeks the doctor gave me a Z pack and said to use Tylenol. The Tylenol did not go so well 1 hour after taking I started to throw up for 2 hours (absolutely horrible this was the 2 time with Tylenol) Z pack made no change. Went back to doctor and they said avoid salt in your diet. The pain, the headache and fatigue is enough to drive someone crazy. Does anyone have any ideas to dealing with pain.


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you been diagnosed Addison's? When? by whom? Sorry I ask so many questions but because of what has been happening to me with diagnosis and doctors not answering questions... I just find it difficult to believe that somebody can have a clear diagnosis of Addison's as I have not been able to get one in three years when I went to hospital with my third pneumonia in 4 years. But I stop talking about me. I do not think that Addison's causes that kind of pain for what I have read on that particular  health problem. As I understand, salt is good to have a little 1/4 of a tea spoon in  a glass of water (I do not know how often though). I drink it sometimes. Do not take Tylenol of course, Z pack is not in Australia where I live but do not have it it does not help... I am sorry I cannot help you more with the pain you have and the headaches... Sometimes, when I have been in pain in the past , I went to hospital, Emergencies and they be a bit less 'cautious' than the doctors.

    I wish you well


  • Posted

    First of all, is it possible your allergic

    To Tylenol?

    Secondly , you have to make sure your Addisons

    Is primary not secondary Addison's

    Or vice versa

    Secondary Addisons , usually caused by

    Pituitary tumors may be more likely

    To cause headaches

    • Posted

      Thank you for responding. I have secondary and the headaches is always there for the last 3 weeks. The doctor gave me a z-pack but it did not work. I went back and they could not help. My doctor's are very little help. It is almost as if they are afraid to do anything. I am not a complainer but I am lost here and with headaches it is hard to even think straight.

    • Posted

      Well , your doctors should be giving you an mri

      To see the possible tumor in your pituitary

      Let them know you are concerned you have an active

      Pituitary tumor and you might be

      considering surgery

      Anyhow in the meantime

      Try taking vitamins and staying healthy

      For the headaches , I would just have some tea

  • Posted

    As I understand it, primary adrenal insufficiency is  Addison's disease when the adrenal cortex does not produce enough cortisol because it is being destroyed by the autoimmune process. Addison's disease it is an autoimmune disease.  Secondary adrenal insufficiency is due to problems with the pituitary gland or hypothalamus. There is no secondary Addison's disease. You have told the doctor your symptoms. Now, it is up to him to find the signs of your pain through the relevant tests. You have to insist...or else go to ED. I have been a few times for various reasons and they are very helpful. Unlike doctors, they listen to you there.


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