advice needed

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Hello ladies, how happy am I to have found u guys smile I have had months of hell with what I think is peri menopausal symptoms. I have been in a&e so many times with palpitations which I have been monitoring and are coming from day 10 of my cycle until the day I start my period.  I have panic attacks and anxiety around that time coupled with hot or cold flashes, nausea and fatigue. My skin is shocking and my hair keeps falling out.  My poor husband doesn't know what to do anymore. I've gone from being a social butterfly to being frightened to have a social drink for fear of 'an attack' my good week though I can do anything.  My GP put me on citalopram which made me so much worse I've had to stop it. I'm interested in your comments about vitamins and alternative therapies. I am a nurse myself and have been tested for all causes which were negative.  I'm currently taking feroglobin b12 which I think is working and omega cod liver oil. Is there anything else you could suggest?


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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Mazza plenty of advice on here ,just need to get the right way for you ,hope you've read through fair few post ,we all have these palpatations ,they got the start /stop button to them .scary I agree when it happens along with the anxiety .hate that a lot .

       If BP keeps going high due to meno ,HRT will be a no go ,I've just got some Premeno ovules ,trying those ,go check them out .Jay on here says they've helped her .

     Look up the 65 symptoms of meno ,that was placed 4 months ago ,that may help relieve some of the fear .premeno non HRT ,forgot to add .Stress no more .

  • Posted

    Hi Mazza ask your doctor for sertraline this really helped with my anxiety x
  • Posted

    hi mazza .. its discusting what we have to go through befor we self diagnose and doctors seem to just want to give us all sirts of crap pills (one put me in hospital as i passed out heart went to slow) ..iv just started one calle nutrition FX Dr Chris Steel tv fame endorses it (google it) , i cant report on it yet as iv only been on it a week .. stay with this group it has helped me no end ...
  • Posted

    Thank you ladies smile I have refused beta blockers and would much rather do the supplement way. I will look into premeno thank you. I hate feeling this way x
    • Posted


      premeno ovules are only for vaginal dryness, mainly for post meno ladies, unless you have that problem already..

      B6 is good and Maca 5.1 ( 2500mg) capsules, theres plenty of things out there.. 

      i also take them and menapol plus capsules daily amongst other things 

      i am aged 50 and 16 months post meno, i had a ten year natural peri so  experienced the lot along the way

      B6 100mg helps anxiety and energy, even my doc gave me that years ago

      i now take 150mg B6 daily its great for me personally 

      good luck 

      jay x

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      Hi jayneejay wheres the 65 symptoms of meno i cant find it chick hope your well 
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      Thank you jay! No I'm just peri at present I think! My cycle however is now every 24 days instead of 30/32. It's anxiety and sleeplessness with palpitations that get me down. I've bought menopace today from Holland and Barrett fingers crossed, it's loaded with b6 x
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      Could you please pm the link you found too?

      Thanks so much


  • Posted

    Hi I'm glad I found this group too. I have low thyroid, diabetes, depression anxieties, and high blood pressure. I have been dealing with peri menopause and it seems that I have had a lot of palpitations, tiredness and mood swings. I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes through this. 
  • Posted

    Hello....I am 49 yes tars old, and for the past year my periods have been very irregular, sometimes very heavy and sometimes spotting.  And only this week I have started to have night sweats and a few hot flashes throughout the day... and have been wanting to sleep lots ie feel tired all the time. I therefore am assuming that this is the beginning of my menopause. After reading Mazza44 it appeart at the moment I am getting of lightyly!  but I too am interested in anything that I can take to help.
    • Posted

      Hi karen, today I've been and bought some magnesium spray for night times and some menopace tablets, fingers crossed these work, a future of anxiety and panic is not what I want 😔

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