Advice regarding heller myotomy

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Hello everyone 

I'm about to have my heller myotomy surgery for achalasia this Monday. Initially I assumed I would be able to return to work after a week however after reading online I've read that it can take 2-4 weeks. I'm a young, fit male and was wondering if there could be a possibility of returning to work a week after surgery, or should I extend that time. 

Many thanks 

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    It will depend on how surgery goes, your recovery and of course your job. I worked with children when I had my surgery, my gp signed me off for 6 weeks (you have to be careful with any surgery especially abdominal) and then it was the long summer break!!
  • Posted

    Dear Matthew

    ​This is a serious operation and you should not have been told that after a week you could return to work.  I was told 2 weeks - it took more like 6 and then I had to return part time for a while.  But, everyone is different and I was not a good patient at resting (I have a young daughter so out of the question really).  The most important thing is to do all you can to heal after the operation - lots of rest and eat well.  You will be advised about what you can and cannot eat but all soft foods - soup, ice cream, custard, smoothed bananas, cream rice - there are lots of tips on the website on this aspect.  I do wish you the best of luck with the operation.

  • Posted

    This is a major surgery and depends on work you do. The diet the post Nissan diet is hard be sure to stay on which give me little energy. I could not lift over 10lbs for 4-6 weeks . Your esphogus will be sore and swollen . Your gt will be sore and easily tire.

    All depends on recovery. I myself ha a colon problem com meds afterward that put me back in hospital for 4day .O make sure to drink Mirlax every day ! But I can eat with now eat with out that horrible chest pain and eat food !

    Good luck!

  • Posted

    Hi Matthew. I had the same op when i was 12 back in the 80's so things may of changed since then but i was in pain for over a week and couldn't walk very far so you will need more time off work. The staff will make you get out of bed a day or so after surgery and sit in a chair which is bloody painful but is meant to help adjust your body or something.

    I was cut open when i had my op but these days it is done by keyhole surgery so post-op may be less painful.

    I was in hospital for 2 or 3 weeks after the op but that could of been down to my age.

    Good luck with you operation.


  • Posted

    Good luck Matthew! 

    Busy is good, but down time should be exploited too :o... cash in on some well earned peace and relaxation...

    Wishing you healthy karma..


  • Posted

    I had the HM back in 2012 and was in the hospital about 10 days due to some complications. However, I was out of work for the HM surgery for 2 weeks and I had a desk job at the time. You'll need rest and relaxation, but depending on your tolerance for pain, you should recover quickly. Best of luck!

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    My son was 17 when he had the heller myotomy surgery.  He was back to school after a week.  I suppose it depends on each individual though.  Good luck!
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    I have a physical job and do a lot of lifting etc..I went back to work after 2 weeks and felt fine just limited my heave lifting for a couple more weeks then I was fine. 4 months post op and everything is going great! 
  • Posted

    Thanks everyone for your replies, it really helped. Pleased to say surgery was a success. Managed to drink so water today and it went down a treat. Also managed a short walk to the toilet and back. Not in any major pain and hopefully home tomorrow from the hospital. 
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      Well done and i am glad to hear the op went well. I wish you a full recovery.
  • Posted

    Thank you for posting this! I’m in a similar situation, I’m having my duregett  in 2 weeks. I developed Achalasia (we think, my doctor & I) as a complication from having a gastric lap-band- a form of bariatric surgery.  I was also told 2-4 weeks, but the more I read on this site, the more serious I realize this is. 

    I’m glad your surgery went well! Keep us updated....

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