Advice on Applying for DLA (Disability Living Allowance)
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I thought I would write up a quick document regarding filling a first claim or if you want an increase if a condition has become worse. First, thing is contact DLA via the DWP and ask for a claims pack, you may also ask for pack if you need more help getting around or help with more care at night.
Disabled Living Allowance is not a “means-tested” benefit at the moment, however keep your eyes on the news and TV – there is talk that it may become a taxed benefit in the future.
Before doing anything with either claims pack, please make sure your doctor or consultant is aware that you are applying, you will need to know their names and official titles when entering the information in to the forms.
Now when you receive your claims pack, you’ll notice it is very detailed, this does not mean you simply fill it in by ticking each box or stating “Yes” or “No” – the response from anyone filling in the DLA form like this will just end up with being turned down, or you will need to appeal against the decision within 28 days.
You will notice in the last paragraph there was one word that I placed in bold, there’s a reason for this, the word is detailed, the form is asking you for detailed information, so do not just tick yes or no, explain why you have ticked this box Yes or No, this means your application is going to be looked at and read why you ticked the box yes or no, if there is not enough room, attach another sheet of paper (make sure it stays attached where you want it). The more information you give the better your chances of being awarded DLA.
Many questions may look or sound the same, they are not – read them very carefully and double check it makes sense. Many people fail on their first attempt at getting either Mobility or Care components, do not just give up, you have 28 days to appeal against the decision. Remember your claim goes by a number of factors, symptoms, medications, doctors, consultants, and of course what you enter in the form. Everything you enter needs to be accurate, you may be required to attend a “face-to-face” interview.
When applying for DLA remember, every person is different not just with symptoms, medications but the way you express yourself, you have three chances of receiving it, if you’re lucky you will not need to have a “face-to-face” interview and get the full award, this normally happens if the person applying is virtually unable to do anything for themselves, even at night or during the night. With the High Rate Mobility Component award you can exchange this for a vehicle, fully taxed, insured and serviced for 3 years (this can vary on the length of DLA award), and you only need to put petrol, diesel or charge it (as in an electric car). The Care Component also entitles you to various things which you can find out about online, depending on the low or high rate.
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david_p SteV3
les59996 SteV3
PIP has now replaced it.
lynn15036 SteV3
Hi Les
Just received a PIP form to fill in for my husband. He has fybromyalgia, cervical spondylosis, nerve damage down his right arm from his shoulder, degenerative back disease (lumbar), arthritis in his knees, a hyatus hernia, tinitus with impaired hearing. I was wondering whether you would mind giving me some tips on completing the form. Its difficult filling a form out for someone else when you yourself are not affected by these disabilities. I have all his appointment and consultant letters. He is claiming ESA in the support group but had to go to the tribunal to fight for this. They gave him a two year extension which ran out last April 2015. We have heard nothing further from them, but I thought in the meantime that I would try and complete the PIP form, but I feel a bit daunted as to what they are actually asking. I'm lost for words - I read somewhere that you had to keep in mind, in a reasonable time, safely, repeatedly but not sure how to work this into the form. Any help would be appreciated.
sharon179 SteV3
I have a PIP appeal next Thursday at 2pm and my first time for any of this kind of benefit. I am in the ESA Support group. I was turned down and given zero points for PIP, the report was all lies. I have multiple prolapsed discs in the lumbar with significant disc degeneration. I have osteoarthritis in my hands, knees, feet and toes. I have had the chronic back pain (lordosis) and medication for 28 years now and I am 49 now. I have PTSD and under going psychiatric treatment for my mental health alongside the MHT. I have seizures triggered when I become very upset, a massive one leading to a fractured skull, 8 stitches in my head, burst ear drum and an overnight stay on a morphine drip in hospital.I have other personal issues going on too with medical input. I could have had a mass amount of medical letters with past diagnoses but I am financially ruined and affording to pay for medical letters was a definite no no for me. I am so so nervous for next week, also angry as to how they are allowed to put us all through this torture.
The CAB originally helped me fill in the form and it was filled in very sparsely indeed but with me being high on medication I was not of much help. Any advice at all please Les for the upcoming Court date would mean a lot to me right now, thank-you and I wish you all the very very best of outcomes for your assessments and appeals. xx
maria73763 SteV3
Hi I have a pip assessment on the 4th August this will be the 2nd time in 2 years I failed the last one so I left it .I'm currently looking for part time work because I failed my ESA assessment
I don't mind working part time I have severe osteoarthritis in my big toe this affects me some days other days I just bear it .I use a cane when the pain is bad I'm worried I'm going to fail the assessment .not sure if I should go the stress of the build up to the day is too much .
I seem to get tongue tied when I'm in the interview and mess up on what distance I can walk aided or unaided .I have been offered an operation on my foot but declined .is it worth me going?
Any advice would help
les59996 maria73763
The DLA one and the first Attendance Allowance one failed even at a Tribunal. The second Attendance Allowance claim was submitted within 4 hours of the hearing for the first.
The same evidence was used for all three claims and the second Attendance Allowance claim form was an exact copy of the first AA claim which was refused at a Tribunal.
Yet some few weeks later she received the maximum award of AA for life.
This just shows that if you have the strength and ability to fight and are willing to keep on putting claim after claim - you are eventually likely to win!
linda64668 SteV3
irene121966 SteV3
Hi all I was on DLA middle rate care and high mobility I have recently had to apply for pip and had a f2f with atos and lost everything my conditions are angina,coronary heart disease, which resulted in me having open heart surgery in September 13,asthma,syncope,and recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia in September 2016 and and subacute containious lupus this month I am on different medications which include 12 painkillers a day medication to slow my heart rate down and blood thinner clopidagrel etc.I have written and asked for a mandatory reconsideration but I have lost all trust and don't hold out much hope has anyone got any advise as I'm totality in the dark...thanks in advance