Adrenaline rushes jumping heart
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hi ladies are any of you suffering from adrenaline rushes and funny feelings in the chest my heart keeps flipping it's making my anxiety go through the roof I carnt cope anymore it's making me feel so down
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NothinforNothin lesley86666
Hi, Leslie:
If it is due to peri or meno or post meno. I had adrenaline rushes when peri first hit me. Anxiety makes it worse so, try not to stress more or add more worry. I know that is easier said than done. Believe me. Best thing for me was to try and calm the anxiety but, it took me a very long time to do that. I was dealing with the rushes for a while before they eased. Not to say they won't ease for you more quickly which I hope. Lemon Balm Leaf works well for anxiety and I find Holy Basil works well for stress. Maca and Gaba supplements are also, good for relaxation. Just make sure whatever supplements you buy. Are ok for you to take and of course there are a lot more supplements though you can look into. Some work for some and some don't. I've had to go through a few before finding ones that worked well. You may find some past posts on line that may help more with this. You are not alone. Take Care!
lesley86666 NothinforNothin
thank you so much for your reply I will try them isn't this just the worst feeling ever I just want to cry I'm so fed up of it all .. I appreciate your reply so much x
NothinforNothin lesley86666
Also, just to note for you. I just picked up some Echinacea at Walmart. I will say I felt calmness shortly after I took it tonight. Quicker than most other supplements I've taken. Couldn't believe it and it is supposed to be very helpful for menopause and flu-like symptoms which is definitely what I felt when this hit. Again, all the best to you.
sakura26 lesley86666
Lesley I am feeling the exact same way now and for the last 4 days. I feel like I'm going to puke and chest is full of anxiety and same when I try to sleep. I also already had PTSD so making that 20 times worse. And I just had a bad car accident a few weeks ago and am also dealing with the anxiety of trying to replace my car with not a ton of money and on my own. I am in it with you. It feels so awful I know. I can't go on like this. There has to be help. I will try the echinacea someone recommended. And I haven't found an OBGYN that will take me seriously that it's hormones making it worse, or knows how to balance the hormones. If I could only find a good doctor or therapist. I hope you have one!
mary27278 sakura26
Its a nurse on FB under the group fixaflash who is helping many women to balance their hormones. Many are getting big relief from her protocol. Her name is Gretchen , she's a nurse practitioner. She will give you a 15 mins consultation free..or 30 I don't remember. But check out her page.
sakura26 mary27278
Hi Do you know anyone who actually worked with Gretchen? It's hard to tell when something's real or hype. I clicked on the free consult and it just took me to a page with 2 not free options at $250 per.
Beverlys1 lesley86666
Hi leslie,,, my heart did the flip flopping thing for about a year off and on in early peri,, when laying in bed could literally feel it through my chest was very scary and am sorry you are having this symptom... my three best friends are going through or have gone through meno and peri amd none of them have had symptoms like these I think they think I am crazy,, but all you ladies have validated I,m NOT ALONE!!! This symptoms eased off but I now have high blood preasure so make sure you watch yours, as it does run in my family.. Big hugs to you!!xxxx
Beverlys1 lesley86666
Hi leslie,,, my heart did the flip flopping thing for about a year off and on in early peri,, when laying in bed could literally feel it through my chest was very scary and am sorry you are having this symptom... my three best friends are going through or have gone through meno and peri amd none of them have had symptoms like these I think they think I am crazy,, but all you ladies have validated I,m NOT ALONE!!! This symptoms eased off but I now have high blood preasure so make sure you watch yours, as it does run in my family.. Big hugs to you!!xxxx
rebecca94858 lesley86666
Hi, I know just what you are talking about. The heart flip flopping scares me to death. The good news is it doesn't last long for me. The funny part is it tends to happen at the same time of day. Usually 3PM. Very strange. I have also had adrenaline surges. They seem to come and go. I find most symptoms come and go in cycles. Hopefully, this won't last long for you. Take care.
mary27278 rebecca94858
the adrenals pushes cortisol out around 10 am and 3 pm is why you get the adrenanline surges around 3pm. An adrenal cocktail would help you alot. any type of vit c such as orange juice , pink salt, cream of tartar..mixed them together and drink before 10 am and again before 3 will eventually stop the adrenaline surges. It worked for me..
rebecca94858 mary27278
Mary, that is very interesting. I also have had trouble at 10AM. Thanks for your advice. I will try it!
kim93615 lesley86666
hi. lesley
you not a long my heart doing the same thing I been going through for a minute I am going to seen my doctor to take some test.
kim93615 lesley86666
hi. lesley
you not a long my heart doing the same thing I been going through for a minute I am going to seen my doctor to take some test.
mel65197 lesley86666
Hi Lesley, I know exactly how you are feeling. It has been happening to me for about 4 or 5 years. I went through the whole cardiology work up (heart monitor, echos, stress test, etc.) and the doc said I had an atrial tachycardia, and put me on a daily beta blocker. It didn't really take away the heart skipping or palpitations, but I took it faithfully for 2+ years. I stopped a few months ago and there is no real difference. Now when it happens, I try to drink a lot of water - preferably with electrolyte powder - and just deal with it. It's not fun, but I have realized it isn't dangerous. I also get the adrenaline rushes. Those turn into panic like episodes (with heart racing, flushing, lightheadedness and feeling of intense dread) sometimes. It's pretty awful. I have learned to better cope with these over the years, but it is still rough. The first few times that happened I called 911. I just turned 47, am still getting my periods (although they are very irregular). Ready to have my health back after all these years! But I also don't want waste this time because I really don't know when I will feel better, you know? I try to make the best of my time when I am feeling good, and be gentle with myself when I feel bad. That last part is easier said than done, lol. Health anxiety is legit, and it's easy to convince yourself that something terrible is wrong when you are feeling bad. But after so many years, I've found almost all of it can be attributed to hormonal imbalances. You might try some bio-identical progesterone cream. It may help! Sending you support. xo
lesley86666 mel65197
aww bless you I sympathise with you so much I hate it its took over my life I've put 3 stone on I think its alot to do with the adrenaline rushes with anxiety constantly I keep thinking I'm not going to see christmas it's just awful I just feel awful all the time I turned 50 last december and life has never been the same since !!! I hope this awful thing that's what I call it lol passes as soon as it comes I'm exhausted constantly !!! I hope you feel better soon and thank you for your reply it does make a difference knowing your not alone on this journey lots of love to you xx