Advice ladies
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evening ladies, I really need some reassuring words, I have a Hysteroscopy on weds morning and I am going out of my mind, the only time I can relax at the moment is when I've had a couple of drinks, had my pelvic ultrasound last mon, radiographer wasn't concerned, said I had a fibroid 7 mm, ademyosis , and a slightly thickened endometrium for were I was in my cycle, anyway her only comment was I could carry on with my heavy periods or go to Drs and sort them out, I paid private for this scan as I have health anxiety and couldn't wait 6 weeks,anyway I tried to contact my dr a couple of times after this she eventually called me back and told me the outcome said radiographer hadn't done a referral, but she was referring me fast track to a gynocologist because of the thickening, I replied in total melt down do you think I have cancer, her reply was no, I'm almost certain it will come back clear, and that I am being seen quickly in the circumstances, but this has sent me in to total melt down waking at 3 every morning, not eating properly drinking to much, on some websites I have read that 14 mm is still in the realms of normal, I also work with a women, same age 45 who was told she had thickening a couple of years ago her dr put it down to age and didn't send her for other tests, I'm still having regular 28 Day ish periods and that was taken on day 18, also I have had night sweats, brain fog, lack of pms, disturbed sleep, thinning hair etc, if there's any ladies who are going through this or have been through this please please reply, I'm desperate,
sherry xxx
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amy341731 sherry26257
Oh Sherry- I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. About a year ago, I had a scary situation (that had been completely fine, normal, no cause for concern)..but I was just sitting on my couch and felt an internal “pop” near my right ovary area and it hurt briefly like someone snapped me with a rubber band (but inside, weird I know)..then I started bleeding the next day (was my monthly cycle) but it scared me so much I called the Dr and got in a couple days later..upon exam, she said nothing to note but smart me for ultrasound a few days later (yep the torture of waiting!!) and mine was at 12, borderline/normal..said to take Advil to reduce inflammation during entire cycle and get checked in 6 mos..which I haven’t because I’ve been able to calm down and the Advil honestly helps with cramping, etc.. So please try not to think about bad results and certainly DO NOT google anything...take it Day by day you know that you are fine. Reaching out on here is the best thing that you can do becaiee we’ve all been there to some degree and are always here to help. Take care and have a good night 😊
Ugh voice to text had some weirdness but I hope you get what I meant! 😜
CarolKelso sherry26257
Sherry... I'd fibroids that caused awful bleeding which resulted in a hysterectomy... Your mind seems very tired and the worry is the worst. I am at times a worrier about my symptoms but it passes an it has gotten easier . Keep checking in here for support and advice. The battle is in the mind and it is hard but hang tight as you are not alone in this... It's a season for you ... hope this helps. Ck
jo4848 sherry26257
Hi Sherry,
I replied briefly to your other comment in a different post but here is my experience which sounds similar to yours. Last year, when I was 44, I started spotting after heavy exercise (running) and it really scared me. Went the usual route, swabs, ultrasound and internal scan which revealed a small polyp and a fibroid and 2 hysteroscopies. I had 2 because they couldn't reach and remove my fibroid because my cervix is tilted backwards I was told. The 2 biopsies I had came back clear and the specialist told me he was sure it was nothing sinister but most likely hormonal. The spotting kind of went down (probably because I stopped running) but my periods just go horrendous. Painless and regular like clockwork but so heavy, that I would be getting up several times in the night and I would be scared of going to work as I know I won't last an hour ( I am a teacher). Specialist also told me that removing the fibroid under general or spinal will not always reduce the bleeding and I later found out that only some fibroids (10% of them) cause bleeding so most likely hormonal. I think I have high oestrogen and low progesterone, judging by my symptoms and my lining keeps building up a lot and shedding.
For the heavy bleeding which you mention I found that transexamic acid works and so does ibuprofen (look it up if you haven't already, it's even on the NHS website but I didn't know it reduces bleeding until recently).
Anyway, on advice of the specialist, I was put on the progesterone only contraceptive pill. This gave me a 11 day period in month 1, a shorter period in month 2 but I bled most of the month. Not like a period but more like breakthrough lighter bleeding. However, when my period was due in month 3, nothing happened (fingers crossed!) and I am now about 9 days late but feeling absolutely fine. I think progesterone makes your lining thin and thus reduces/stops bleeding. Might be worth looking into. I feel fine for the first time in months.
There is more I had to say but have to go to work so will try to add to this later.
Try not to worry about the tests, I'm sure it will be fine! xx