Advise please
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Hi people
I've been on the HRT patches for 3 month and feel loads better up to now. My mood is much improved but I'm on my last patch in the box and should have had a period but haven't. Do I continue onto the next box as normal? What happens because I haven't had a period ?
Ive also had horrendous thrush. I've had 2 lots of meds to try and blast it off but haven't been able to get rid of it. I'm going to have a third lot of oral tablet tonight and hope this does it.......anyone else been like this and how'd you deal with it all?
Also have terrible acid reflux so bad been referred to the this a peri thing ?
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Zigangie deb50
Not sure about the lack of period, you need to ask your doctor about that.
For thrush try probiotics, I can get rid of it with a few days of good quality ones.
For the reflux take 2 ginger capsules half an hour before meals and ginger tea made with fresh ginger. This worked for me better than the anti reflux Meds.
michelle46271 deb50
I am suffering with acid reflux badly. I've not slept in 3 nights with it. It burns in nose,throat and chest. My chest is tight.I have tried loads of things but nothing happening yet. On ginger capsules and ginger tea. Tried Andrews liversalts. Tried probiotics and enzymes.
What are your symptoms with the reflux?
deb50 michelle46271
I'll give the probiotics and ginger a never know.
The acid reflux is terrible......sore throat cough and feel like my airways and chest are filling up with clag.....and a really dry throat.
im on the max on peptac liquid. I could easily take more but if you over do it your stomach then produces more acid to counteract the peptac liquid.
i have to sleep elevated and on my side to get any peace and sleep.
waiting for another appointment with the consultant. I really don't want to be reliant on heartburn stuff all the time.
Ive been so rough for 3 1/2 months and am fed up with feeling ill.
michelle46271 deb50
Zigangie michelle46271
I didn't bother with trying a reflux pillow because at it's worst I tried sleeping upright but it was still going on.
You can even try raising the head of the bed (only any good if you have a foot board though as you can tend to slip down to the end of the bed).
Try the ginger if you haven't already, lansoprazol is designed to decrease acid but often apparently it's not enough acid to digest the meal rather than too much.
Good luck hope you get rid of it soon.
deb50 michelle46271
Feel rubbish.....getting married sat too !!
Zigangie deb50
karen71465 deb50