Adrenal growth

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12 months ago I was admitted to hospital with high BP 167/240. I've had lots of tests and currently take beta blockers and water tabs to help manage this. For about 18 months I've had headaches, dizzy spells, nausea, upper body tremors, lightheadedness, blurred vision, palpitations and chest pain. My aldosterone levels are only slightly raised as are my renin levels. A CT scan has shown a 1.8cm adrenal growth but I'm still being told I don't have pheochromocytoma. I'm having all tests done again but feel like I'm getting nowhere any help would be appreciated

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Kind of similar symptoms as I had I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism I'm no doctor but ask them to check your thyroid out worth a try

  • Posted

    Thanks I'll do that. I'm having another CT on Wednesday to see if there's been any growth of the adrenal module they have found. Hoping to get a diagnosis soon

  • Posted

    I think you have a pheochromocytoma, but it is difficult to make doctors say something they do not want to say for some unknown reason to us. You can try to ask something like: 'What is a pheochromocytoma?" and see what he says... (they do not like us to know too much but I do not make it a secret that because I was treated in 1965 in Spain for my adrenal glands, I need now here in Australia a definitive answer to what the adrenal problem I have is. And I have been researching in Internet!!! since 2015).

  • Posted

    Hi. I agree it's been so difficult to get the consultant to agree to a diagnosis. They tell me that all symptoms suggest pheo I but bloods don't although renin levels were raised as was levels from 24 hour urine test. They did the scan saying that if they found a growth then that would confirm pheo. Then once they found the growth said they think it's highly unlikely as bloods don't show that so went back on what had been said previously even saying they found the growth accidentally when the scan was actually done to confirm pheo. They even suggested it's panic attacks which really annoyed me. I'm still waiting for my follow up appointment as apparently they have no appointments so I'm on another waiting list. I feel like they just don't want to diagnose as pheo and considering asking for a private consultation. It's so frustrating. I'd rather they just remove it and see does everything settle back down to some sort or normality.

  • Posted

    Yes Dawn, it is difficult to deal with this type of non committal response. I think I might have told you, that for the panic attacks (partner's ex problem), the best thing to do is mindful meditation. It is very easy to do.

    In a quiet room (wear ear plugs if necessary, breath in and out (not slowly, normal speed) feeling the air going into your nostrils and feeling the air out of your nostrils. STOP any thoughts, focus your attention on 'here' and 'now'.

    Do it for 20 minutes at the time, 3 times a day.

    It calms one down and it good for stress. I hope it helps.


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