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Hi, been on venlafaxine since beginning of April. Started on 75mg and now up to 187.5mg. 150 extended release in the morning and 37.5 immediate release in the evening.

Was very poorly from December to April with depression and anxiety and ended up in hospital. The venlafaxine has definitely helped but I'm still experiencing some anxiety and low mood. Had a bad week 3 weeks ago which is when dr increased me to 187.5mg and I've felt consistently better since then but after a stressful event at the weekend which is now resolved I'm really struggling again. Because I had such a bad experience landing me in hospital I tend to panic at every bad day convincing myself that it's all coming back.

Can anybody tell me after this long should I still be experiencing the lows and anxiety? Or should I look at maybe increasing again? Really need some advice and reassurance if anybody else has experienced this.

Also does anybody else suffer with loss of appetite on this medication?

Many thanks


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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Clare

    Hope you are feeling better. I know how you feel.

    i am on 225 mg which works for me. I still have ups and downs as well. My phychatrist wants to put me up to 300mg.

    It's worth just sticking to it and and trying all the options. I take 15 mg of mitazipine as well for sleep and apatite. It's a hard drug to get to were you want it.

    Remember also that the pill isn't going to solve all your problems. I see a councillor and that helps too.

    Hope you have support it's good to talk to a friend or family.


    • Posted

      Hi Gethin, thanks for taking the time to reply. How long have you been on ven and do you take it for depression and anxiety or both? Do you find you have more ups than downs or vice versa?

      I'm still waiting to be referred for therapy! Everything just takes so long!

  • Posted

    Aw bless u. Sounds like you are really going through it at the moment. I started taking venlaxifine last July ish, so I've been on them nearly a year. They have helped me so much. I found they are very slow working. I would maybe give them some more time. If you've had a traumatic experience lately it is very natural for your anxiouty to be hightened.

    It took about 6 months before I felt more myself and only recently feel like they are truly working.

    Maybe you should also consider cognitive therapy. I've heard some really good things about it. And also walking.

    I know it's a very frightening time for you, but feel reassured that with time and patience you will feel better again. ?

    • Posted

      I just want to add when I first started my appitite was also low. But in time it came back.
    • Posted

      Thank you Joanna, what dose are you on? Do you take it for depression or anxiety or both?

      I had been feeling a lot better but the weekend has set me back. When I'm suffering I really struggle with obsessive thoughts which when well are manageable.

      I've also been struggling to sleep with the heat these last few nights and lack of sleep effects me badly.

      I'm nowhere near as bad as what I have been but just disappointed to be struggling again after weeks of feeling a lot better.

      Have you ever been on anything else?

      Clare xx

    • Posted

      I'm on 75 in the morning and 37.5 evening. It was mostly anxiouty and I was surprised how such a low dose affected me so well. I had generalised anxiouty spending my days living with fearful thoughts. And social anxiouty to the point I couldn't leave the house.

      I recently went through a traumatic experience, and like you felt very frightened for a good few days. Thinking my anxiouty had returned. But these feeling did disappear.

      Going up on anti depresents can also highten depression and anxiouty. It's just a side affects and shouldn't last long. Maybe a few weeks.

    • Posted

      Sorry you've struggled so badly as well. It's really good to know your on the mend.

      Did anything cause your anxiety or did it just come on? Xx

    • Posted

      I've had it off and on for many years. I've taken sertraline for it and others. They have helped, but not as good as venlaxifine.

      I was off tablets and doing well for over a year, suddenly it started. Slowly at first.

      It has partly been down to life experiences and partly my nature. I don't think I will come off them again for a long time.

      Thankyou. ?

      I think in a sense we are lucky now to have the Internet and forums for advice. I think it's brilliant.

      You will get better soon. Your doing so well already. This has just been a bump in your journey.

    • Posted

      Thanks Joanne,

      I'd had a little bit of depression before but mainly due to circumstances. Nothing like this! It was just awful and I never want to go back there again.

      If I can get 100% well on these I'm never coming off them. I don't see its any different to taking a medication if I had a thyroid problem.

      Totally agree about the internet and these forums. They can really help. Xx

  • Posted

    Hi clare 

    I've been on it since april so not long.

    I take it for anxiety mainly. My dad passed in quite a shocking way a couple of years ago and have been struggling with anxiety. Just in april I started seeing a phychatrist through the NHS. Your GP can refere you. He was the one who intorduced me to it.

    Since taking the ven it has improved I am having a couple of good weeks then a few bad days. Due the increase in a couple of weeks.

    Yeah It took me about two months to get my CBT sessions started.

    I try and excersise ans stay away from alchol. 

    Drinking is BAD !

    Keep the NHS going !!!



    • Posted

      Sorry about your Dad. That must have been really hard. Is this the first time you've suffered?

      I do try to exercise a lot and actually think this week that might be part of the problem as it's been so hot and I've been so tired I haven't made it to the gym. I'm definitely going today.

      I've never drunk alcohol so that's not a problem. Xx

    • Posted

      Hi Clare

      I have had anxiety most of my life but it has always been manageable. I've been on lots of meds. Was on ecitilopram before my dad died that worked really well for me.

      But that stopped working. Ven is the only thing that has done anything.

      My psych dr said it's very good and he would prescribe it to his mother ! 😂

      Yeah it was really hot this week too hot for excercise.

      How long have you had ups and downs ?

    • Posted

      Oh thats' nice to hear that the psych has so much confidence in this medication.

      ?I have suffered with depression and anxiety in the past but it's always been down to circumstances. I was on citalopram for 10 years and it was absolutely fine. I hadn't had any issues for years so in August I decided to wean off it. I was fine for about 3 months and then this anxiety hit. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. With that the low mood then came and I just kept sinking deeper and deeper. I was put back on the citalopram but it did nothing, I was then put on sertraline which again did nothing and made me feel shakey all the time. I wasn't eating or sleeping and eventually ended up in hospital. It was truely awful and I believed I'd never get better.

      ?Started the Ven on 1st April and have gradually increased to 187.5mg. As I said it has most definitely made a difference and I'm much better than where I was. I'm back at work and day to day I've been fine. Just have a few wobbles here and there and unfortunately this week has been one of those wobbles.

      Mental health is so very difficult to deal with and while I've got an amazing support network nobody really understands unless they've been there.

      Clare xx

  • Posted

    Hi Clare, sorry you have been through this bad depression I have worked as a Psychiatric Nurse and it really is the toughest of the mental health difficulties which people have. i was on Venlaraxine for a depression about four years ago and weaned off last year. what I think helps is to get signed on for the talking therapies along with the medication and use these professionals to get a pattern to your life to deal with the anxiety as it comes. I did six weeks of a session per week whilst taking my medication and although I didn't feel I was getting anywhere with the group exercises I'm pretty sure it started to reduce the depressive outlooks the best with your trial.Pat

    • Posted

      Thanks Pat, seeing the physiatrist on 3rd July is will definitely ask again about the talking therapies xx
    • Posted

      While you are on the course it seems like you can't get started but later you realise how it helped Good luck!

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