Advice on what type of specialists to see regarding chronic knee pain (1.5 years)

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Hi folks just looking for some quick advice. I have had a pain in my right knee for over a year and a half. I am now 22. 

I have always been active, regularly squatted and resistance trained. Just over 1.5 years ago both my knees were feeling sore and i think that was down to overuse. To cut a long story short, mid squat i felt a pain in my right knee and ever since then i have had knee pain. 

It is not really too sore day to day it is mainly when i squat, even just with body weight. I have seen approximately 10 physiotherapists and sports masseurs and they have been no help whatsoever. I have also been to the NHS and had around 10 appointments there where i was discharged and they weren;t able to help me. 

I have tried just about everything that seems possible. I have flossed it, i have performed myofascial release on my legs/it band/hips. I have strengthened weak links as recommended by physios. I have taken 3 months off from any sorta of leg training. I have attempted to increase the strength starting very slowing and working up. I stretch every day. 

I am totally at the end of my tether. I have lost all hope in physiotherapists, I feel they are just guessing and taking my money off me for absolutely nothing. 

Anyway, the reason i am posting here is because i would like to know what sort of specialists i should seek out to see and who would specifically deal with purely knee issues? 

I also want to get an MRI as i have been told by some physios that without one then most physios are just guessing!!.

So yeh, who should i see ?

Thanks a lot.


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14 Replies

  • Posted

    You should start with an MRI as that is the one test that covers most injuries. Has anyone suggested meniscus tearing. That pop and pain would suggest that could be the injury that's done you in. If you can get into an orthopedic surgeon you would probably get the correct disgnosis fast.
    • Posted

      Thanks very much for the quick reply. I am going to see about getting an MRI as soon as possible.

      The physios I seen ruled out meniscus issues but that doesn't really count for much.

      The pain I felt wasn't severe at the time, just quite sharp, I knew something wasn't right. Would a meniscus tear be extremely painful ?

    • Posted

      meniscus tear. The severity of pain depends on the extent of the tear but yes it is normally quite painful.

      up with a definite diagnosis. It is no use guessing. An x ray will not detect a tear or torn ligament etc so donot be fobbed off down that route. Your knees are precious and should ast a long time if you take care of them so convey that to anyone looking afer you.

      Pls go and get the scan done as son as psosisble.It is only by having a I am unsure why physios have not advised you correctly!scan that you can come up with a correct diagnosis.

  • Posted

    Hi Jamie

    What a dilemmma.

    I think you are right about ohysions taking your money, same has happened to me.


    Firstly you are right, you do need an MRI scan in order to assess your knee. Even an Orthopaedic surgeon would need one.

    Without a scan then it is guesswork.

    As I see it these are the options.

    1. Try to get a referral from a physio to an orthopaedic surgeon with a view to having an MRI scan.

    2. Or try to get a referral from a physio directly to either NHS or private hospital for an MRI scan.


    Go to A and E and askk for an opinion as the pain is increasing and you cannot weight bear, the dr may then refer you for an MRI scan.

    However the length of time this has been going on may go against you as A and E only treat recent injuries etc.


    Contact a private hospital and ask for an appointment to see an Orthopaedic surgeon. You can self refer to some orthopaedic surgeons without a drs letter at some private hospitals.Point out that you have never had an MRI scan  and does the hospital/orthopaedic specialist  advise you getting this done first prior to seeing the knee specialist? Ask how they advise going about it then you can always quote them if necessary.


    Go and see your GP and enquire about a referral for a scan either to the NHS or to a private hospital as the pain is getting you down as it has gone  on for so long now and is interfering with your quality of life etc.

    If you can afford it the quickest option is to go privately.

    Whatever way you decide you need to do something as soon as possible to prevent any detrioratiion or damage etc.

    • Posted

      Thanks very much Jean. Very good advice there.

      I know the NHS is good on the whole but my experience with it has been extremely poor.

