Advice on taking Magnesium, Omega 3, Calcium and Iron Supplements..?

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I'm a teenager and I've just started taking Magnesium, Calcium, Omega-3 fish oil and Iron supplements for anxiety/stress, to improve mood, energy and overall health. I've done a bit of research on these but have questions about when and how to take them and want to make sure it's safe to take these everyday until I feel better. Also I would like to know if anyone has any advice and experience on taking one or more of these. 

I especially want to take magnesium & omega 3 but I think that calcium and iron will also be helpful. I am not deficient in iron or calcium but I know that I have slightly low levels but doctor said it wouldn't affect me but I would take them anyway.

The calcium I am taking - contains calcium carbonate 1500mg and vitamin D3. Twice a day, to be taken in the morning and evening.

Iron - I am taking Floradix Iron and vitamin tablets with vitamins B1, B2, niacin, B6, B12, C, folic acid & herbal extracts. I have to take two a day before a meal. 

Magnesium - The form I am taking is magnesium glycinate (chelate) each pill is 150mg, but I am taking 300mg which is two pills as directed.

Omega 3 fish oil - I am taking two pills which are 1000mg, EPA 380mg, DPA, 220mg. They also contain Vitamin b12 and folic acid. Taken with food.

So, my questions are:

1. Do I take calcium just before or after food or empty stomach?

2. When is the best time to take magnesium? With or without food? Two pills separately or at the same time?

3. When should I take omega 3 fish oil? Take two pills with food together or both seperately? 

4. When should I take calcium and iron since you have to take two a day but can't be taken both at the same time, e.g in the morning and evening but iron should be taken before a meal?

5. How far apart should the supplements be taken?

6. Are there any side effects and how long will they last?

7. How long will it take roughly to see the benefits of each of them?

8. Are there any interactions with the supplements? I know calcium and iron should not be taken together and fish oil should not be taken with magnesium. What about magnesium and calcium or any other ones?

9. Is the combination of supplements too much or should I leave out calcium/iron?

It would be helpful if anyone could give me a rough plan on how and when to take these supplements and if there is anything else I should know.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

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3 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh my.... you are good and great questions!!!   I'm close to 50 and I take a calcium pill that has magnesium in it.  I also take fish oil and a few other things in the morning with my smoothie. They also have some Vit D in them..  I have read that Vit D is very important so I take one with 2000 iu's.   I'm anemic at times so I take an iron pill a couple times a week   just to keep my iron up.  I have read that too much is not a good thing so I figured a couple times a week won't hurt.  I also eat spinach everyday which is a good source of iron.   I usually take these in the morning but I do take the iron pill at night.  Don't know why I do this maybe because I feel I take too many in the morning.  I heard that the iron pill shouldn't be taken with milk which is what you said but that's it.   I take a fish oil vit in the morning but I have read that cod liver oil has mental benefits so I switch back and forth with  those two.

  • Posted

    Hi Tanz, that's a very good combination you have there. I take all of those except the calcium.

    The iron can cause constipation if you take too much of it, so watch out for this. Also, I would add zinc into your list! Take as much vitamin C as you like, as any excess is just flushed out with no side effects.

    I would say though, taking supplements is good, but changing your diet is better! Eating as much organic food would be a good idea as the amount of things that go into 'normal' food is so damaging to our body's systems. The best thing you can do is to research which foods contain the supplements you are most interested in taking, and start incorporating  them into your diet. Only the foods you actually like though, otherwise you will give up! It really is true (as boring as it might be) but eating a balanced diet really is the best thing for your health. I have some health problems (including depression/anxiety/stress) and I am taking the supplements while I change my diet. I may continue to keep taking some of them (namely B vitamins, magnesium, vitamin D3...and iodine to protect my thyroid) but I'm intending on getting my diet right, so I can rely on that instead!

    Avoid eating from plastic containers/bottles. Many plastic items contain BPA which interferes with hormone receptors, and apparently at least one study has found that a replacement chemical is just as bad.

    One last thing I would add. It would be a good idea to start taking pre-biotics (such as inulin) and a high dose probiotic. If you have a healthy stomach and intestines then you will absorb nutrients better. The health of your digestive system itself is vitally important to both your physical and mental health, as what goes on in there affects every other process in your body. And relax! Take half an hour every day just to switch off and do some deep breathing. This will engage your parasympathetic nervous system, which is the 'relaxed' state. And exercise...just a half hour walk in the fresh air, every day, will do. Doesn't have to be hours at the gym! 

    So supplements, yes,...but they are not a substitute for a balanced (organic!) diet. Add a little exercise and relaxation in every day, and take those probiotics! Oh yes, and avoid alcohol as much as possible, and not too much caffeine. And if you have to take antibiotics at any time then make sure you take those prebiotics and probiotics along with them, otherwise your gut will get unhealthy again.

    I wish I'd had all this info and been doing all this when I was 19!! It's taken me another 20 odd years, but finally I am getting there!

    • Posted

      sorry, you didn't actually say your exact age...must have been thinking about someone else!

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