Adrenaline and afib.

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It occurs to me that my afib is possibly a lot due to my anxieties and stress. When it started 15 years ago, I had a lot of upheaval and stress in my life. I have been doing some research and find that adrenaline plays a big part in this problem and wondered if others were of an anxious disposition and can put some of their condition down to adrenaline?

I am trying hard to keep control of my feelings to see if this does in fact help.

I've stopped all the outward triggers such as alcohol, chocolate, coffee and I don't smoke. I drink more water and take quite a lot of gentle exercise.

What do others think about the "flight or fight" hormone?

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21 Replies

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    Maybe stress brings it on or not. When Iwas under a great deal of stress it should have shown up but didn't. Then later stress seemed to be when it may have contributed. I think it is a build up of life's stresses plus whatever genetic and lifestyle on leads. I don't think anyone knows..I too take gentle exercise and trying to drink more water but often forget. Who really knows! One can only control what they can.

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      My hubby has afib n they did 48 hr halter monitor n ultra sound of his thyroid , during the monitor yhey called him to see if he was okay he had a four hour run if afib , while he was asleep. When he went to er the gave him IV cardizam n that helped , he just doesn't feel well n is tired everyday , he's lost 29 lbs but continues to smoke ... its scary ...

    • Posted

      It does seem a bit haphazard from what I am reading. Perhaps many of us are so used to stressing over things that we don't realise we are doing it. My husband, who is extremely laid back and unfazed, is astonished at how easily I get wound up and we often argue about how not wound up I am!.

      Genetics probably do come into it but because all of my family are no longer with us, I have no one to ask. They mainly died of heart related disease, so who knows?

  • Posted

    There are lots of interesting points here to me.   Whilst i think AF can have lots of causes stress has played a part in my story.     For me it started at the END of a stressfull period one incidently I appeared to cope with well by which I mean I wasn't outwardly stressed.     After my first ablation I had a major problem with waking up in the night with AF  - the adrenals were mentioned then and I read about them and it seemed  to fit my profile but a test indicated NOT a problem.   My thyroid is tested every time I see a doctor and present my symptoms, I have previously been treated for thyroid on the NHS and then not treated by the NHS being one of those people classed as border line.    I also suspect the vagus nerve but again when I mention that the medical profession just look at me and say NO.   A brilliant idea to try and cut out the possible triggers.     Going back to what you specifically ask - NO I am not of an outwardly anxious disposition but on the meds I feel like a changed person because so weak and unwell and therefore have lost confidence about going out far and yet to put up with what I do each day I also think I must have bags of confidence and steely grit and determination.  

    • Posted

      Hi Kate,

      As you say we are all different, some 20 years ago I was thought to have Addisons disease an adrenal gland problem like you tests came back inconclusive,, the microbiologist that did the tests told me just because we can't find it doesn't mean it isn't there this condition mimics many others and quite often isn't found till years later, I have an appointment in early december to see an endoctinologist as several of my recent blood tests have come back with very low sodium and my GP suspects and adreanal problem, I will let you all know the outcome.

      when doing some research recently I found an article that said Bisoporol can hide thyroid symptoms.

      Keep your chin up Kate, as you say the meds we have to take make us feel worse than the condition but where would we be without them.

  • Posted

    Stress is definitely a trigger for me.  On the other hand, on several occasions while AFibbing, I've had a sudden stress --  being startled or alarmed (e.g. imminent car crash) cause me to revert to NSR.

    I stumbled on this thread while searching the internet for connections between adrenaline and cardio-inversion.

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