Advice needed about torn meniscus

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I have been diagnosed with a torn meniscus in one knee and and I am waiting for a referral for physiotherapy.My hospital has a 3 month waiting list which means that I won't get an appointment to at least July and I see my consultant again at the end of July which won't give me much time to see if the physiotherapy is helping or not.The hospital will not give me a cortisone injection but I think I might be able to get one at my doctors surgery.Most nights in bed I am in a lot of pain especially In my leg just above my knee.I don't know why but some times it can be unbearable but it goes off again when I get up but I generally repeat this most nights.Any tips would be grateful.I may be going to have an arthroscopy but this could be discussed more at my next appointment.I have been told that this is generally done as a day patient and that I should be able to walk straight away and it takes a couple of weeks to recover.Is this information correct ?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi have you has a MRI done? Ice your knee regulary, initialement for 12 minutes at a time (that's what my Pysio told me). Try to rest it (easier said then done I now).

    I had to wait 3 months for m'y MRI & a month (I think) for appointment to see pysio. If you look on line for exercises for meniscus tear it will bring some up - a good 1 to do is to lie on your back and push your knee into the bed and point your toes towards you - it will hurt but do about 5 at a time every hour or so. I injured mine 14 months ago & the tear is just settling down (so my pysio tells me). It's a lengthly recovery & frustrating - but I tell myself it could of been worse. Good luck, hope this helps

    • Posted

      I found out my diagnosis through an MRI scan.I have been reading that they don't heal with out surgery.
    • Posted

      Hi. Apparently according to my Consultant. Many people have a tear of the Mescius cartilage that goes undiagnosed until other symptoms appear hence the reason why they try conservative measures before surgery. The tear can't be repaired but the cartilage is cut back to the start of the tear (like filing a nail down to a split). 'Recovery' without surgery is not quite the right word but symptoms can be reduced with physio, ice and strapping subject to each individual tear. Hospitals treat the injury as non urgent (elective) so even when surgery is decided upon the wait can be long. In the mean time it hurts like **** everything from sleeping to walking and even sitting up in a chair. Good Luck.
  • Posted

    Surgery generally is outpatient.....crutches are needed for a short time ......a few weeks of physically therapy and then PT on your own. Depending on the extent of the damage, you can expect complete recover in less the 2 months. Icing and rest in the meantime and during this period of recovery. In the meantime stay away from ant high impact activities that will do furthur damage
  • Posted

    Cortisone will not help the gel.  Cortisone is put into joints to act as a buffer. Painkillers will be more beneficial as well as an anti inflammatory.  Wearing a support will aid your ability to walk. Your doctor would be best placed to advise you.  If the hospital won't give you the injection you want, it is for a reason, why have something that is not going to help you.  It can take a little more than a couple of weeks to recover from the arthroscopy, again your doctor will advise you

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