Advice needed | Living with an anal fistula

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Hi guys, I'm new to this site and have just got back from the hospital.

I had an external abscess around Christmas time which my doctor prescribed a course of antibiotics rather than drain it. The abscess popped after 3 days and I assumed I was on the mend. However the abscess bursting has caused an anal fistula.

Since the new year I have been to the doctors 8 times, spent 8 days in hospital had and MRI and finally day surgery 3 weeks ago.

The surgeon took out 2/3 of the fistula but could not take out the rest due to it's position within the muscle and fear of incontinence. Completely understandable. he placed a cutting seton in (I think that's what it's called) but this came out 5 days after surgery. I called the hospital and they said to wait for my appointment 2 weeks later (today).

My surgeon says the seton shouldn't have come out already as there's no way it could have worked so quickly. He's also not sure why it came out. I did barely anything for the first week after my surgery so there;s no way I caused it to come out.

Anyway, I'm back on the waiting list to have it all done again. No idea when that will be though so quite frustrating.

What I'd like is some advice from anyone if they are able to offer it. My life has been pretty much put on hold all year and I've not done most of the things I normally would. What advice do you have for living with a fistula? Should I change my diet? Can I drink alcohol? (haven't touched a drop since Christmas just in case), How much can/should I do physically? My sex drive and confidence are out of the window since all this has happened. With the leaking from the fistula and having to wear pads, I've also lost my dignity.

I'm really down in the dumps and could do with some help. I'm a 38 year old male business owner. I'm usually very outgoing, socially and work wise. I usually love meeting new people and doing all sorts of things but now I spend my days working from my bedroom. My wife and daughters forget I'm here.

Any help or advice will be very, very welcome.

Thanks so much for reading if you got this far rolleyes

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    Hi guys, apologies for not responding before now and thanks for getting in touch.

    I'm sorry to hear that you're going through similar to myself, we all no how horrible it can be.

    It sounds like I may be in a similar boat to you danny56909. I had 2 lots of surgery last year and improved a lot but last time I visited surgeon in November, he wanted to do an MRI as there may be something still there.

    I has the MRI in December and am going to see my surgeon at 2pm today to find out the score.

    I haven't been in any pain at all for a long time and to be fair, I can't even remember any discomfort. 

    I can feel a little something there. You know, when you just know something is there which probably shouldn't be. Other than that, the only symptom I have is a small amount of blood after using the bathroom (sorry) but that is very rare now. And also a very small amount of discharge now and again.

    My surgeon said in his letter that he may need to do 'explotitory surgery' depending on my symptoms so I'll see what he has to say this afternoon and report back to you.

    Thanks for reading guys.


    • Posted

      Hi, just wondering how it went?  It's been four months since you wrote this so hopefully things are looking positive.

      I had a perianal abscess drained last week in an emergency op.  At the same time, they put in a seton thread to keep the fistula drained.  I've now been worried that I'll be spending months in constant pain if I have to have several operations to resolve the fistula.  I think they intend to do the lay open method but I'm really scared about risk of incontinence.  I'm hoping I can persuade the surgeon to try other methods that don't carry that risk, even if they're quite new methods.

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      I had a perianal abscess, had it drained and then packed every other day, but it healed too quick on the ouside and i was left with a 0.5cm hole so had to have it done again. They did an exam - no fistula but now a year later, a tiny hole has appeared on the middle of the x shape incision that was made to drain the abscess. I thought it could be a fistula, but at checkup all ok. I am scared of fistilotomy surgery due to incontinence. I am sooooooo worried. 

      How are you?

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      I'm going through the same thing as everyone here. Mine started with one abscess which I neglected and hoped it would just go away.. that was a huge mistake. Long story short and two surgeries later plus 5 setons I must tell you I feel amazing! I'm much better now and it's only been three weeks after my first surgery- I had another seton placed four days ago but it's healing nice. Don't be afraid of surgery.. it's hard at first and recovery takes time and patience but I promise you it's worth it and you will feel better. Mine are so bad because I have Crohn's disease. I start remicade in three weeks to hopefully help close the fistulas. Stay positive and know your not alone!

  • Posted

    I had surgery in November to remove a cyst. The surgical site would heal over than fill up and rupture. I went through this from December until May. The general surgeon just kept draining the site and giving me antibiotics. Finally in May I had an MRI done and a fistula was found. I had a seton put in by a colon/recutal specialist 4 weeks ago. Since then he has tightened the seton twice. The only thing that has given me any comfort is a sitz bath especially after bowel movement. I've been told the seton should work (cut) it's way out in the next 2 weeks. I was told that this was the best way to go. I've heard that this is only 80% effective so I'm worried. I was wondering if you have had success with your latest surgery?

