Advice needed

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A dear friend of mine as a few questions and as asked me to find answers for her so here goes.

She is currently in support group esa it is due to finish 2019. The claim is a joint one as she claims with her hubby.

She is also on enhanced mobility pip and standarrd care pip.

Her husband is her carer and gets carer allowance.

Her hubby is very lucky that he has been offered a job in construction which he used to do before. She isnt sure if her esa will stop and also her pip if he starts this job.

She knows he will have to stop his carers allowance.

Is there anyone can give her advice .

Will her pip stop if her hubby stops being her carer

Many thanks

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    HI Dawn, If she's claiming Income related ESA then her money will probably stop depending on hw much her husband earns. If it's Contribution Based it will continue. Her PIP will continue because it's a non means tested benefit. Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      At the minuete she doesnt pay any rent or council tax because of pip will she have to start paying those
    • Posted

      It will depend what her husbands earnings will be. She will need to report any changes to housing and council tax benefit so they can recalculate, Being in receipt of PIP doesn't mean she won't pay any.

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