Advice and support please
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I was on Sertraline but did not feel it was helping my anxiety and depression so went to doctor and he started me on Mirtazipine 15mg, still taking Sertraline for couple of weeks then stopped. once I stopped Sertraline I increased dose of Mirtazipine to 30mg. I had felt good on both meds. now been on 30mg Mirtazipine for 3 weeks but im feelung unsettled and low mood again. I feel Im not like myself. will this pass? i need to get my life back, im off work and family struggling to know what to do with me!
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sarah24378 liz1234
sertraline withdrawals it needs to be tapered even if on another med.
docs don t know what they are doing.
also mirt does not suit everyone especially on its own.
karen60759 liz1234
HI liz - i'm thinking of adding mirt to my SSRI - what did you decide in the end - did you go back on to both meds - did it help?
julie17892 karen60759
HI sorry to butt into your conversation but i have just been put on mirt with sertraline two days ago after having seretonin syndrome with 200mgs of sertraline. i am now on 30mgs mirtand 50mgs of sertraline and i am feeling much more stable
particularly with my anxiety and though i was afraid to get ss again i trusted in my doctor i had to get my sertrali ne down quickly over 1 week
karen60759 julie17892
Hi Julie - thanks for letting me know, I think I'll ask for some mirt to be added in - seems to work for a lot of people - i'm getting counselling also - how long we you on sertraline before adding in the mirt
liz1234 karen60759
no iv stuck with Mirtazipine but im on wk 9 and still dont think its helping, still low mood and anxious
julie17892 liz1234
i have actually been on sertraline for ten years at 100mgs with anafranil 50mgs but this add on drug was being discontinued and the first doctor i went to just put me up to 150mgs sert and then the 200 mgs and then told me she couldnt help me anymore so when i felt terrible i went to my should have gone to in the first place doctor thats when he told me i had ss . I have to say i think its worth a try but not all doctors think it a good move.
SerotoninSurfer liz1234
I'm on Sertraline 100mg and 30mg and starting to make some recovery progress after trying multiple dose combinations through trial and error.
30mg Mirtazipane
karen60759 SerotoninSurfer
thanks for the replies, im just so desperate to get better, im having to leave my job because i cant cope with the symptoms at work any more - which have been constant for almost a year now, though i imagine my physchiatrist will be reluctant too add on mirt given ive only been on escitalopram for a month - and it clearly hasnt settled yet...
tempest1 karen60759
hi, when i was on mitrazapine my doc upped my dose from 15 mg to 30 mg within ten days and it sent me mental. i could not sit still. i struggled on for a week then went back to 15 mg and felt much better. 30 mg may be too much for you. try lowering the dose.
julie17892 liz1234
In all fairness i think i would try anything to be myself again, i do believe you have to find a doctor who knows all about these drugs and how they work.For me sertraline is for my depression and mirtazapine for the anxiety thats how it was put to me and you have to go with your gut feelings its mind and body working together its important to remember its not all in your head
karen60759 julie17892
yes I agree with that - did you see a physchiatrist in the end? are you in the UK? if so can you message me their details in case I don't have much luck with mine, thanks.
tempest1 karen60759
i agree too. you need a good doctor who knows how these meds work. One cap doesn't fit all. We all react to different combinations in different ways . I ended up under a physiatrist who understood how these meds work. 30 mg was way too much even though my doc insisted i up the dose.