Advice on PIP

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I was wondering if someone could help me. I receive PIP for social anxiety, general anxiety, an eating disorder and BDD which runs out on August 2017. When I was a kid I suffered terribly with allergies and asthma, a bad attack put me on a coma when I was 4 but after reaching puberty they went away and I never thought I would suffer it again but mild allergy symptoms started to appear 2-3 years ago and full blown asthma a year and a half ago. My doctor referred me to a specialist back in November since no treatment has really worked, in fact, steroid tablets made me so bloated my breathing was worse but unfortunately, I don't have an appointment until June 2. I'm also getting facial eczema, difficult to treat, which is making my BDD worse and my nose is permanently blocked, making my breathing more difficult even though I take prescription antihistamines, nasal spray and some tablets which supposedly help with asthma and allergies. Between the asthma and social anxiety my life has become quite difficult and hardly ever leave the house since I can't drive and can't afford to learn right now. I can walk 20 metres, the problem really is walking for more than a few minutes or using stairs (my dr asked me to go up the stairs with him to check my breathing and never thought it was so bad because when he sees me I'm always sitting down in his consulting room after waiting in reception, so breathing is stabilised). My question is, should I let the DWP know about my asthma and allergies now or wait till August or whenever they call me to reapply for PIP? I won't see the specialist till June, only my doctor knows what is going on but I heard they don't care about asthma and not to bother so I'm not sure what to do? My life revolves around my medication even though they don't do much, when I go out I end up thinking I'm going to collapse and the sweating is so awful and yes, I always make sure I take ventolin around 20 minutes before leaving the house but doesn't make a difference and I never forget taking my seratide inhaler (steroids) etc but hardly any difference. Will the DWP take me seriously or will they laugh at me? Thanks for any help you can give. 

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9 Replies

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    Before making any decisions remember that a PIP award isn't based on a diagnosis it's how your condition/s affect you daily. If you report any changes now then they'll send you a PIP2 form, which will be exactly the same as that long form they sent you the first time. You'll need to send in more evidence to support your worsening condition. If you wait until your review bearing in mind that they'll probably send you the review form out about 1 month before the date it says you'll be contacted. A review form is totally different to PIP2 one. It's so much easier to fill in with basic questions which have 3 multiple choice answers and you tick either one of the boxes. The choices are remain the same, got better or got worse. If you've got worse you tick that box and tell them why in detail you've become worse. If you've remained the same all you do is tick that box no explanation needed. Also if you report any changes now there's no guarantee they'll increase your award. You could even lose everything and this has actually happened to people many times. Of course there's no guarantee you'll keep any award after your review but at least at the moment it's 4/5 months until they contact you.

    If it was me i'd wait until the review when they'll contact you, then you'll most likely have more evidence after this appointment you're waiting for. Of course it's entirely your choice what you decide to do.

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    Hi. I have asthma too, which they took into consideration. Any letter from hospital. Appointment etc should be helpful. Perhaps you could send a copy of the hospital appointment, if you have already sent form in, if not wait until August. That's just my thoughts. All the best

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      Hospital appointment letters really aren't the greatest evidence. Infact when i had my PIP review last year on their list of "we don't want see's" was appointment letters.

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      Yes l have read that on several  sites Denise as well as the greatest evidence is clear medical evidence and the effect those conditions have on  a persons funtional ability.
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      Yes that's very true, the more evidence about your conditions and the way they affect you the better.

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    I'm a severe asthmatic as a result of an industrial injury 25 plus years ago, I am assessed at 60% disbiility for industrial injuries by ATOS.

    I have DLA mobility indefinite and have had it for 17 yrs. awaiting the PIP changeover

    Asthma is not ignored but it's the level of how it affects you, I have a portable nebuliser in my car and to me my car is an extension of my medical equipment, I can sit in my car and nebulise and have on many occasions something I couldn't do if I was on a bus! If I didn't have a car I would certainly be housebound as my anxiety level would go through the roof, having my nebuliser with me at all times is my lifeline.

    Because of 25yrs plus of steroid use I have several other conditions now, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis etc just getting over a major operation on my shoulder on my dominate arm. My skin is thin and rips if I knock my arm.

    I can on a good day walk 20mt plus but when asthma is kicking off, I'm not walking anywhere as I'm sat on a nebuliser machine, my asthma doesn't stabilise when because I'm sitting down? The airways are in spasms and tighten and it's difficult to breathe this can last for days/ weeks.

    Are you under a respiratory consultant? Which tablets are you on? Keep a peak flow diary.

    The facial rash is due to steroids ask for some cream for your face, ask to see your GP's asthma nurse or a referral to respiratory consultant.

    Asthma is a very dangerous condition no one is going to laugh at you.

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      Ps I'd wait till you are asked rather than request a review by August you would have seen the consultant possibly put on different medication etc

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    Hi everyone.

    Sorry for my late reply, sometimes social anxiety takes over and even a forum is difficult. Just to say thanks to everyone who answered, I'm going to wait till August to tell them about my asthma, by then I should have more details about my condition since I'm seeing a specialist in June. Does anybody know when they would ask me to renew my PIP if it finishes in August?

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      I'm guessing your award is until August 2018, if it runs out in August 2017 they would have contacted you last August for review. Please do check your award notice because if it's due to run out in August this year not next year then you'll need to ring them asap. Normally they contact you 1 year before you award is due to run out.

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