Advice on stomach issues
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Hi guys would like some advice, for the last few weeks I have been experiencing stomach cramps and twinges all over my abdomen area, down flanks either side of belly button and can go round back.
I have lost my appetite which was pretty big, I was 17 stone which is too big anyway but am down to 16 now, food doesn't disgust me but have no interest to eat it maybe psychological.
Embarrassing but this issue has coincided with a bad period of anal itch with blood, but blood was from the itch and not internal, doctor has examined rectum and can't feel anything untoward.
Bowel movements are mixed with no blood as I check being a hypercondriact lol
I am on omerperazol to see if that helps prescribed by doctor after telling him symptoms, he didn't seem to concerned, the gripes and weird feelings have subsided a bit from a week ago but I'm still getting bloated full feelings and had D a few times the other night.
I think it could be ibs as I have suffered for a long time with urgent bowel movements but I have never had these symptoms, also when I lay on my right in bed it's gets sore so have to turn over, it's also getting me down mentally as I can't seem to look forward to anything anymore.
Any advice would be great thanks.
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pippa58442 matt38065
pippa58442 matt38065
matt38065 pippa58442
pippa58442 matt38065
Quick update, had blood test done came back normal, apart from a couple bits of no concern which need to be checked again in 2 months, also had chest X-ray as had occasional heavy breathing but can be associated with acid problems, not had the results of that yet so bit worried of course.
Also a stool test to check for ibd which scares me too lol.
Still have intermittent stomach pains but weirdly no d or c
Will try an ibs diet for a while to see if symptoms finally clear up, it's been a month nearly