Adrenal gland

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I have been  diagnosed  with a    Benign 7mm module within my right adrenal gland I was  diagnosed 30-June-2017 after a ct scan after a chance in my bowel movement I have seen the gp after the scan and she said nothing  about the adrenal gland  I am worried why she as not said anything  she said the scan was fine nothing to worry about

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Do you have any other symptoms like uncontrollable high bp ?
    • Posted

      No I have been on valstan 160mg for about 4 years for  hypertension but could the adrenal  gland be  Something  to do with it
  • Posted

    Hi Roy

    Who told you that you had this growth & thats weird the GP have said its nothing to worry about if they did not explain in detail what it was?

    Have you had any other symptoms of anything? 

    I am under the Endocrine surgeons as my 24hr urine has come back through the roof on both occasions . Had a CT but nothing much so have sent me for urgent MRI on Weds. They seem to think i have pheochromocytoma.

  • Posted

    It can be a sign of Conns syndrome or a pheo. Google it 
    • Posted

      There a good Conns and hyperaldosteronism group on Facebook. Worth joining as lots of good up to date info on adenomas Roy 
  • Posted

    It's easy to psych yourself into believing the worst when you don't have enough information. Almost certainly, a benign nodule means exactly that - benign, inactive. But until you really know what is going on, you will worry yourself sick. So what you really really need to do is call your GP surgery and request that your GP phone you. Then ask her outright about the scan and what it means (or could mean) for you.

    Your GP will be very happy to speak to you on the phone, it is the most efficient way to use her time.

    • Posted

      Benign adenomas can be a sign of hyperaldosteronism if accompanied by high blood pressure and sometimes low potassium levels. Worth ruling out as most gps have never heard of it 
    • Posted

      I went to see the gp   Yesterday   And she said it's benign so it's not cancerous I tried to explain to her that the  adrenal gland could be the cause of some of my  symptoms she said to me after long  discussion that she would make me an appointment with the gentleman that Done my  Colonoscopy  I don't  understand why she done that I asked if he dealt  with adrenal glands  she said yes but I rang his  secretary  and she  informed me that he doesn't deal with  issues  of the adrenal gland I just don't know what's going on

    • Posted

      I can only suggest that you speak to GP again, say you are satisfied that there is no reason to be concerned about the nodule - so there is no sense in wasting the proctology consultant's time (which her practice budget has to pay for).

      So accepting that there are no physical abnormalities to acount for your illness, then surely that the next line of enquiry is hormonal abnormality. So could she refer you to an endocrinologist instead?


    • Posted

      You are quite correct I want to see another doctor in the practice and he said we will start  the ball rolling by doing some tests  for proteins in my wee for 24 hours and go from there and book me in to see the endocrinologist 
    • Posted

      That's good. As I said take a look at Conns group on Facebook. Loads of info about the undiagnosed disease. I had my

      Adrenal gland with benign adenoma removed this year and my bp is now normal. 

  • Posted

    If you have symptoms including high bp

    And maybe low potassium fatigue etc ask for referral to endocrinologist. Google Conns syndrome 

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