    • Posted

      Hi all

      I have good news!

      I have reached the end of this ordeal!

      It has taken me 8 months for the whole process.  

      It all started in Sept 2015 with a large anal abscess which was drained, this formed a fistula,  then in December I had another operation for insertion of  one seton, this was review and tightened in Februry 2016, and the seton was removed in April after it had basically grown through all the tissue and muscle, and became superficial enough for the fistula to be laid open.  It has now healed shut,  I still have a large scar but this will close properly in time.  I am still careful not to sit to roughly or put too much pressure as the scar is still fragile for about a year but ITS HEALED!  I am back at work and life is getting back to normal. 

      Looking back I now understand that the seton is probably the best way to get rid of this as it grows through all the tissue including the anal sphincters and once it is superficial enough the laying open was the best for me as it heals completely.  There was alot of sloughy tissue once the wound was laid open but that dissapeared with all the dressings and became clean.  The seton was tightened/shortened every 2 months up to the point it was superficial enough. 

      My saving grace I think is I am NOT diabetic, otherwise this could have played out differently. So diet has played a huge role in my healing. No fast foods, all "clean" healthy food, avoided preserved foods and limited my carbohydrate intake.  More nuts seeds and roughage;  avoid constipation. avoid sugars.  Basically sensible eating.  

      All I can say is it takes alot of patience and keeping your head together, financially it took its toll too.  Fortunatley I had some major saving as a back up otherwise I would have been in deep sh*te.  

      And of course I was treated in the NHS,  my colerectal surgeon and the team was amazing. They needed alot of patience with me as I am not the easiest person.  So ask the right questions and need to trust the surgeons. Find out if they work in Private hospitals too as most surgeons work in HNS and Private healthcare. Find out reviews about them.  This helps make decisions. 

      I hope this will never come back. It has been an ordeal. 

    • Posted

      Glad you're better. I had a large abscess last year, now I have a tiny hole on my scar which I think could be a fistula. Pretty worried about incontinence though. 

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    I'm sitting in the waiting room waiting for a CT scan.

    I first experienced an abscess in Dec 2014. A day surgery drained and cleaned. It did not heal on its own. January 2015, a seton was placed. New abscess formed in Feb 2015 though we were not aware of it at the time. It reached a critical point in late May 2015; emergency drained in office. It refilled later that night. Admitted through ER. Two more setons placed. A week later, another abscess; another surgery with another 2 setons placed. Those were removed in October 2015. Had a flareup of abscess in December, but it healed on its own. By March of 2016, cleared by all doctors. Returned to normal physical behavior. Almost immediately, another abscess, another surgery and seton. That was removed in June 2016. All seemed good until this last weekend. Another abscess. Hoping it will clear and heal with antibiotics. Doing a CT scan to learn more.

    I've started exploring holistic alternatives. Im mentally exhausted with the repetition and the interference with daily activity. I had lost 40 pounds prior to all of this and was on my way to losing another 40. Physical activity always seems to cause flareups, so I've gained 25 pounds back. Am very unhappy and frustrated and am tired of missing things. All I do is work and try to stay healthy for work. I'm not staying healthy for anything else.

  • Posted

    I'm new to the forum, so hello everyone! Reading through all of your stories is just crazy. It does mirror many of the feelings and frustrations I've had through my ordeal though. I developed a large and very painful abcess in June of this year, I had an emergency lance and drain by a general surgeon, he used the packing and it was to be completely removed the following morning, which I did. My feelings now are that he just wasn't aggressive enough with the draining and it continued to fill and drain in cycles over the next 7 weeks or so, until I had enough and found myself a specialist. I saw the specialist and she said I likely had developed a fistula and she felt fistulomtony or seton (decision made in surgery) would be the only way to resolve this. The day I came in for surgery my abcess had completely returned and the wound was healed, so I was in a huge amount of pain and very afraid of the risk of incontinence from surgery, but even so I was so worn out from chronic pain I was ready to be finished. I woke from surgery to find that my surgeon was unable to locate a fistula on the inside, so she agressively drained my abcess and left a sizable hole for drainage. We hoped this was the end, but at my post op visit at about three weeks I had just a small hole remaining, but it still leaks puss sad My surgeon said I could just wait as long as I wanted, but she still thinks there is a fistula, she used the probe thing and the canal was still quite long into my wound. So this past weekend the wound healed again and then burst, still more puss!! So I am not in any pain right now, but with the presence of the hole and the drainage I presume surgery is my only option? I am scheduled to go back in on Tues, exactly 6 weeks from my last surgery. I feel as if I have no options other than surgery, which is frustrating and scary. But I just want to be finished with this mess!! But is there any possible way I could still be draining puss 6 weeks later and NOT have a fistula? My doctor thinks not.

