Advice Please?

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Hello! I could really use some advice, as I have been struggling lately.

I have been losing a lot of weight lately, but not by choice. Up until now, I loved my body. I was confident in my shape, but I'm losing it now and I feel awful. I have no clue why I'm losing weight, because I eat healthily and VERY often. I don't feel sick, and I'm not on any new medicine.

The only thing I've noticed changing is my cycle. My period has always been heavy, but now I've been changing the time of the month at which I get it, and sometimes I get it more than once a month.

I really hate how my body looks now. I used to be a 32DDD and now when I look in the mirror I'm definitely smaller. I have a doctors appointment, but I'd like to be prepared before going in. Has anyone dealt with something similar? Please help.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    iv had the same thing went from 8 stone down to 6 also had heavy periods u was getting alot of pelvic pain aswel so i had an ultrasound blood tests urine tests also had my thyroid checked they couldnt find anything wrong and put me on some shakes to help me regain my weight i also went on the pill which helped alot with the heavy periods the first port of call would be a blood test to check your thyroid and if that comes back clear further tests will be needed

    • Posted

      u will most probably have to have an ultrasound and a vaginal examination to check that theres nothing going on with the cervix and the utreus and fallopium tubes ovaries

    • Posted

      there are many causes hormonal issues /some kind of infection /problems with the reproductive organs /thyroid issue so i cant say wat the issue could be but i hope all goes well

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your help!! We'll see what the doctor says.

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