Adrenaline rush
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I have been suffering for 8 months. I had awful adrenal rushes in the beginning, then they faded around Christmas. I enjoyed a few short months of feeling good, but now they are back. I get this weird feeling, followed by some vision issues. Next, my palms and feet sweat. Then, I start to feel this odd warm/burning sensation (no sweating). All this with a surge of anxiety. Sometimes it feels hard to breathe through it and/or swallow. Occassionally, my voice sounds weird to me as well. I think the throat and voice are both due to the blood rushing to those areas. Why can't I just have the hot and sweaty type of flash?! Why must I have this weird anxiety, panic, odd type of flash. I hope it doesn't last forever.
To make things worse, I got fired on Friday. No doubt because I was out earlier in the year dealing with intractable migraine.
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pamela2016 staci88515
those flashes is the kind i get i have never had the typical kind get a flash sweat cool off, its rough hang in there.
staci88515 pamela2016
It is such a strange and unsettling feeling. It is dreadful.
hopeforever staci88515
Sorry to hear that you lost your job. I wish the government had something in place for women in peri and meno. Some kind of financial aide to help women in this terrible transition in life. Thank God i work from home because if i worked outside the home i would of been fired too. I work from my sofa and bed most days. Hope you find work soon something that will accommodate your needs. Praying for you
staci88515 hopeforever
I have no idea what I am going to do. I am single and care for my mom. I am the sole source of household income. I was normal 8 months ago. sigh
jamie37119 hopeforever
I am a qualified teacher but cannot work as I can't guarantee that I will cope at all.. right there with you ladies
debra16694 staci88515
hi staci - i have had both types of hot flashes...the sweaty heat kind & the palpitating heart/sunburn skin & rush of adrenaline that leaves you riddled with anxiety - i suffered from the former more so early on & the latter now & i am 7 years post menopause. in fact, i just woke up with one this morning - for me, it appears emotions & bad food choices trigger it -
staci88515 debra16694
I haven't noticed a trigger, but they do seem to be worse at work (stress). I hope mine subside. I hate being scared of them. Thank you for replying.
jamie37119 staci88515
mine are still around but have to admit now I am home more they are not as often...stress has a lot to do with it I think
christina81747 staci88515
im on day 6 of period and not bleeding anymore but lastbtwo days i would get hot flashes heart tacing and sweating and now today on 6 th day i feel very emotional and fustrated have headache feel burning sensations in upper back no energy eyes feel heavt too it is pooring here soni dint know if that contributes
staci88515 christina81747
It is plain old suffering. There is no other way to describe it.
Ella23ps staci88515
Sounds like you have Hyperthyroidism possibly Graves' disease from all your post. I had similar symptoms to you. Have a doctor check your thyroid. Even if it was low in the past it can change on you though menopause.
staci88515 Ella23ps
Thank you for the suggestion. I was tested and all was normal.
lucy48229 staci88515
Yes, sound like you have hyperthyroidism. I had similar one. Funny thing is my blood work came back 95% fine, maybe 5% was catch out off normal range a little bit. But finally I found my iodine uptake is elevated, and my TG is high. I have multiple nodules on my both side of thyroid. Because my blood work came back within normal range, I did not get any treatment from my doctor here in Canada. Finally I have to end up to find out my solution by myself. I went to China did Radio Frequency Ablation to part of my nodules. My symptoms got 80% improved. I still have 20% remain because I still have a lot of nodules on my thyroid. The procedure has its limitation, it can not do too small one (under 1 cm). But I would like to try again next time. The procedure is not available in North American. But it is wonderful thing, it can keep your thyroid. The only thing I have to pay off my own pocket. But who cares, as long as I feel well!
staci88515 lucy48229
I am glad you found relief. Traveling to China and paying out of pocket are two things that will never happen for me. Thank you for sharing your story!
Guest staci88515
Hi Staci,
A huge YES! I get this and with it I also get other things like joint pains, flu feeling, tooth pain, etc..
The last few days have been bad, and I feel like I'm suffocating at times. It's super hot in Florida where I live right now and it's making it worse.
I saw someone's comment about thyroid, mine is fine, controlled with synthroid. So it's definitely not that. I've said all along that these are my version of a hot flash, it's torture. Wish I just had the hot sweaty kind too without all the other bs. Although nothing would be preferable! ha
staci88515 Guest
I went to Florida once and I will never go back. It is hotter than Satan's armpit. Honestly, the most stifling place I have ever been and I was no where near menopause at the time.
Guest staci88515
Well summer in FL is no fun, but rest of the year it's great. I can't tolerate being cold.
staci88515 Guest
I was there in September. We also had a hurricane and had to evacuate. Good times! Winter is rough, but my curly hair can't compete with rain showers everyday and humidity. Oh, and bugs everywhere! I will say it is beautiful though. And, shoveling the snow is the pits!!