advice needed please!
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I really need some advice on what to do. I have just discovered that I have a haemorrhoid or at least I am assuming it is. I had a look today and I can see a small lump inside. For a while now I have been getting the feeling that I urgently need a bowel movement ie. when it's right down and almost coming out. But, when I try I don't actually need one. I'm realising now that this feeling is in fact the haem popping out rather than a bm. I have been reading all about haems and I have none of the usual symptoms (sore, itching, pain, blood etc.) My bms are aways normal. I eat plenty of fibre. I am overwise fit and healthy and I exercise every day. The only problem is that I am just always aware that it's there and I find myself clenching to try to get it back in.
What do you recommend I do? What product should I be buying as all the ones I've read about seem to be just to get rid of the itching/soreness which I don't have.
Please help as I am so worried, thanks
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mia54105 rivertree
SFlor rivertree
Obviously a doctor can tell you straight away and we can only offer suggestions. If it is a hemmorhoid and you have no issues with it they sometimes just come and go. I used to find the best thing to take down the swelling was Anusol suppositires which are now by prescription in the USA. - they contain hydrosortisone but seem to be over-the-counter in UK, Canada and Aus. _ Not sure where you are. You may even find that Prep H suppositries or the creme - as opposed to the ointment will do the same.
Make sure you are drinking lots of water, lots and if you don't have any straining with your BM then it may just take a little time to go. but if you can sooth it then try that. Many people use Sitz baths. sitting in warm water 2-3 times a day can take down the swelling and sometimes ice - try folding a wet face cloth - leaving it in the freezer for a while and then placing it between your cheeks.
If you feel your BM is a bit dry and the water doesn't help - a little vaseline on a gloved finger just inserted a bit to 'grease the area' may make your BM easier so there's not so much pressure in that area.
rivertree SFlor
Thank you for the info it was very helpful. I have already ordered the Anusol ointment as it said it was for internal and external as it's defininately more internal, do you think I should get the suppositrites as well or just try the ointment first? Although in my first post I said I didn't have any soreness I do now, especially when I clench, again I have my fingers crossed for the ointment to work.
kevin29138 rivertree
As much as this might seem tedious. You will be grateful in the end.
Sit down with a sheet of A4 and write down everything you put in your mouth. Pain soreness weird & wonderful all caused by things you digest. Cheese. Fats. Etc. Check your soaps personal items you may use down there. Everything is a suspect. You got to this point beacuse of things you are doing now. You need a previous restore point when you were ok.
kevin29138 rivertree
Go see your doc. They have presciption meds. And don't worry. You may just be worrying for no good reason.
SFlor rivertree
As Kevin said if you can get to see a doctor it would help you a lot they can telll you stragjht away. But I also understand from talking to people on here that they are in parts of Africa and Asia where that's not so esay or you just can't afford a trip to the docs.
There are foods that cause us to strain more than others. I made a whole list of foods to cut out - things that cuase constipation - i crosee referenced lots of pages and it's not the same for everyone but the worse offenders for constipation are meat, dairy, painkillers, chocolate, iron, potato chips/crisps, iron, cheese anf frozen dinners.
I have a huge list of things that pass through us easier and/or are very healing and i have lived on mostly these since I have left hopsital.
Aloe Vera, pineapple, figs, prunes, berries, leafy green veggies, apples, probiotic foods, coconut water, broccoli, water melon, cantalope, beetroot (red beet) tomatoes, apple cider vinegar, ginger, vegetarian foods which are often lower in fat and sodium than meats etc. Soy milk (Almond milk is easier to digestthan soy)
Bananas and coffee have different reviews. Green bananas (my favourtie) are meant to be hard to digest. BUt they say ripe bananas can help you. Coffee helps me - can cause constipation for others...
but either way reviewing your diet and cutting out some of the worst offenders and increasing some of the others may help.