      I would have thought at 22 they would have been eager to help me get back to normal. Apparently not. It seems as though GPs are just in place to stop you getting what is really required.

      I think it will have to be privately that I go because the situation has dragged out so long that it is beyond a joke. As a graduate it is far from ideal to have to pay privately but it seems my best hope of ever getting fixed.

      Thanks again


    • Posted


      The NHS can be very shortsighted. It makes good economic sense to treat a condition in its early stages to prevent any complcations but .. The NHS is reactive rather than proactive.

      You need to take control of your life now and I would advise searching on the net now for a private hospital where they have credit facilities . By that i  mean that you  can pay in instalments etc. I think the NHS is  bursting at the seams due to people taking advantage of free healthcare.

      It is grossly unfair that you aged 22 should have to pay but look at it this way Jamie, it is an investment. An investment in your health now and for the future.

      Don't get overweight, take some Omega 3 or equivent tto protect your joints, take some magnesium .

      Try to get some dosh from parents etc.

      Let us know how you get on.

      You should be able to get an appointment very quickly in the private sector.Then you will enjoy peace of mind. These physios should be ashamed of themselves takking all that money off you for nothing as well. Never mind Jamie I have been down that road myself. When you are in pain you feel desperate and these peeople know that too.

      Good luck keep us updated. Jean x

    • Posted

      Thanks for that message Jean, really appreciate it.

      Yes I agree with that, I literally have had atleast 10 appointments and by the time they have paid all they wages for the physios Iv seen it would have been more cost effective just to give me an MRI scan from the get go.

      I think because I am young and still fine in general then they don't see me as a priority. I am still able to walk on the knee with sometimes no pain and sometimes minor pain. Where it hurts most is when I'm on uneven ground (walking on stones) or where I am loading any sort of weight through my heels. Even sometimes pushing my foot into a shoe!

      But yes, unfortunately that is the way it is. And hopefully it is a fixable issue. I keep seeing stories of professional athletes who have broke both legs and are back playing professional level football , for example, with a few months. Makes me wonder why I have had this problem for so long. But I guess it all comes down to money.

      Thanks again for the reply, I appreciate it. I will keep you posted on how I get on.

      Thanks very much,


    • Posted


      You are welcpme.

      If you decide to go privately to save time so you can get down to the business of examing you and/or treating your knee asap you may consider writing down your past and present medical and surgical history.List your vaccinations plus any childhood illnesses and infections  you have had.

      List any accidents, any trips or falls.

      Note your hobbies, do you play or have you ever played football, lacrosse, hockey, rugby, tennis, swim,  jog, weight lifting, gymnastics etc, etc.

       All this willplease the dr and then he can get on with helping you. Nothing will be missed either.


      Good luck/



    • Posted

      Have you made any inquiries yet.?

      You really need an MRI scan Jamies asap.


  • Posted

    I would get a 2nd apinion u can't carry on not noting. I felt the same way with physios & doctors got a 2nd opinion now I no what's wrong I can get moving forward at last 😌
  • Posted

    I would definitely push for an MRI if you can Jamie. I have been for a private initial consultation before and it costs around the £100 mark and is well worth it if you can afford it. It seems to get the ball rolling on these matters. You can still be then put on the NHS waiting list from the private consultation if that is what is decided. I was also wondering how would I go about getting a second opinion as my knee replacement has left me with pain similar to Jamie's and my consultant has told me that nothing further can be done as far as he is concerned. I am still using a crutch 10 month post op. Any advice on second opinions gratefully received. X
    • Posted


      Jame has not had a knee replacement that is what we are trying to avoid. I think these pysios are dreadful.Why on earth did they not refer him to an Orthopaedic surgeon. Why referred this young man to the physios in the first place?

      Wonder what the Head of Physio dept would have to say?

      Which hospital did this?


    • Posted

      Thanks for the info re the fee. I appreciatae your help very much. Kind regards

      Jean x

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