Advice on mark appeared please
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hi, just looking for advice, not really one for bothering doc. Had this mark appear on my big toe, never really paid much attention but defo been a recent appearance. Any advice appreciated. Thinking it's a bit of a strange place for anything cancer related???
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Trowie debbie39903
cancer can develop anywhere on the body. Always worth checking out. Your photo is a
bit blurry. I have had many skin cancer ops. and also treated at home with a special cream
if caught early enough - it is easy to get rid of. Please go to your doctor as this may not be a problem and might just be an age mark (dont know how old you are) or a sun spot. Once you have been you can stop worrying about it.
debbie39903 Trowie
thanks for reply, will make an appointment, just dont like bothering them. Was hard to take a good pic lol....its got dark brown centre then lighter brown round outside, its not sore. Just strange.
lilum debbie39903
did you go? what did they say? daughter has something similar but darker, will make appt...
loxie debbie39903
As Trowie has said, cancer can appear anywhere. My hubby has had several episodes of non melanoma basal cell carcinoma, the first on his face (cheek area), but he also had one appear on a finger, so a toe is not outside of possibility. If treated quickly the outcome is usually very good. Doctors are always happy if you get them checked, they would rather you bother them and it turns out to be nothing wrong than not get something treated which turns into something more serious later