    • Posted

      Hi Birdie

      I'm sorry your going through this I know how scary and horrible it is.

      Have you had any testing done like MRI or pelvic CT scan? That's how my drs found all of my fistula tracks.

      I would ask for testing like this if you have not had it yet- it will give your surgeon a road map if you do have a fistula plus you will know for sure and knowing for sure will take some stress away.

    • Posted

      No testing at all. My surgeon has never even mentioned it. Thank you for this, I think I should put a call in and see what the options are or perhaps get an idea what her plan is to identify and locate the fistula. Because I am concerned about going under again and her not being able to find it!!
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      Usually they can find the fistula while your under ga but not always.

      I had two abscess and woke up with 5 setons!! My colon rectal surgeon had my scan results and also found my tracks while under. I have Crohn's disease and the fistula branched out

      Long story short- I'm healing pretty nice now and feeling much better with all of the infection draining out.

      You get used to the setons after a week or so you won't even notice them as much.. hopefully you do not have a fistula!! But if you do the seton is not a bad thing at all it's good to have it there so you do not abscess again. I hope this helps good luck keep us posted smile

    • Posted

      I agree with Mel. CT and/or MRI were both used in my care over the last 2 years.

      I have a great deal of confidence in the colo-rectal specialist; though I do have the benefit of being near world class medical center and doctors.

      From my experience, the seton placement and surgery has not been an issue. The pain has been very manageable following both the placement and the removal of the seton. It's more inconvenient than it is painful (even when an abscess is full which is *extremely* painful).

      My problem is that my body just doesn't seem to close up the abscess cavities entirely - even when the fistula appears to heal entirely. I am working with my doctor to do much more extensive imaging to find areas internally that are not healing as well as the exterior wounds appear to be.

    • Posted

      Hi Chris

      Do you have Crohn's disease?

      I have the same troubles as you. I'm starting a biologic medication called remicade. Supposedly it's a wonder drug for healing these horrible things.

      All of the side effects scare me but it's worth a try to get this under control. I start remicade the end of October. I told my dr and surgeon I need a vacation! Just need a break from surgery, drs, tests etc. I'm going to the beach for a week then I start the new medication a week later.

      My drs actually agreed vacation is good! smile

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      You've had an official diagnosis of Crohn's. Did that happen before or after the fistulas? If you are taking the biologic (I think that's the term) Crohn's meds, do they help prevent the fistulas? Or do they happen even on the meds?

      I have had 8 setons at different times. Colo-rectal doc says it's Crohn's. GI says there's zero evidence anywhere else of Crohn's. I'm curious if the meds help stave off the abscesses and fistulas. If they don't help as much as I'd hope, they're not worth it given GI diagnosis. If they stop the fistulas and abscesses, they are likely worth it. I'm mentally exhausted and frustrated with the recurring issues and procedures. It's interfering with work and home life more than a little.

      Thanks in advance.

    • Posted

      I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2001. Two years ago it started to attack my perianal area.(fistulizing Crohn's) as if Crohn's alone is not bad enough.

      My Crohn's was always very mild I would only take prednisone for a bad flare which was the only med I was ever on besides flagyl and cipro.

      If you search remicade for fistulizing Crohn's some very good information comes up plus reviews of others who are on it. I'm willing to give it a try.. it's an infusion you get every 6-8 weeks depending on your symptoms. I will let you know how I'm responding to remicade after my first few loading doses. smile

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      I have not been diagnosed with Crohns.

      Colo-rectal believes it is Crohn's based on empirical observation - basically, he's only seen the extent of fistula and abscesses I've had in Crohn's cases. There's no confirmation of that from blood tests or biopsies.

      The GI does not want to treat it as Crohn's because what he's seen is a perfectly clean digestive tract upper and lower scopes and 8 biopsies were clean and clear.

      The only meds I've taken in the last year are flagyl and mesalamine (Lialda). At one point I was on Cipro and Vancomycin via pic-line IV infusion. That lasted a month.

      I'm waiting to hear results of latest CT and watching to see how docs interact re initial disagreement over diagnosis.

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      Colo-rectal specialist has said repeatedly that the abscesses and fistula are not life-style induced. He hasn't suggested nutritionist or different diet.

      I've read conflicting information, e.g. more nuts is good and more nuts is bad.

      Any references you'd recommend re diet? Or is Doc correct that diet doesn't affect much (since it doesn't appear to be affecting rest of digestive system; Crohn's limited for me if it is at all).

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      Your Dr is right you did nothing to cause this. Diet does not cause it but it for sure can aggravate it and make it worse.

      Bacteria and fungus love sugar and carbs. Try to eat as much protein as you can. Nuts are something I stay away from because in my case the fistula is like a filter and little pieces of nuts can get stuck and cause infection. I eat a lot of chicken, turkey and lean red meat. Fruits and veggies are good too. Nut butters are great but watch the sugar intake.

      Things like applesauce unsweetened and cottage cheese are also good.

      Manuka honey is an amazing thing.. it's exspensive but it does work.

      I eat two tablespoons a day morning and night.. you can also apply it to wounds but I have not tried that.

      It helps with digestion and is a natural antibiotic. Drinking lots of water has also helped me. Stay away from sugar filled drinks if you can and limit alcohol if you drink.

      I know how horrible this condition is and it's hard to cope sometimes for sure because you just want your life back before all the abscess/fistula trouble started. I try to stay positive and have more good days then bad.

      It does get better though.. time and patience. smile

    • Posted

      I'm so very disappointed right now. I just don't know what to do.

      CT scan showed yet another fistula. Abscess had drained, so it wasn't visible. But I know it's there.

      That is what it is. The disappointing part is that the first available surgery is Fri October 7. I have a family member that I haven't seen in 2 years that is scheduled to arrive Thu night and stay til Monday. This is going to ruin the plans we had - or at least my part in those plans. I'm not prone to crying but.... I'm just devastated.

    • Posted

      I'm so very sorry Chris.

      Is there any way you can have the surgery after you visit with your family member? I know putting it off is not the best idea but if they can do it a week later maybe it will help with your depression? On the positive side at least they found it and you know what the next step is.

      Try to stay positive and know you can beat this! Its hard I know but you will get through this one too!

    • Posted

      I had undiagnosed abscess previously. Waiting doesn't seem to be an optimal decision health-wise. Plus, there's no guarantee that the abscess won't flare if I do wait and still interfere with plans.

      So delaying surgery may not make the visit more functional and if could cause worse medical issue.

      Volo-rectal is even more adamant about treating as Crohn's; sounds like GI is the one to make that decision and to treat though. Will be interesting since GI was opposed to starting biologica previously.

    • Posted

      Crohn's can be tricky to diagnose

      Unless your in a flare they may not see it if it's very mild. My scopes came up clean no Crohn's last November except for in the perianal and rectal area. When I was diagnosed it was in my large intestine and colon. The issue is you must have a Crohn's or ulcerative colitis diagnosis in order for them to prescribe remicade. They need proof.

      I really hope they are able to figure this out quickly for you! Try to stay positive and know this can and will get better! Stress can make it worse I heard.

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      Cancer doctors are starting to realise that food is important when it comes to treatment. So why would it not be the same for a PA? The advice is aways to have a healthy diet. Some people can smoke and drink coffee and alcohol and not have a days illness but at the other extreme perhaps some of us need more of the healthy stuff than others. Stephen Hawking says he wonders if nutrition had a part to play in his illness. Hope you are better soon.
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      I have a healthy diet, don't smoke or drink and do lots of walking, running too. I know of people who smoke, drink and eat junk food and takeaways, don't exercise and yet I get perianal abscess. It isn't on.

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      Completely agree with you Tulip, it isn't on. I ran my first half marathon few months before I got mine and I sit for long hours at work too so maybe there is something in that. But I also think some of us need alot, lot more healthy food than others to keep our immune systems working. Thats what I did and it went away and didn't come back, everyone is different though.

    • Posted

      Hi mel,

      How did Manuka honey helped with your fistula condition? I had been taking umf15+ Manuka honey one teaspoon each morning for a month already after being advised by a friend. But has recently had a flared again.

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